Abbildungen der Seite

Freedom to worship God, 497.
Freedom's banner, 496.

battle once begun, 477.
cause, 428.
hallowed shade, 397.
holy flame, 329.

soil beneath our feet, 496.
Freeman's will, 492.
Freemen, corrupted, 338.
we will die, 378.

who rules o'er, 322.
Freeze thy young blood, 106.
Frenche she spake ful fayre, 1.
of Paris, 1.
Frenchmen, three, 63.
Frenzy rolling, 34.
Frenzy's fevered blood, 449.
Fresh as a bridegroom, 54.
gales and gentle airs, 188.
woods and pastures, 200.
Freshly ran he on, 229.
Fret thy soul, 12.
Fretful stir unprofitable, 406.
Fretted the pygmy body, 221.
vault, 332.

with golden fire, 109.
Friars and eremites, 180.
Friend after friend departs, 437.
as you choose a, 232.
departed, 226.
favourite has no, 336.
house to lodge a, 245.
in my retreat, 366.
is such a, 370.
knolling a departed, 60.
mine own familiar, 580.

of every friendless name, 318.
of my better days, 528.
of pleasure wisdom's aid, 339
of woe, 427.
philosopher and, 276.
sticketh closer than a, 554.
thou art not my, 527.
to close his eyes, 220.
to my life, 285.

to Roderick, 449.

to truth, 279.

who hath not lost a, 437.

who lost no, 279.
wounds of a, 556.

Friendless name, 318.
Friendliest to sleep, 185.
Friendly, show himself, 554.
Friend's infirmities, 87.
Friends, adversity of our, 210.
are exultations, 412.
backing of your, 56.
cast off his, 348.
dear five hundred, 362.
defend me from my, 595.

Friends, enter on my list of, 365.
house of my, 565.
never-failing, 428.
old, are best, 152.
out of sight, we lose, 503.
request of, 286.

Romans countrymen, 85.
three firm, 435.

to congratulate their, 225.
troops of, 97.

Friendship but a name, 348.
cement of the soul, 307.
constant save in love, 26.
generous, no cold medium
knows, 298.

is a sheltering tree, 435.
might divide, 296.

swear an eternal, 398.
with all nations, 376.
Friendship's laws, 299.

name, speak to thee in, 457.
Frightful fiend, 430.
Frights the isle, 126.
Fringed curtains of thine eye, 18.
with fire, 522.

Frog, thus use your, 153.

toe of, 96.

Frolics, youth of, 278.
From Thee Great God, 320.

Front, fair large, 181.

me no fronts, 613.
of battle lour, 388.
of Jove, 115.
of my offending, 123.
Fronts bore stars, 423.
Frore burns the air, 176.
Frost a killing frost, 72.
curded by the, 75.

skirt the eternal, 433.
Frosts, encroaching, 257.
Frosty but kindly, 40.

Caucasus, 52.

Frown at pleasure, 266.
Frowning Providence, 369.
Froze the genial current, 333.
Frozen by distance, 411.
Frugal mind, 368.

swain, 341.

Fruit, like Autumn, 229.

like ripe, thou drop, 191.
of that forbidden tree, 170.
that mellowed long, 229.
the ripest, first falls, 52.
tree known by his, 567.
Fruitless crown, 94.
Fruit-tree tops, 78.

Fruits of love are gone, 485.
Fuel to the flame, 194.

Fugitive and cloistered virtue, 208.

Ful wel she sange, 1.

Full age, to thy grave in a, 544.
fathom five, 17.
many a flower, 333.
many a gem, 333.

of goodly prospect, 207.
of sound and fury, 99.
of strange oaths, 41.
of sweet days, 155.
of wise saws, 41.
on thy bloom, 385.

twenty times was Peter feared,


well the busy whisper, 346.
well they laugh'd, 346.
without o'erflowing, 164.
Fulmin'd over Greece, 192.
Fuming vanities of earth, 414.
Fun grew fast and furious, 386.
think he 's all, 537.
Funeral bak'd meats, 102.

marches to the grave, 530.
mirth in, 101.

note, not a drum was heard,
not a, 499.

Funny as I can, 536.
Furies, harpy-footed, 176.
Furnace, sighing like, 41.
Further off from heaven, 507.
Fury, filled with, 339.

from your eyes, 304.
like a woman scorned, 256.
of a patient man, 223.
with the abhorred shears, 199.
Fust in us unused, 116.
Fustian's so sublimely bad, 286.
Future favours, sense of, 253.
prophets of the, 491.

Gadding vine, 199.
Gain or lose it all, 169.

the timely inn, 94.
the whole world, 568.
to die is, 575-

Gale, catch the driving, 273.
note that swells the, 335.
partake the, 276.
passion is the, 272.
Gales and gentle airs, 188.

that from ye blow, 328.
Galilean lake, 200.
Galileo with his woes, 474.
Gall enough in thy ink, 47.
Gallant gay Lothario, 257.
Gallantry with politics, 383.
Gallery critics, 362.

Galligaskins long withstood, 257.
Galls his kibe, 118.
Game, pleasure of the, 242.

rigour of the, 429.

war is a, 364.

was empires, 485.

Gang aft a-gley, 386.
a kennin' wrang, 386.
Gaping age, 526.

Garden loves a greenhouse too,

in her face, 139.
the first, 167.
was a wild, 439.
Gardens trim, 202.

Garish sun, worship to the, 79.
Garland and singing robes, 206.
of the war, 16.

to the sweetest maid, 300.
Garlands dead, 457.
Garment of praise, 554.
Garments, his vacant, 50.
Garret, born in the, 481.

nature never put her jewels
into a, 137.

Gars auld claes, 390.

me greet, 385.

Garter, familiar as his, 62.
mine host of the, 20.
Garters gold amuse, 273.
Garth did not write his own Dis-
pensary, 283.

Gashed with honourable scars, 438.
Gate of Eden, 452.

what boots it at one, 193.
Gates ever-during, 186.
of light unbarred, 186.
of mercy shut, 334.
Gath, tell it not in, 542.
Gather to the eyes, 521.

up the fragments, 571.
ye rosebuds, 158.
Gathered every vice, 292.
Gatherer and disposer, 141.
Gathering her brows, 385.
Gaudy, rich not, 104.

Gave his body to that pleasant
country's earth, 53.
his father grief, 296.
sign of gratulation, 188.
the word of onset, 412.
us nobler loves, 419.
Gay and ornate, 193.

from grave to, 275.
gilded scenes, 252.
grandsire, 343.
hope is theirs, 328.
innocent as, 263.
Lothario, 257.

Gayety of nations, 321.
Gayly the Troubadour, 502.
Gaze and show, 99.

Gazed, still they, 346.
Gazelle, nursed a dear, 452.
Gem of purest ray serene, 333.
of the sea, 456.

[blocks in formation]


which can perish, 481.
Genteel in personage, 244.
Gentil dedes, 3.

that doth gentil dedes, 4.
Gentilman, the gretest, 3.
Gentle airs, 188.

and low her voice, 122.
dulness ever loves a joke, 291.
his life was, 87.

lights without a name, 157.
limbs did she undress, 431.
shepherd tell me where, 336.
though retired, 384.
yet not dull, 164.
Gentleman and scholar, 387.
first true, 165.

grand old name of, 524.
prince of darkness is a, 121.
who was then the, 589.
Gentlemen, God Almighty's, 223,

of the shade, 54.

two single, in one, 392.
who wrote with ease, 289.
Gently not smiting it, 534.

scan your brother man, 386.
Geographers in Afric maps, 245.
George, if his name be, 49.

the Third was king, 487.
German to the matter, 119.
Gestic lore, 343.
Get money boy, 145.

place and wealth, 289.
thee behind me, 568.
understanding, 552.
Getting and spending, 410.
Ghost beckoning, 296.

like an ill-used, 307.
of him, I'll make a, 105.
stubborn unlaid, 196.
there needs no, 107.
vex not his, 122.
Ghosts of defunct bodies, 213.
Giant dies, as when a, 24.

dies, fling but a stone the,


Giant, dwarf on the shoulders of
a, 437.

mass, baby figure of the, 74.
Giant's strength excellent, 23.
Giants in the earth, 540.
Gibber, squeak and, 100.
Gibbets keep in awe, 267.
unloaded all the, 58.
Gibes, where be your, 118.
Giddy and unfirm, 46.
Gift for my fair, 327.

horse in the mouth, 607.
last best, 184.

of beauty, 473.
of fortune, 27.

of heaven, 279.

of noble origin, 413.

which God has given, 445.

Giftie gie us, 386.

Gifts and dispensations, 215.
Gild refined gold, 50.

the vernal morn, 371.
Gilead, balm in, 564.
Gill shall dance, 151.
Gilpin long live he, 368.
Gilt, dust that is a little, 74.
o'erdusted, 74.

Ginger hot in the mouth, 46.
Girdle round about the earth, 33.
Girl graduates, 520.

Girls, again be courted in your,

[blocks in formation]

Giveth his beloved sleep, 551.
Giving a gentle kiss, 19.
Glad diviner's theme, 222.

father, wise son maketh, 552.
me with its soft black eye, 452.
the heart of man, 555.
waters, o'er the, 480.
would lay me down, 190.
Gladiator lie, 475-
Gladlier grew, 187.

Gladly wolde he lerne and gladly
teche, 2.

would I meet, 190.
Gladness, begin in, 405.
Gladsome light of, 8.

Glance from heaven to earth, 34.
of the mind, 369.
Glare, caught by, 468.

of false science, 359.
Glass darkly, through a, 574.
excuse for the, 383.
of fashion, 112.
of liquid fire, 396.

wherein the noble youth, 61.
Glasses itself in tempests, 476.
Gleaming taper's light, 349.
Glides the smooth current, 319.
Glimmer on my mind, 440.



[blocks in formation]

with dew, 183.

Glory, full meridian of my, 72.
full-orbed, 426.

[ocr errors]

go where, waits thee, 453.
hoary head is a crown of, 554
is in their shame, 575.
jest and riddle, 272.
of a creditor, 22.
of an April day, 19.
passed from the earth, 421.
paths of, lead but to the grave,


peep into, 211.

pursue and generous shame,


rush to, or the grave, 441.
set the stars of, 496.
share the, 76.

shows the way, 237.
to God in the highest, 570.
track the steps of, 482.
trailing clouds of, 421.
trod the ways of, 72.
visions of, 331.

walked in, 405.
who pants for, 289.
Glory's lap they lie, 438.
morning gate, 512.

page, rank thee upon, 453-
thrill is o'er, 453.
Glove, O that I were a, 77.
Glows in every heart, 266.
in the stars, 271.
Glow-worm lend thee, 158.
shows the matin, 107.

Glow-worms, glories like, 162.
Glozed the tempter, 189.

Gluttony ne'er looks to heaven,


Gnat, strain at a, 569.

Glisters, all that, is not gold, 602. | Go, and do thou likewise, 570.

Glittering generalities, 508.

like the morning star, 353.

Globe, all that tread the, 513.
distracted, 107.

itself shall dissolve, 18.
Gloom, counterfeit a, 203.
of earthquake, 493.

Glories like glow-worms, 162.

of our blood, 160.

Glorious and free, 456.
by my pen, 169.
in a pipe, 485.
Tam was, 385.
uncertainty, 304.
Gloriously drunk, 364.
Glory, air of, 211.

alone with his, 499.
and vain pomp, 72.
dies not, 396.

excess of, obscured, 172.

[blocks in formation]


call a coach, 243:

down to the sea in ships, 550.
his halves, 6.

no more a roving, 483.

poor devil get thee gone, 326.
Soul the body's guest, 597.
that the devil drives, 606.
to the ant thou sluggard, 552.
we know not where, 24.
where glory waits thee, 453-
Goal, final, of ill, 523.
Goblin damned, 105.
God a necessary Being, 232.
all mercy is a God unjust, 264.
Almighty first planted a gar
den, 360.

Almighty's gentlemen, 223.

God alone was to be seen, 483.
an attribute to, 37.
and Mammon, 566.
bless the King, 305.
bless no harm in blessing, 305.
could have made a better
berry, 153.

disposes, man proposes, 5.
had I but served my, 73.
hath made this world, 438.
helps them that help them-
selves, 316.

himself scarce seemed there to

be, 431.

just are the ways of, 193.
made him, he is as, 9.
made him, let him pass, 35.
made the country, 360.
moves in a mysterious way,

my Father and my Friend,

of my idolatry, 78.

of storms, 535.

or devil, 223.

oracle of, 170.

save the king, 243.

send thee good ale, 9.
sendeth and giveth, 6.
sends meat, 605.

sun-flower turns on her, 455.
takes a text, 155.

the Father God the Son, 255.
the first garden made, 167.
the noblest work of, 274.
God's mills grind slow, 156, 534.
most dreadful instrument, 413.
providence seemingestranged,

power, show likest, 37.
sons are things, 320.
Goddess, like a thrifty, 22.
moves a, 298.

night sable, 261.
write about it, 292.

Godfathers of heaven's lights, 29.

God-given strength, 446.
God-like forehead, 421.

reason, 116.

Godliness, cheerful, 413.

cleanliness next to, 312.
Gods and god-like men, 470.
approve the depth, 407.
are just, 122.

had made thee poetical, 42.
how he will talk, 237.
it doth amaze me, 82.
kings it makes, 70.
love, whom the, 489.
names of all the, 83.

Gods provide thee, 221.

voice of all the, 31.
Goes to bed sober, 147.
Going, order of your, 95.
Gold, age of, 204.

all that glisters is not, 602.
apples of, 556.

bright and yellow, 508.
but little in cofre, 2.
clasps, 76.

gild refined, 50.

he loved, in special, 2.
in phisike is a cordial, 2.
saint-seducing, 76.

servile opportunity to, 413.
thumb of, 2.

wedges of, 69.
weight in, 395.

Golden bowl be broken, 560.
exhalations, 436.
keys, clutch the, 523.
lads and girls, 133.
mean, 605.
numbers, 165.
opinions, 91.

prime of Álraschid, 517.

sorrow, 71.

story, locks in the, 76.
thumb of miller, 2.
urns draw light, 187.
window of the east, 76.
Gone, and forever, 448.

before, not dead, but, 399.
before, not lost but, 399.
to the grave, 460.

Good, all things work together for,

and ill together, 45.
apprehension of the, 52.
are better made by ill, 400.
as a feast, 604.

as a play, 592.

as she was fair, 400.
beneath the, 330.

by stealth, 288.

cannot come to, 102.

deed in a naughty world, 38.
die first, 422.

evil be thou my, 181.
evil call, 562.

familiar creature, 127.
fellows, king of, 65.
fellowship in thee, 54
for us to be here, 568.
great man, 435.
hater, 322.

hold fast that which is, 576.
hold thou the, 522.

in everything, 39.

luck would have it, 21.

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