Only through sound planning and the preparation of accurate cost estimates can the Navy have facilities located in the right place, situated on an adequate amount of land, competently engineered and carefully estimated as to cost of construction and operation. These funds enable Navy to plan better and carry out projects more expeditiously and economically. In 1956 we are requesting $15 million for advance planning. This sum will permit us to advance plan a somewhat larger program for 1957; to develop final plans and specifications for the most urgent, long-lead-time projects in the 1957 program; and to begin preliminary engineering evaluation of projects which will be proposed as part of the 1958 program. I particularly urge your favorable consideration for this item. In the hearings before the Navy Subcommittee, Rear Adm. Sherman R. Clark, Director, Shore Establishment Development and Maintenance Division; Rear Adm. John R. Perry, Chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docks; and Rear Adm. H. P. Smith, Assistant Comptroller, Director of Budget and Reports, will discuss the appropriation request in detail. Mr. MAHON. Admiral Clark, could you, or some of your assistants, give us a general picture of the projects; the nature of them, how many of them are in the United States and how many are overseas, and so forth? Admiral CLARK. I do not have a statement for this committee. I have one for the subcommittee. I can give you a summation of how it is broken down. I believe the Secretary in his statement broke it down into percentages. Mr. FOGLER. But not overseas. Mr. MAHON. Tell us about some of your maintenance projects. Admiral CLARK. Yes. The program as a whole, as we will submit it to the subcommittee Mr. MAHON. This is the subcommittee. You will have a smaller group of this of this group later on. Admiral CLARK. As you know, in the Navy there are bureaus, and each bureau has submitted the facilities it requires to carry out its part of the support. Mr. MAHON. Take those bureaus and give us generally what the big things are. Admiral CLARK. In my breakdown the big projects under operations, housing, training LOCATION OF HOUSING Mr. MAHON. Let us take housing all at once. How much of your housing will be overseas? Admiral CLARK. Eighty percent of our housing will be overseas. Admiral CLARK. At Adak, Argentia, the Phillippine Islands and Mr. MAHON. Where is Adak? Admiral CLARK. In the Aleutian Islands. Mr. MAHON. Argentia is in Newfoundland? Admiral CLARK. And there are the Phillipine Islands. Mr. MAHON. How much are you going to do in the Philippine Islands in housing? Admiral, where is your housing going to be? Admiral CLARK. It is going to be half way between the new air station at Cubi Point and the naval base, Subic Bay. Mr. MAHON. Where is that with respect to Corregidor? Admiral CLARK. Cubi Point is north of Corregidor. Mr. MAHON. How far? Admiral PERRY. From Corregidor to Subic Bay, where Cubi Point is located, is about 40 miles. Mr. MAHON. That is a well-established Navy installation. Where else do you have housing? Admiral CLARK. We will have housing in Spain. Mr. MAHON. Where? Admiral CLARK. At Rota near Cadiz. That is where we have a new naval air facility. Mr. MAHON. What do you propose to do? Admiral CLARK. We are going to have a naval air station at Rota and a port facility for bringing in oil, ammunition and supplies. COST OF HOUSING Mr. MAHON. What do you propose to spend in Spain on this program, aside from housing? Admiral PERRY. The total Navy program at the present time in Spain, runs on the order of $90 million. Mr. MAHON. Approximately how much are you asking for in this bill? Admiral PERRY. I believe it is somewhere on the order of $27 million. Mr. MAHON. One increment in the program? PROGRAM IN SPAIN Mr. MAHON. What else is the Navy interested in in Spain as far as public works are concerned? Admiral PERRY. We have a main station which will be at Rota, 35 miles from Cadiz. Then we will have other smaller installation at El Ferrol, which is on the Bay of Biscay. That will be for ammunition storage. We will have a facility at Cartagena, which will also be for ammunition storage, and we may or may not-and Admiral Clark can check me on this-have a station near Palma, which is on the Island of Majorca. Mr. FLOOD. Are you not going to put anything on the other coast, all the way from the mountains down? Admiral PERRY. At Cartagena. Mr. FLOOD. That would just be an ammunition dump. Mr. MAHON. What else will there be overseas? NEWFOUNDLAND BASE Admiral CLARK. In Argentia, Newfoundland, we are building an airbase. (Discussion off the record.) Mr. MAHON. Are there any other places in Europe or Africa? How about Port Lyautey? Admiral CLARK. There is nothing but cold storage and family housing for the air facility at Port Lyautey. (Discussion off the record.) PERCENTAGE OF PROJECTS TO BE FUNDED Mr. MAHON. What percentage of the projects in the 1956 authorization bill do you propose to provide funds for, or seek funds for? Admiral CLARK. We are seeking funding authority for everything in that bill. Now we are actually not asking, as the Secretary showed you, for appropriations equal to the funding authority. The appropriations are not as big as the funding authority. Mr. MAHON. It is about 85 or 90 percent? Mr. FOGLER. 83 percent. NORFOLK BASE Mr. MAHON. We had a discussion of that situation. Admiral CLARK. Going to some of the larger continental projects, a pier and waterfront improvement in Norfolk, Va., to give us a large enough pier to handle the Forrestal class of carrier, and also to relieve the present congestion at Norfolk. We are very congested there now, particularly in berthing space for handling ships. When I say "a large enough pier," I mean a pier large enough to handle a new carrier or a battleship. We have so few spaces now actually there are delays in mounting-out our task forces. We need to do some dredging, filling of land, and actual construction of new piers so that the Forrestal carriers can get alongside, unload airplane duds—those that are no longer operable-right onto the trucks so that they can go to the overhaul station which is right up at the end of the roadway. your Mr. SHEPPARD. The new carrier is not the influencing factor of requirement as such; it is only a contributing factor percentagewise; is it not? Admiral CLARK. That is correct. Mr. FOGLER. From discussions in the Armed Services Committee my impression is that about 70 percent or more of the space we need is irrespective of the carrier. NUMBER OF PROJECTS Mr. MAHON. How many Navy projects, big and little, are in your authorization bill? Admiral CLARK. I believe 632. That was the last number that I counted. Mr. MILLER. Following up what you said about the authorization, there is about 10 percent of these projects, as I understand, that were authorized previously. Admiral CLARK. Yes. Mr. MILLER. Prior to the bill that has just been reported out of the Armed Services Committee? Where do we find out where those projects are? Admiral CLARK. If they are already authorized? Mr. MILLER. The ones that you are asking money for now, but which were authorized prior to this Congress. Admiral CLARK. We submitted a list, sir, to the Armed Services Committee and I believe we will submit it to you on a request for rescission, and that rescission request includes each public law, what we have done, what we no longer intend to do, and the authorization we have asked to hold onto, and under "Remarks" in the margin is a statement of why we are holding onto it. Mr. MAHON. We do not presently have that before us in the committee? Mr. MILLER. The thing that I think we would be interested in, and I would be particularly interested in it, with respect to the panels that I do not sit on, is what projects you are asking money for at this time that are not listed in H. R. 6829, because there is no place I know of so far where we are given any such information. Admiral CLARK. Everything we are asking for which we have not funding authority is in our justification books. If we have both authorization authority and funding authority, we have not relisted those except to tell you why we are going to rescind some of them, or not rescind some of them. PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED ITEMS INCLUDED IN FUNDING PROGRAM Mr. MILLER. While we are talking about your particular shop, those of us on the committee that are on the Navy panel will undoubtedly get those figures when you bring them up in detail, but those of us that are on the Air Force or the Army panel will not hear about them, and if we do not therefore get a list from somebody and get a chance to look them over we will not know until the record of the hearings are printed. Admiral CLARK. I will be glad to submit a list. Mr. MILLER. I think that that would be desirable. Mr. MAHON. I think so. I am still not clear. All of the projects for which you will request funds are not included in H. R. 6829, this authorization bill? Admiral CLARK. That is correct, but they are in our justification books. Mr. MAHON. In the books of justifications they will be listed and you are going to list in response to Mr. Miller's question at this point in the record the projects? Admiral CLARK. There are two classes of projects. One is things this committee has already given us funding authority for. They are not listed. Mr. MILLER. That is finished business so far as this committee is concerned. Admiral CLARK. The ones that are not in the House authorization bill, there are sheets for each of those, and as we come to those our coversheet for each project says "We are requesting so much for authorization" and sometimes that is zero. We have gotten that from the authorization committees of Congress, but we are asking for an appropriation and we will defend that before your subcommittee. Mr. MAHON. You know how many there are, do you not? Admiral CLARK. I cannot tell you the number of projects but I can tell you how much they amount to. I would say $50,055,400. Mr. MAHON. That is the total? Admiral CLARK. Yes. Those are the ones for funding of previous authorizations. Mr. MAHON. How would you break that down with respect to the United States and overseas? Admiral CLARK. I do not have that broken down. Mr. MAHON. Supply that. (The information is as follows:) List of previously authorized items included in funding program |