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therein, which suspends and conditionates its eruption. Brown's Vulgar Errours. CONDITIONATE. adj. [from the verb.] Established on certain terms or conditions.

That which is mistaken to be particular and absolute, duly understood, is general, but condi tionate; and belongs to none who shall not perform the condition. Hammond.

CONDITIONED. adj. [from condition.] Having qualities or properties good or bad.

The dearest friend to me, the kindest man, The best condition'd.

Shakspeare. To CONDO'LE. v. n. [condoleo, Lat.] To lament with those that are in misfortune; to express concern for the miseries of others. It has with before the person for whose misfortune we profess grief. It is opposed to congratulate. Your friends would have cause to rejoice, rather than condole with you. Temple.

I congratulate with the beasts upon this honour done to their king; and must condole ruith us poor mortals, who are rendered incapable of paying our respects. Addison. To CONDO'LE. v. a. To bewail with another.

1 come not, Samson, to condole thy chance, As these perhaps; yet wish it had not been, Though for no friendly intent.


Why should our poet petition Isis for her safe delivery, and afterwards condole her miscarriage? Dryden. CONDO'LEMENT. n. s. [from condole.] Grief; sorrow; mourning.

To persevere

In obstinate condolement, is a course Of impious stubbornness, unmanly grief. Shaks. CONDOLENCE. n. s. [condolance, Fr.] The expression of grief for the sorrows of another; the civilities and messages of friends upon any loss or misfortune. The reader will excuse this digression, due by way of condolence to my worthy brethren.


CONDO'LER. n. s. [from condole.] One that joins in lamentation for the misfortunes of another. CONDONATION. n. s. [condonatio, Lat.] A pardoning; a forgiving. Dict. To CONDUCE. v. n. [conduco, Lat.] To promote an end; to contribute; to serve to some purpose: followed by to. The boring of holes in that kind of wood, and then laying it abroad, seemeth to conduce to Bacon. make it shine.

The means and preparations that may conduce unto the enterprize. Bacon. Every man does love or hate things, according as he apprehends them to conduce to this end, or to contradict it.


They may conduce to farther discoveries for completing the theory of light. Newton. To CONDUCE. v. a. To conduct; to accompany, in order to show the way. In this sense I have only found it in the following passage.

He was sent to conduce hither the princess Wotton. Henrietta Maria. CONDUCIBLE. adj. [conducibilis, Latin.] Having the power of conducing; having a tendency to promote or forward: with to.

To both, the medium which is most propi tious and conducible, is air. Bacons Those motions of generations and corruptions and of the conducibles thereunto, are wisely and admirably ordered and contemporated by the rector of all things. Hale.

None of these magnetical experiments are sufficient for a perpetual motion, though those kind of qualities setin most conducible unto it. Wilkins' Mathematical Magick.

Our Saviour hath enjoined us a reasonable service: all his laws are in themselves conducible to the temporal interest of them that observe them. Bentley. CONDUCIBLENESS. n. s. [from conducible.] The quality of contributing to any end. Diet. CONDUCIVE. adj. [from conduce.] That may contribute; having the power of forwarding or promoting: with to.

An action, however conducive to the good of our country, will be represented as prejudicial Addison's Freebalder.

to it. Those proportions of the good things of this life, which are most consistent with the interests of the soul, are also most conducive to our present felicity. Regers CONDUCIVENESS. n. s. [from conducive.] The quality of conducing.

I mention some examples of the conduciveness of the smallness of a body's parts to its fluidity. Beyls. CONDUCT. n. s. [conduit, Fr. con and ductus, Lat.]

1. Management; economy.

Young men, in the conduct and manage of actions, embrace more than they can hold, stir more than they can quiet, and fly to the end without consideration of the means. Bacon

How void of reason are our hopes and fears! What in the conduct of our life appears So well design'd, so luckily begun, But when we have our wish, we wish undone? Dryden's Juvenal 2. The act of leading troops; the duty of a general.



Conduct of armies is a prince's art. Convoy; escort; guard. His majesty, Tend'ring my person's safety, hath appointed This conduct to convey me to the Tower. Soaks I was ashamed to ask the king footmen and horsemen, and conduct for safeguard against our adversaries. 1 Esdras. The act of convoying or guarding. Some three or four of you, Go, give him courteous conduct to this place. Shakspeart. 5. A warrant by which a convoy is appointed, or safety is assured.


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Ascanius bids them be conducted in. Dryden. 3. To manage: as, to conduct an affair. 4. To head an army; to lead and order troops. CONDUCTITIOUS. adj. [conductitius,Lat.] Hired; employed for wages.

The persons were neither titularies nor perpetual curates; but intirely conductitious, and removeable at pleasure. Ayliffe. CONDUCTOR. n. s. [from conduct.]

1. A leader; one who shows another the way by accompanying him.

Shame of change, and fear of future ill; 'And zeal, the blind conductor of the will. Dryd. 2. A chief; a general.


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Who is conductor of his people?

As 't is said, the bastard son of Glo'ster. Shaks.
A manager; a director.

If he did not intirely project the union and
regency, none will deny him to have been the
chief conductor in both.
4. An instrument to put up into the blad-
der, to direct the knife in cutting for
the stone.



CONDUCTRESS. n. s. [from conduct.]
woman that directs; directress.
CONDUIT. n. s. [conduit, French.]
1. A canal of pipes for the conveyance of
waters; an aqueduct.

Water, in conduit pipes, can rise no higher Than the well head from whence it first doth spring.

This face of mine is hid


'In sap-consuming winter's drizzled snow, And all the conduits of my blood froze up.

Shakspeare. God is the fountain of honour; and the conduit, by which he conveys it to the sons of men, are South. virtuous and generous practices. These organs are the nerves which are the conduits to convey them from without to their audience in the brain.


Wise nature likewise, they suppose, Has drawn two conduits down our nose. Prior. 2. The pipe or cock at which water is drawn.

I charge and command, that the conduit run Shakspeare. nothing but claret wine. CONDUPLICATION. n. s. [conduplicatio, Latin.] A doubling; a duplicate CONE. . J. xuyên Từ xác không xứng, Aristotle.] A solid body, of which the 'base is a circle, and which ends in a point.


To CONFA'BULATE. v. n. [confabule, Lat.] To talk easily or carelessly together; to chat; to prattle. CONFABULA'TION. n. s. [confabulatio, Latin.] Easy conversation; cheerful and careless talk.

CONFA'BULATORY, adj. [from confabu late.] Belonging to talk or prattle. CONFARREA'TION. n. s. [confarreatio, Lat. from far, corn.] The solemnization of marriage by eating bread together.

By the ancient laws of Romulus, the wife was by confarreation joined to the husband.

Ayliffe's Parergon. T, CONFECT. v. a. [confectus, Lat.] To make up into sweetmeats; to pre

serve with sugar. It seems now cor-
rupted into comfit.
COʻNFECT. n. s. [from the verb.]


At supper eat a pippin roasted, and sweetened with sugar of roses and caraway confects. Harvey. CONFECTION. n. s. [confectio, Latin.] 1. A preparation of fruit, or juice of fruit, with sugar; a sweetmeat.

Hast thou not learn'd me to preserve? yea so, That our great king himself doth woo me oft For my confections? Shakspeare's Cymbeline. They have in Turky and the East certain confections, which they call servets, which are like to candied conserves, and are made of sugar and lemons. Bacon's Natural History.

He saw him devour fish and flesh, swallow wines and spices, confections and fruits of numAddison. berless sweets and flavours.

2. An assemblage of different ingredients; a composition; a mixture.

Of best things then, what world shall yield confection To liken her?


There will be a new confection of mould, which
perhaps will alter the seed.
CONFECTIONARY. n. s. [from confection.]
One whose trade is to make sweetmeats.

Who had the world as my confectionary,
The mouths, the tongues, the eyes, the hearts

of men

At duty, more than I could frame employments.
CONFECTIONER, n. s. [from confection.]
One whose trade is to make confections
or sweetmeats.

Nature's confectioner, the bee,
Whose suckets are moist alchimy,
The still of his refining mold
Minting the garden into gold.


Confectioners make much use of whites of eggs. Boyle. CONFEDERACY. n. s. [confederation, Fr. fadus, Lat.] A league; a contract by which several persons or bodies of men engage to support each other; union; engagement; federal compact. What confederacy have you with the traitors? Shakspeare's King Lear. Judas sent them to Rome, to make a league 1 Mace. of amity and confederacy with them. Virgil has a whole confederacy against him, and I must endeavour to defend him. Dryden. The friendships of the world are oft Confederacies in vice, or leagues of pleasure. Addison.

An avaricious man in office is in confederacy
with the whole clan of his district, or depend
ance; which, in modern terms of art, is called
to live and let live.
T. CONFEDERATE. v. a. [confederer,
French.] To join in a league; to unite;
to ally.

They were confederated with Charles's enemy.

With these the Piercies them confederate,
And as three heads conjoin in one intent. Daniel.
To CONFEDERATE. v. n. To league; to
unite in a league.

By words men come to know one another's minds; by those they covenant and confederate. South.

It is a confederating with him to whom the sacrifice is offered. Atterbury.

CONFEDERATE. adj. [from the verb.] United in a league.

For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee. Psal. All the swords

In Italy, and her confederate arms,
Could not have made this peace.


While the mind of man looketh upon second causes scattered, it may sometimes rest in them, and go no farther; but when it beholdeth the chain of them confederate and linked together, it must need fly to providence and deity. Bacon. Oh race confed'rate into crimes, that prove Triumphant o'er th' eluded rage of Jove! Pope. In a confederate war, it ought to be considered which party has the deepest share in the quar rel. Swift. CONFEDERATE. n. s. [from the verb.] One who engages to support another; an ally.

Sir Edmond Courtney, and the haughty prelate, With many more confederates, are in arms. Shakspeare's Richard 111.

We still have fresh recruits in store, If our confederates can afford us more. Dryden. CONFEDERATION. n. s. [confederation, Fr.] League; compact of mutual support; alliance.

The three princes enter into some strict league and confederation amongst themselves. Bacon.

Nor can those confederations or designs be durable, when subjects make bankrupt of their allegiance. King Charles. To CONFER. v. n. [confero, Lat. conferer, Fr.] To discourse with another upon a stated subject; to ventilate any question by oral discussion ; to converse solemnly; to talk gravely together; to compare sentiments.

You will hear us confer of this, and by an auricular assurance have your satisfaction. Shak. Reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man; and therefore, if a man write little, he had need have a great memory; if he confer little, he had need have a present wit; and, if he read little, he had need have much cunning, to seem to know that he doth not. Bacon.

When they had commanded them to go aside out of the council, they conferred among themselves.


He was thought to confer with the lord Colepeper upon the subject; but had some particular thoughts, upon which he then conferred with nobody. Clarendon,

The christian princess in her tent confers. With fifty of your learn'd philosophers; Whom with such eloquence she does persuade, That they are captives to her reasons made. Dryden's Tyr. Love.

To CONFE'R, v. a. 1. To compare; to examine by compa rison with other things of the same kind.

The words in the eighth verse, conferred with the same words in the twentieth, make it mianifest. Raleigh.

If we confer these observations with others of the like nature, we may find cause to rectify the general opinion. Boyle. Pliny conferring his authors, and comparing their works together, found those that went before transcribed by those that followed. Brown. 2. To give; to bestow: with on before him who receives the gift.

Rest to the limbs, and quiet I confer O troubled minds.


The conferring this honour upon him would

increase the credit he had. Clarendon. Coronation to a king, confers no royal autho rity upon him. South. There is not the least intimation in scripture of this privilege conferred upon the Roman church. Tillotson. Thou conferrest the benefits, and he receives them: the first produces love, and the last in gratitude. Arbuthnot.

3. To contribute; to conduce: with to. The closeness and compactness of the parts resting together, doth much confer to the strength of the union.


CO'NFERENCE, n. s. [conference, Fr.] 1. The act of conversing on serious subjects; formal discourse; oral discussion of any question.

I shall grow skifful in country matters, if I have often conference with your servant. Sidney.

Sometime they deliver it, whom privately zeal and piety moveth to be instructors of others by conference; sometime of them it is taught, whom the church hath called to the public, either reading thereof, or interpreting. Hooker. What passion hangs these weights upon my tongue?

I cannot speak to her; yet she urg'd conference. Shakspeare. 2. An appointed meeting for discussing some point by personal debate.

3. Comparison; examination of different things by comparison of each with other.

Our diligence must search out all helps and furtherances, which scriptures, councils, laws, and the mutual conference of all men's collections and observations, may afford. Hooker.

The conference of these two places, containing so excellent a piece of learning as this, expressed by so worthy a wit as Tully's was, must needs bring on pleasure to him that maketh true ac count of learning. Ascham's Schoolmaster. CONFERRER. n. s. [from confer.]

1. He that converses.

2. He that bestows. To CONFE'SS. v. a. [confesser, French; confiteor, confessum, Latin.]

1. To acknowledge a crime; to own a failure.

He doth in some sort confers it.If it be confessed, it is not redressed. Shakspeare. Human faults with human grief confess ;_

"T is thou art chang'd.


2. It has of before the thing confessed, when it is used reciprocally.

Confess thee freely of thy sin; For to deny each article with oath," Cannot remove nor choke the strong conception. Shakspeare's Othello. 3. To disclose the state of the conscience to the priest, in order to repentance and pardon.

If our sin be only against God, yet to confess Wake. it to his minister may be of good use. 4. It is used with the reciprocal pronoun.

Our beautiful votary took the opportunity of confessing herself to this celebrated father. Addis. 5. To hear the confession of a penitent, as a priest.

6. To own; to avow; to profess; not to deny.

Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven; but whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. Manba

7. To grant; not to dispute.
If that the king

Have any way your good deserts forgot,"
Which he confesseth to be manifold,
He bids you name your griefs.

Shakspeare. They may have a clear view of good, great, and confessed good, without being concerned, if they can make up their happiness without it. Locke. Tall thriving trees confess'd the fruitful mold; The redd'ning apple ripens here to gold. Pope. It is used in a loose and unimportant sense, by way of introduction, or as an affirmative form of speech.

8. To show; to prove; to attest./

I must confess I was most pleased with a beau tiful prospect, that none of them have mentioned. Addison on Italy. To CONFESS. v. n. To make confession; to disclose; to reveal: as, he is gone to the priest to confess. CONFESSEDLY. adv. [from confessed.] Avowedly; indisputably; undeniably. Labour is confessedly a great part of the curse, and therefore no wonder if men fly from it.

South. Great geniuses, like great ministers, though they are confessedly the first in the commonwealth of letters,must be envied and calumniated. Pope. CONFE'SSION. n. s. [from confess.] 1. The acknowledgment of a crime; the discovery of one's own guilt.

Your engaging me first in this adventure of the Moxa, and desiring the story of it from me, is like giving one the torture, and then asking his confession, which is hard usage. Temple. 2. The act of disburdening the conscience to a priest.

You will have little opportunity to practise such a confession, and should therefore supply the want of it by a due performance of it to God. Wake's Preparation for Death.

Profession; avowal. Who, before Pontius Pilate, witnessed a good confession?

1 Tim. If there be one amongst the fair'st of Greece, That loves his mistress more than in confession, And dare avow her beauty and her worth In other arms than hers; to him this challenge.

Shakspeare. 4. A formulary in which the articles of faith are comprised. CONFESSIONAL. n. s. [Fr.] The seat or box in which the confessor sits to hear the declarations of his penitents.

fessor lie concealed in the flourishing times of christianity. Addison's Spectator. It was the assurance of a resurrection that gave patience to the confessor, and courage to the martyr. Rogers.

2. He that hear confessions, and prescribes
rules and measures of penitence.
See that Claudio

Be executed by nine to-morrow morning:
Bring him his confessor, let him be prepar'd;
For that 's the utmost of his pilgrimage. Shak
If you find any sin that lies heavy upon you,
disburthen yourself of it into the bosom of your
confessor, who stands between God and you to
pray for you.
One must be trusted; and he thought her fit,
As passing prudent, and a parlous wit:
To this sagacious confessor he went,
And told her.


Dryden's Wife of Bath. 3. He who confesses his crimes. CONFE'ST. adj. [a poetical word for con fessed.] Open; known; acknowledged ; not concealed; not disputed; apparent. But wherefore should I seek, Since the perfidious author stands confest? This villain has traduc'd me. CONFE'STLY. adv. [from confest.] Undisputably; evidently; without doubt or concealment.


They address to that principle which is con festly predominant in our nature. Decay of Piety. CONFICIENT. adj. [conficiens, Lat.] That causes or procures; effective. Dict. Co'NFIDANT. n. s. [con/dent, Fr.] A person trusted with private affairs, commonly with affairs of love.

Martin composed his billet-doux, and intrusted it to his confidant. Arbuthnot and Pope, T. CONFI'DE. v. n. [confido, Lat.] To trust in; to put trust in.

He alone won't betray, in whom none will confide. Congreve Co'NFIDENCE. n. s. [confidentia, Lat.] 1. Firm belief of another's integrity or veracity reliance.

Society is built upon trust, and trust upon South. confidence of one another's integrity. 2. Trust in his own abilities or fortune;security opposed to dejection or timidity.

In one of the churches I saw a pulpit and confessional, very finely inlaid with lapis-lazuli. Addison on Italy. CONFE'SSIONARY. n. s. [confessionaire, French.] The confession chair or seat, where the priest sits to hear confessions. 3.


CONFESSOR. n. s. [confesseur, French.] 1. One who makes profession of his faith in the face of danger. He who dies for religion, is a martyr; he who suffers for it, is a confessor.

The doctrine in the thirty-nine articles is so orthodoxly settled, as cannot be questioned without danger to our religion, which hath been sealed with the blood of so many martyrs and sonfersors. Bacon's Advice to Villiers. Was not this an excellent confessor at least, if not a martyr, in this cause? Stilling fleet. The patience and fortitude of a martyr or cons

Alas, my lord,

Your wisdom is consum'd in confidence: Do not go forth to-day.


His times being rather prosperous than calm, had raised his confidence by success. Bacon He had an ambition and vanity, and confidence in himself, which sometimes intoxicated and transported, and exposed him. Clarendon

Vitious boldness; false opinion of his own excellencies: opposed to modesty. These fervent reprehenders of things establish ed by publick authority, are always confident and bold-spirited men; but their confidence, for the most part, riseth from too much credit given to their own wits, for which cause they are sel dom free from errors. Hooker.

4. Consciousness of innocence; honest boldness; firmness of integrity. Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence towards God. 1 John. Be merciful unto them which have not the confidence of good works. 2 Esdras. Just confidence, and native righteousness, Milton's Par, Lost,

And honour.

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The maid becomes a youth; no more delay Your vows, but look, and confidently pay. Dryd. 3. Without appearance of doubt; without suspecting any failure or deficiency; positively; dogmatically.

Many men least of all know what they themselves most confidently boast. Ben Jonson.

It is strange how the ancients took up experiments upon credit, and yet did build great matters upon them: the observation of some of the best of them, delivered confidently, is, that a vessel filled with ashes will receive the like quantity of water as if it had been empty; this is utterly untrue. Bacon.

Every fool may believe, and pronounce confidently; but wise men will conclude firmly. South. CO'NFIDENTNESS. n. s. [from confident.]

Favourable opinion of one's own pow.

ers; assurance.


CONFIGURATION. n. s. [configuration, French.]

1. The form of the various parts of any thing, as they are adapted to each other. The different effects of fire and water, which we call heat and cold, result from the so differing configuration and agitation of their particles. Glanville.

No other account can be given of the different animal secretions, than the different configuration and action of the solid parts. Arbuthnot.

There is no plastick virtue concerned in shaping them, but the configurations of the particles whereof they consist.

Woodward. 2. The face of the horoscope, according to the aspects of the planets toward each other at any time.

TO CONFIGURE. v. a. [from figura, Lat.] To dispose into any form, by adaptation.

Mother earth brought forth legs, arms, and other members of the body, scattered and distinct, at their full growth; which coming together, cementing, and so configuring themselves into human shape, made lusty men. Bentley. CO'NFINE. n. s. [confinis, Lat. It had formerly the accent on the last syllable.] Common boundary; border; edge. Here in these confines slily have I lurk'd, To watch the waining of mine enemies. Shak You You are old: Nature in you stands on the very verge Of her confine.

Shakspeare. The confines of the river Niger, where the negroes are, are well watered. Bacon.

"T was ebbing darkness, past the noon of night, And Phosphor on the confines of the light. Day.

The idea of duration equal to a revolution of the sun, is applicable to duration where no mo tion was: as the idea of a foot, taken from bodies here, to distances beyond the confines of the world, where are no bodies. Locke

CONFINE. adj. [confinis, Lat.] Bordering upon; beginning where the other ends; having one common boundary. To CONFINE. v. n. To border upon; to touch on other territories, or regions: it has with or on.

Half lost, I seek

What readiest path leads where your gloomy bounds Confine with heav'n.

Milt. Par. Lest. Full in the midst of this created space, Betwixt heav'n, earth, and skies, there stands a place Confining an all three.


To CONFINE. v. a. [confiner, Fr. confinis, Latin.]

1. To bound; to limit: as, he confines his subject by a rigorous definition. 2. To shut up; to imprison; to immure; to restrain within certain limits. I'll not over the threshold.


-Fy, you confine yourself most unreasonably: come, you must go visit the good lady. Sbak. I had been

As broad and gen'ral as the casing air:
But now I'm cabin'd, cribb'd, confin'd, bound

To restrain; to tie up to. Children, permitted the freedom of both hands, do oft times confine unto the left, and are not without great difficulty restrained from it.

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