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friends as though they were pick-pocke master Collins.

Just as Ben was in the midst of his fev covering as aforesaid, the great injury whic him, who but that promising youth should and blowzy, and with extreme confidence couple of dollars. Ben, rather tartly, re no more to spare. "Pshaw," answered C brace of dollars I want, just to treat an ol ance I fell in with at the tavern, and you you the shiners' t'other day to the tun dred." "Yes," replied Ben, "but wha at one time, and two at another, you the whole." "Well, man, and what of th lins, swaggeringly; suppose I had tak and twice as much, sha'nt I get into fine some head clerk's place, or governor' then you'll see how I'll tumble you in th over hand, and pay you off these little be

"Fair words, Mr. Collins," answere parsnips. And you have been so long t and yet doing nothing, that I really am a

Afraid, the d-1," interrupted C "afraid of what? But see here, Mr. Frank not to preach to me, but to lend me a coup now all that you have to do is just to t whether you can lend them or not."

"Well then, at a word, I cannot," sai "Well then, you are an ungrateful Collins.


"Ungrateful?" asked Ben, utterly asto "Yes, an ungrateful fellow," replied dare not deny, sir, that it was I who firs the tallow pots and grease of your old fa in Boston, and made a man of you. when I only ask you to lend me a couple to treat a friend, you can refuse me! We lars to yourself and be d-d for an u you are!" then wheeling on his heel he w

Collins had thrown him, he clapped his hands, and rolling up his eyes like one devoutly given, exclaimed, "O Ulysses, well called wise! You, though a heathen, could lash your sailors to the mast to keep them from going ashore to be made hogs of at the grog shops of Circe, while I, the sou of an old presbyterian christian, the son of his old age, and heir elect of all his wisdom, have been here now for weeks together, lending money to brutalize my own friend! Would to heaven, I had been but half as wise as you, I should not have been so shamefully fleeced, and now so grossly insulted by this young swine, Collins. But what brain of man could have suspected this of him? After taking him out of the stye of a jug tavern in New-York, where he was up to the back in dirt and debt-after paying all his expenses to Philadel phia, and here supporting him cheerfully, out of my hard and scanty earnings;-after submitting, for cheapness sake, to sleep in the same bed with him every night, scorched with nis rum-fevered flesh, drenched in his nocturnal sweats, and poisoned with his filthy breath; and still worse, after lending him nearly the whole of Vernon's money, and thereby brought my own silly nose to the grindstone, perhaps for many a doleful year, I should now at last be requited with all this abuse; d-n-d for an ungrateful fellow!! Well, I don't know where all this is to end; but I will still hope for the best. I hope it will teach me this important lesson, never to have any thing to do with a sot again, as long as I live. But stop, though I refused him money to get drunk with, I still feel a friendship for this wretched young man, this Collins; and will still work to support him, while he stays with me. It is likely that now, that he can get no more money from me, he will take his departure; and then, if my senses remain, I think I will for ever hereafter shun, as I would a beast, the young man who drinks drams and grog.'

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From his going off in such a pet, Ben had supposed at first, that Collins would not return again. But having no money nor friends in Philadelphia, the poor fellow came back at night, to his old roosting place with Ben, by whom he was received with the same good humour as if nothing had happened. But though the injured may forgive, the injurer seldom does. Collins never looked straight at Ben after this. The recollection of the past kept him sore. And to be dependent on one whom, in the pride of former days, he had thought his inferior, rendered his condition so uneasy, that he longed for an opportunity to get out of it. Fortunately

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an opportunity soon offered. The captain of a trader to the West Indies, falling in with him one day at a tavern, where he was spouting away at a most elegant rate, was so charmed with his vivacity and wit, which most young fools, half shaved, are apt to figure in, that he offered him the place of a private tutor in a rich family in Jamaica. Dame fortune, in her best humour, with all her cogged dice in the bargain, could not, as Collins himself thought, have thrown him a luckier hit. Young black eyed creoles, with fourth proof spirit, in all its delicious modifications, of slings, bumbo and punch, dancing before his delighted fancy, in such mazes of pleasurable promise, that 'tis likely he would hardly have exchanged places with the grand Turk. With a countenance glowing with joy, he hastened to Ben to tell him the glorious news, and to take leave. After heartily congratulating him on his good fortune, Ben asked, if he would not want a little money to fit him out. Collins thanked him, but said that the captain, who had engaged him, was such a noble-hearted fellow, that he had, of his own accord, advanced him three half joes to put him into what he called "complete sailing trim.' Though Ben had of late been so scurvily treated by Collins, as to think it very desirable to be quit of him; yet, when the time came, he found it no such easy matter for the heart to dissolve the ties of a long and once pleasant friendship. He nad passed with Collins many of his happiest hours, and these too, in the sweetest season of life, and amidst pleasures which best lift the soul from earth, and spring those unutterable hopes she delights in. How then, without tears, could he for the last time, feel the strong pressure of his hand, and catch the parting glance? On the other side, through watery eyes and broken accents, poor Collins sobbed out his last adieu, not without hearty thanks, for the many favors which Ben had done him, and solemn promises of speedily writing to him, and remitting all his money. Charity would fain believe, that he fully so intended; but alas! nor money, no friend did Ben ever hear of afterwards. This elegant victim of rum, was no doubt presented by the captain to the wealthy family in Jamaica. And being introduced, under the genial influence perhaps of a cheerful glass, 'tis likely that with his advantages of education and eloquence, he made such a figure in the eyes of those wealthy and hospitable slanders, that they were in raptures with him, and fondly counted that they had got an elegant young schoolmaster, who was to make scholars and wits of the whole family.

Perhaps too, their darling hope, a blooming daughter, was seen to heave the tender sigh, as blushing she darted the side-long glance upon him. But alas! the next day sees the elegant young schoolmaster dead drunk! and the amiable family all in the dumps again. "Tis more than probable, that after having been alternately received and dismissed from a dozen wealthy families, he sunk at length, into tattered garments, and a grog-blossomed face; the mournful victim of intemperance. And now perhaps, after all the fair prospects of his youth, and all the fond hopes of his parents, poor Collins, untimely buried in a foreign church-yard, only serves for the pious to point their children to his early tomb. and remind them how vain are talents and education with out the restraints of religion.


SOON as Ben reached Philadelphia, as aforesaid, he waited on the governor, who received him with joy, eagerly calling out, "Well my dear boy, what success? What success ?" Ben, with a smile, drew his father's letter from his pocket. The governor snatched it, as if all impatient to see its contents, which he ran through with a devouring haste. When he was done, he shook his head and said, "it was to be sure a sensible, letter, a vastly sensible letter; but-but,—it won't do," continued he to Ben, "no, it won't do; your father is too cautious, entirely too cautious, sir." Hereupon he fell into a brown study, with his eyes nailed to the ground, as in a profound reverie. After a moment's pause, he suddenly looked up, and with a countenance bright as with some happy thought, he cried out, "I've got it, my dear young friend, I've got it exactly. Zounds! what signifies making two bites at a cherry? In for a penny, in for a pound, is my way. Since your father will do nothing for you, I'll do it all myself. A printer I want, and a printer I'll have, that's a clear case: and I am sure you are the lad that will suit me to a fraction. So give me a list of the articles you want from England, and I will send for them by the very next ship, and set you up at once: and all I shall expect of you, is that you'll pay me when you are able!!" Seeing the tear swelling in Ben's eye, the governor took him by the hand, and in a softened


tone said, "come, nothing of that my dear b A lad of your talents and merit, must n back ground for lack of a little money to b So make me out, as I said, a list of such a want, and I'll send for them at once to Lo would it not be better for you to go to Lo these things yourself? you could then, you have them all of the best quality. And b form an acquaintance with some clever f selling and stationary line, whose friendshi a Jew's eye to you, in your business here.

Ben, hardly able now to speak, thanked well as he could for so generous an offer. continued the governor, "get yourself in with the Annis." The reader will please that the Annis was, at that time, (1722) trader between London and Philadelphia; one voyage in the year! Finding that the sail for several months yet, Ben prudently journey work for old Keimer; but often ghost of Vernon's money which he had len for fear of what would become of him if strict to mark his iniquities in that mad affa for him, Vernon made no demand. It app that this worthy man had not forgotten learning from a variety of quarters, that B non-descript of industry and frugality, he c the money was not paid, Ben was probably u He therefore, generously, let the matter li tant day, when Ben, as we shall by and up fully, both principal and interest, and th high ground he formerly held in his friends to God, who has given to inflexible hones such power over the heart strings," as strings," of mankind.

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