tory explanation of this appearance has, we believe, ever been given. Dr. Franklin received the thanks of the assembly of Pennsylvania, "as well for the faithful discharge of his duty to that province in particular, as for the many and important services done to America in general, during his residence in Great Britain." A compensation of 50001. Pennsylvania currency, was also decreed him for his services during six years. During his absence he had been annually elected member of the assembly. On his return to Pennsylvania he again took his seat in this body, and continued a steady defender of the liberties of the people. In December 1762, a circumstance which caused great alarm in the province took place. A number of Indians had resided in the county of Lancaster, and conducted themselves uniformly as friends to the white inhabitants. Repeated depredations on the frontiers had exasperated the inhabitants to such a degree, that they determined on revenge upon every Indian. A number of persons, to the amount of 120, principally inhabitants of Donnegal and Peckstang or Paxton townships, in the county of York, assembled; and, mounted on horseback, proceeded to the settlement of these harmless and defenceless Indians, whose number had now reduced to about twenty. The Indians received intelligence of the attack which was intended against them, but disbelieved it. Considering the white people as their frends, they apprehended no danger from them. When the party arrived at the Indian settlement, they found only some women and children, and a few old men, the rest being absent at work. They murdered all whom they found, and amongst others the Shahaes, who had been always distinguished for his friendship to the whites This bloody deed excited much indignation to the well-disposed part of the community. The remainder of these unfortunate Indians, who, by absence, had escaped the massacre, were conducted to Lancaster, and lodged in the gaol, as a place of security. The governor issued a proclamation expressing the strongest disapprobation of the action, offering a reward for the discovery of the perpetrators of the deed, and prohibiting all injuries to the peaceable Indians in future. But, notwithstanding this, a party of the same men shortly after marched to Lancaster, broke open the garl, and inhumanely butchered the innocent Indians who had been placed there for security. Another proclamation was issued but had no effect. A detachment marched down to Philadelphia, for the express purpose of murdering some friendly Indians, who had been removed to this city for safety. A number of the citizens armed in their defence. The Quakers, whose principles were opposed to fighting, even in their own defence, were most active upon this occasion. The rioters came to Germantown. The governor fled for safety to the house of Dr. Franklin, who, with some others, advanced to meet the Paxton boys, as they were call. ed, and had influence enough to prevail upon them to relinquish their undertaking, and return to their homes. The disputes between the proprietaries and the assembly, which, for a time, had subsided, were again revived. The proprietaries were dissatisfied with the concessions made in favor of the people, and made great struggles to recover the privilege of exempting their estates from taxation, which they had been induced to give up. In 1763, the assembly passed a militia bill, to which the governor refused to give his assent, unless the assembly would agree to certain amend. ments which he proposed. These consisted in increasing the fines, and, in some cases, substituting death for fines. He wished too that the officers should be appointed altogether by himself, and not be nominated by the people, as the bill had proposed. These amendments the assembly considered as inconsistent with the spirit of liberty. They wold not adopt them; the governor was obstinate, and the bill was lost. These, and various other circumstances, increas ed the uneasiness which subsisted between the proprietaries and the assembly, to such a degree, that in 1764, a petition to the king was agreed to by the house, praying an alteration from a proprietary to a regal government. Great opposition was made to this measure, not only in the house but in the public prints. A speech of Mr. Dickenson, on the subject, was published with a preface by Dr. Smith, in which great pains were taken to shew the impropri ety and impolicy of this proceeding. A speech of Mr. Galloway, in reply to Mr. Dickenson, was published, accompanied with a preface by Dr. Franklin; in which he ably opposed the principles laid down in the preface to Mr. Dickenson's speech. This application to the throne produced no effect. The proprietary government was still continued. At the election for a new assembly, in the fall of 1764, the friends of the proprietaries made great exertions to exclude those of the adverse party and obtained a small majority in the city of Philadelphia. Franklin now lost his seat in the house, which he had held for fourteen years. On the meeting of the assembly, it appeared that there was still a de cided majority of Franklin's friends. He was im. mediately appointed provincial agent, to the great chagrin of his enemies, who made a solemn protest against his appointment; which was refused admission upon the minutes, as being unprecedented. It was, however, published in the papers, and produced a spirited reply from him, just before his departure for England. The disturbances produced in America by Mra Grenville's stamp-act, and the opposition made to it, are well known. Under the marquis of Rockingham's administration, it appeared expedient to endeavor to calm the minds of the colonists; and the repeal of the odious tax was contemplated. A. mongst other means of collecting information on the disposition of the people to submit to it, Dr. Franklin was called to the bar of the house of com mons. The examination which he here underwent was published, and contains a striking proof of the extent and accuracy of his information, and the faeility with which he communicated his sentiments. He represented facts in so strong a point of view, that the inexpediency of the act must have appeared clear to every unprejudiced mind. The act, after some opposition, was repealed, about a year af ter it was enacted, and before it had ever been carried into execution. In the year 1766, he made a visit to Holland and Germany, and received the greatest marks of atten tention from men of science. In his passage through Holland, he learned from the watermen the effect which a diminution of the quantity of water in canals has, in impeding the progress of boats. Upon his return to England, he was led to make a number of experiments; all of which tended to confirm the observation. These, with an explanation he following year he travelled into France, he met with a no less favorable reception had experienced in Germany. He was ined to a number of literary characters, and to g, Louis XV. , came -ral letters written by Hutchinson, Oliver, information concerning the manner in ne had obtained them, nor was this ever dis1. tly after, the petition of the Massachusetts ly was taken up for examination, before the ouncil. Dr. Franklin attended as agent for embly; and here a torrent of the most vio I unwarranted abuse was poured upon him The petition atious, and th Although repealed the ciple of expe right to tax the stamp-a claring the in all cases even by th act; and, a was never flattered th were not Had this dormant nished t they had own asse pursued the disa restrai the be intere countr The A taught descer were t them diced rope paris A |