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So came I a widow;


And never shall have length of life enough
To rain upon remembrance with mine eyes.
Shakspeare's Henry IV.

When he returns from hunting, I will not speak with him; say I am sick. If you come slack of former services, You shall do well. Shakspeare's King Lear. How came the publican justified, but by a short and humble prayer? Duppa. 9. To arrive at some act or habit, or disposition.

They would quickly come to have a natural abhorrence for that which they found made them slighted. Locke.

10. To change from one state into another desired; as the butter comes, when the parts begin to separate in the churn. It is reported, that if you lay good store of kernels of grapes about the root of a vine, it will make the vine come earlier, and prosper better. Bacon's Natural History.

Then butter does refuse to come, And love proves cross and humoursome. Hudib.

In the coming or sprouting of malt, as it must not come too little, so it must not come too much. Mortimer. 11. To become present, and no longer future.

A time will come, when my maturer muse In Cacar's wars a nobler theme shall chuse. Dry. 12. To become present, and no longer absent.

That's my joy

Not to have seen before; for nature now
Comes all at once, confounding my delight. Dryd.
Mean while the gods the dome of Vulcan

Apollo comes, and Neptune came along. Pope.
Come then, my friend, my genius, come along,
Thou master of the poet and the song!

13. To happen; to fall out.


The duke of Cornwal, and Regan his duchess, will be here with him this night.

-How comes that?- Shakspeare's K. Lear. 14. To befal, as an event.

Let me alone that I may speak, and let come on me what will. Job.

15. To follow as a consequence.

Those that are kin to the king, never prick their finger but they say, there is some of the king's blood spilt. How comes that? says he, that takes upon him not to conceive: the answer is, I am the king's poor cousin, sir. Shakspeare. 16. To cease very lately from some act or state; to have just done or suffered any thing.

David said unto Uriah, camest thou not from thy journey? 2 Samuel. 17. To COME about. To come to pass; to fall out; to come into being. Probably from the French venir à bout.

And let me speak to th' yet unknowing world, How these things came about. Shakspeare. That cherubim, which now appears as a God to a human soul, knows very well that the period will come about in eternity, when the human soul shall be as perfect as he himself now is. Addison's Spectator.

I conclude, however it comes about, that things are not as they should be.

Swift. How comes it about, that, for above sixty years, affairs have been placed in the hands of new men?


18. To COME about. To change; to come round. The wind came about, and settled in the West for many days. Bacon's New Atlantis. On better thoughts, and my urg'd reasons, They are come about, and won to the true side. Ben Jonson. 19. To COME again. To return. There came water thereout; and when he had drunk, his spirit came again, and he revived. Juages.

20. To COME after. To follow.

If any man will come after me, let him deay himself, and take up his cross and follow me.

Mattbera. 21. To COME at. To reach; to get within the reach of; to obtain; to gain. Neither sword nor sceptre can come at conscience; but it is above and beyond the reach of both. Suckling. Cats will eat and destroy your marum, if they can come at it. Evelyn's Kalendar. In order to come at a true knowledge of ourselves, we should consider how far we may deserve praise. Addison

Nothing makes a woman more esteemed by the opposite sex than chastity, and we always prize those most who are hardest to come at.

Addison. 22. To COME by. To obtain; to gain; to acquire. This seems an irregular and improper use, but has very powerful authorities.

Things most needful to preserve this life, are most prompt and easy for all living creatures to come by. Hooker.

Love is like a child,

That longs for every thing that he can come by. Shakspeare.

Thy case Shall be my precedent; as thou got'st Milan, I'll come by Naples. Shakspeare's Tempest. Are you not ashamed to inforce a poor widow to so rough a course to come by her own? Shaks. The ointment wherewith this is done is made of divers ingredients, whereof the strangest and hardest to come by is the moss of a dead man unburied. Bacon's Natural History.

And with that wicked lye A letter they came by,

From our king's majesty.


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He tells a sad story, how hard it was for him to come by the book of Trigantius. Stilling fleet. Amidst your train this unseen judge will wait, Examine how you came by all your state. Dryd To COME in. To enter. What, are you there? come in, and give some help. Shakspeare. The simple ideas, united in the same subject, are as perfectly distinct as those that come in by different senses. Lucke. 24. TO COME in. To comply; to yieid; to hold out no longer.

If the arch-rebel Tyrone, in the time of these wars, should offer to come in and submit himself to her majesty, would you not have him re ceived? Spenser un Ireland.

25. To COME in. To arrive at a port, or place of rendezvous.

At what time our second fleet, which kept the narrow seas, was come in and joined to our main fleet. Bacon,

There was the Plymouth squadron now come in, Which in the Streights last winter was abroad.

Dryden. 26. To COME in. To become modish; to be brought into use.


Then came rich cloaths and graceful action in, Then instruments were taught more moving Roscommon. Silken garments did not come in till late, and the use of them in men was often restrained by law. Arbuthnot on Coins. 27. To COME in. To be an ingredient; to make part of a composition. A generous contempt of that in which too many men place their happiness, must come in to heighten his character. Atterbury.

28. To COME in. To accrue from an estate, trade, or otherwise, as gain.

I had rather be mad with him that, when he had nothing, thought all the ships that came into the harbour his; than with you that, when you have so much coming in, think you have nothing. Suckling. 29. To COME in. To be gained in abund


Sweetheart, we shall be rich ere we depart, If fairings come thus plentifully in. Shakspeare. 30. To COME in for. To be early enough to obtain: taken from hunting, where the dogs that are slow get nothing.

Shape and beauty, worth and education, wit and understanding, gentle nature and agreeable humour, honour and virtue, were to come in for their share of such contracts. Temple.

If thinking is essential to matter, stocks and stones will come in for their share of privilege. Collier.

One who had in the rear excluded been, And could not for a taste o' th' flesh come in, Licks the solid earth. Tate's Juvenal. The rest came in for subsidies, whereof they sunk considerable sums. Swift.

31. To COME in to. To join with; to bring help.

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They marched to Wells, where the lord Audley, with whom their leaders had before secret intelligence, came in to them; and was by them, with great gladness and cries of joy, accepted as their general. Bacon's Henry VII.

32. To COME in to. To comply with; to agree to.

The fame of their virtues will make men ready to come into every thing that is done for Atterbury. the publick good, 33. To COME near. To approach; to resemble in excellence: a metaphor from races.

Whom you cannot equal or come near in doing, you would destroy or ruin with evil speaking. Ben Jonson's Discoveries. The whole achieved with such admirable invention, that nothing ancient or modern seems Temple. to come near it. 34. To COME of. To proceed, as a descendant from ancestors.

Of Priam's royal race my mother came. Dryd. Self-love is so natural an infirmity, that it makes us partial even to those that come of us, as well as ourselves. L'Estrange. 35. To COME of. To proceed, as effects from their causes.

Will you please, sir, be gone;

I told you what would come of this. Shakspeare. The hiccough comes of fulness of meat, espe cially in children, which causeth an extension of the stomach.


This comes of judging by the eye, without consulting the reason. L'Estrange My young master, whatever comes on't, must have a wife looked out for him by that time he is of age. Locke.

36. To COME off. To deviate; to depart

from a rule or direction.

The figure of a bell partaketh of the pyramis, but yet coming off and dilating more suddenly. Bacon's Natural History.

37. To COME off. To escape; to get free.

I knew the foul enchanter, though disguis'd; Enter'd the very lime-twigs of his spells, And yet came off

Milton. How thou wilt here come off, surmounts my


Milton. If, upon such a fair and full trial, he can come off, he is then clear and innocent. South. Those that are in any signal danger implore his aid; and, if they come off safe, call their deAddison liverance a miracle.

38. To COME off. To end an affair; to take good or bad fortune.

Oh, bravely came we off, When with a volley of our needless shot, After such bloody toil, we bid good-night. Shaks.

Ever since Spain and England have had any thing to debate one with the other, the English, upon all encounters, have come off with honour and the better. Bacon.

We must expect sometimes to come off by the worst, before we obtain the final conquest.Calamy. He oft, in such attempts as these, Came off with glory and success.


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The sea came on, the south with mighty roar Dispers'd and dash'd the rest upon the rocky shore. Dryden.

So travellers, who waste the day, Noting at length the setting sun, They mend their pace as night comes on. Granv. 41. To COME on. To advance to combat. The great ordnance once discharged, the armies came fast on, and joined battle.


Rhymer, come on, and do the worst you can; I fear not you, nor yet a better man. Dryden. 42. To COME on. To thrive; to grow big; to grow.

Come on, poor babe; Some powerful spirit instruct the kites and ravens To be thy nurses. Shakspeare's Winter's Tale.

It should seem by the experiments, both of the malt and of the roses, that they will come far faster on in water than in earth; for the nourishment is easier drawn out of water than out of earth. Bacon's Natural History. 43. To COME over. To repeat an act. 44. To COME over. To revolt.

They are perpetually teizing their friends to come over to them. Addison's Spectator. A man, in changing his side, not only makes himself hated by those he left, but is seldom heartily esteemed by those he comes over to. „Addison's Spectator,

45. TO COME over. To rise in distillation.

Perhaps also the phlegmatick Liquor, that is want to come over in this analysis, may, at least as to part of it, be produced by the operation of the fire. Boyle. 46. To COME out. To be made publick. Before his book came out, I had undertaken the answer of several others. Stilling fleet. I have been tedious; and, which is worse, it games out from the first draught, and uncorrected. Dryden. 47. To COME out. To appear upon trial; to be discovered.

It is indeed come out at last, that we are to look on the saints as inferior deities. Stilling fleet. The weight of the denarius, or the seventh of z Roman ounce, comes out sixty-two grains and four sevenths. Arbuthnot. 48. To COME out suith. To give a vent to; to let fly.


Those great masters of chymical arcana must be provoked, before they will come out with Boyle. 49. To COME to. To consent or yield. What is this, if my parson will not come to?

50. To COME to. To amount to.


The emperour imposed so great a custom upon all corn to be transported out of Sicily, that the very customs came to as much as both the price of the corn and the freight together. Knolles.

You saucily pretend to know More than your dividend comes to.


Animals either feed upon vegetables immediately, or, which comes to the same at last, upon ather animals which have fed upon them. Woodw.

He pays not this tax immediately, yet his purse will find it by a greater want of money than that comes to. Locke.

51. To COME to himself. To recover his


He falls into sweet ecstacy of joy, wherein I hall leave him till he comes to himself. Temple. 32. To COME to pass. To be effected; to fall out.

It cometh, we grant, many times to pass, that the works of men being the same, their drifts and purposes therein are divers. Hooker.

How comes it to pass, that some liquors cannot pierce into or moisten some bodies, which are easily pervious to other liquors? Boyle. 53. To COME up. To make appearance. Over-wet, at sowing time, with us breedeth much dearth, insomuch as the corn never cometh up. Bacon.

If wars should mow them down never so fast, yet they may be suddenly supplied, and come up again. Bacon.

Good intentions are the seeds of good actions; and every man ought to sow them, whether they come up or no. Temple. 54. To COME up. To come into use: as, a fashion comes up.

55. To COME up to. To amount to.

He prepares for a surrender, asserting that all these will not come up to near the quantity re

quisite. Woodward's Natural History. 56. To COME up to. To rise; to ad


Whose ignorant credulity will not Come up to th' truth. Shakspeare's Winter's Tale. Considerations there are, that may make us, if not come up to the character of those who rejoice

tribulations, yet at least satisfy the duty of being patient. Wake's Preparation for Death.

The vestes byssinæ, which some ladies wore, must have been of such extraordinary price,that there is no stuff in our age comes up to it. Ar bath. When the heart is full, it is angry at all words that cannot come up to it. Swift.

57. To COME up with. To overtake. 58. To COME upon. To invade; to at tack.

Three hundred horse, and three thousand foot English, commanded by Sir John Norris, were charged by Parma, coming upon them with seven thousand horse.


When old age comes upon him, it comes alone, bringing no other evil with it but itself. Scetb. 59. To COME. In futurity; not present; to happen hereafter.

It serveth to discover that which is hid, as well as to foretel that which is to come. Baces. In times to come,

My waves shall wash the walls of mighty Rome. Dryden.

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Taking a lease of land for years to come, at the rent of one hundred pounds. 60. COME is a word of which the use is various and extensive, but the radical signification of tendency bitheraard is uniformly preserved. When we say he came from a place, the idea is that of returning, or arriving, or becoming nearer; when we say, he went from a place, we conceive simply departure, or removal to a greater distance. The butter comes it is passing from its former state to that which is desired; it is advancing toward us.

COME. [participle of the verb.]

Thy words were heard, and I am come to thy words.


COME. A particle of exhortation; be quick; make no delay.

Come, let us make our father drink wine. COME. A particle of reconciliation, or Genesis

incitement to it.

Come, come, at all I laugh he laughs no doubt; The only difference is, I dare laugh out. Pep. COME. A kind of adverbial word for bes it shall come: as, come Wednesday, when Wednesday shall come.

Come Candlemas, nine years ago she died. Gat COME. n. s. [from the verb.] A sprout:

a cant term.

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A careless comeliness with comely care. Sidney. The service of God hath not such perfection of grace and comeliness as when the dignity of the place doth concur. Hooker. They skilled not of the goodly ornaments of poetry, yet were sprinkled with some pretty flowers, which gave good grace and comeliness. Spenser on Ireland. Hardly shall you meet with man or woman so aged or ill-favoured, but, if you will commend them for comeliness, nay and for youth too, shall take it well. South. There is great pulchritude and comeliness of proportion in the leaves, flowers, and fruits, of plants. Ray on the Greation.

A horseman's coat shali hide Thy taper shape, and comeliness of side. Prior. CO'MELY. adj. [from become; or from cpeman, Sax. to please.]

1. Graceful; decent; having dignity or grandeur of mien or look. Comeliness seems to be that species of beauty which excites respect rather than pleasure.

If the principal part of beauty is in decent motion, no marvel though persons in years seem many times more amiable: for no youth can be somely but by pardon, and considering the youth Bacon. as to make up the comeliness.

He that is comely when old and decrepit, surely was very beautiful when he was young. South,

Thou art a comely, young, and valiant knight.

2. Used of things: decent; according to propriety.

Oh, what a world is this, when what is comely Envenoms him that bears it! Shakspeare. This is a happier and more comely time, Than when these fellows ran about the streets,

Crying confusion. Shakspeare's Coriolanut. CO'MELY. adv. [from the adjective.] Handsomely; gracefully.

To ride comely, to play at all weapons, to dance comely, be very necessary for a courtly gentleAscham's Schoolmaster.


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Plants move upwards; but, if the sap puts up too fast, it maketh a slender stalk, which will not support the weight; and therefore these are all swift and hasty comers. Bacon.

It is natural to be kind to the last comer.

L'Estrange. Now leave those joys, unsuiting to thy age, To a fresh comer, and resign the stage. Dryden. The renowned champion of our lady of, and the miraculous translation of her

chapel; about which he hath published a defiance to the world, and offers to prove it against all comers. Stilling fleet. There it is not strange, that the mind should give itself up to the common opinion, or render Itself to the first comer. Locke. House and heart are open for a friend; the passage is easy, and not only admits, but even invites, the comer. South. CO'MET. n. s. cometa, Lat. a hairy star.] A heavenly body in the planetary region, ap pearing suddenly, and again disappearing; and, during the time of its appearance, moving through its proper orbit, like a planet. The or bits of comets are ellipses, having one of their foci in the centre of the sun; and being very long and eccentrick, they become invisible when in that part most remote from the sun. Comets, popularly called blazing stars, are distinguished from other stars by a long train or tail of light, always opposite to the sun: hence arises a popular division of comets into three kinds, bearded, tailed, and baired comets; though the division rather relates to the different circumstances of the same comet, than to the phænomena of the several. Thus, when the comet is eastward of the sun, and moves from it, the comet is said to be bearded, barbatus, because the light marches before it. When the light is westward of the sun, the comet is said to be tailed, because the train follows it. When the comet and the sun are diametrically opposite, the earth being between them, the train is hid behind the body of the comet, excepting a little that around appears it, in form of a border of hair, hence called eriaitus.

According to Sir Isaac Newton, the tail of a comet is a very thin vapour, emitted by the head or nucleus of the comet, ignited by the neighbourhood to the sun; and this vapour is furnished by the atmosphere of the comet. The vapours of comets being thus dilated, rarefied, and diffused, may probably, by means of their own gravity, be attracted down to the planets, and become intermingled with their atmospheres. For the conservation of the water and moisture of the planets, comets seem absolutely requisite; from whose condensed vapours and exhalations all that moisture which spent in vegetations and putrefactions, and turned into dry earth, may be resupplied and recruited; for all vegetables increase wholly from fluids, and turn, by putrefaction, into earth. Hence the quantity of dry earth must continually increase, and the mois ture of the globe decrease, and at last be quite evaporated, if it have not a continual supply. And I suspect, adds Sir Isaac, that the spirit which makes the finest, subtlest, and best part of our air, and which is absolutely requisite for the life and being all things, comes principally from the comets.

The same great author has computed that the sun's heat, in the comet of 1680, was, to his heat with us at Midsummer, as twenty-eight thousand to one; and that the heat of the body of the comet was near two thousand times as great as that of red-hot iron. He also calculates, that a globe of red-hot iron, of the dimensions of our earth, would scarce be cool in fifty thousand years. If then the comet be supposed to cool a hundred times as fast as red-hot iron, yet, since its heat was two thousand times greater, supposing it of the bigness of the earth, it would not be cool in a million of years.

Trevoux. Chambers.

And wherefore gaze this goodly company, As if they saw some wond rous monument, Some comet, or unusual prodigy? Shakspeare. Such his fell glances as the fatal light Of staring comets. Crashar. I considered a semet, or, in the language of

the vulgar, a blazing star, as a sky-rocket discharged by an hand that is almighty. Addison. Fierce meteors shoot their arbitrary light, And comets march with lawless horrors bright. Prior. COMETARY. adj. [from comet.] RelatCOMICK. Í ing to a comet.

Refractions of light are in the planetary and cometary regions, as on our globe. Cheync. COMFIT. n. s. [bellaria arida, Latin; konfit, Dutch. It should seem that both are formed by hasty pronunciation from confect] A dry sweetmeat; any kind of fruit or root preserved with sugar, and dried.

By feeding me on beans and pease,
He crams in nasty crevices,

And turns to comfits by his arts,
To make me relish for desserts.


To CoMFIT. v. a. [from the noun.] To preserve dry with sugar.

The fruit that does so quickly waste, Men scarce can see it, much less taste, Thou comfitest in streets to make it last. Cowley. CO'MFITURE. n. s. [from comfit, or confecture.] Sweetmeat.

From country grass to comfitures of court, Or city's quelque-choses, let not report My mind transport.


Fo COMFORT. v. a. [comforto, low Latin. Salvia comfortat nervos. Schol. Sal.]

1. To strengthen; to enliven ; to invigo


The evidence of God's own testimony, added unto the natural assent of reason, concerning the certainty of them, doth not a little comfort and confirm the same. Hooker.

Light excelleth in comforting the spirits of men; light varied doth the same effect, with more novelty. This is the cause why precious stones comfort. Bacon's Nat. History. Some of the abbots have been guilty of com forting and assisting the rebels. Ayliffe's Parerg, 2. To console; to strengthen the mind under the pressure of calamity.

They bemoaned him, and comforted him over all the evil that the Lord had brought upon him.

COMFORT. n. s. [from the verb.]
1. Support; assistance; countenance.


Poynings made a wild chace upon the wild Irish; where, in respect of the mountains and fastnesses, he did little good, which he would needs impute unto the comfort that the rebels should receive underhand from the earl of Kildare. Bacon.

The king did also appoint commissioners for the fining of all such as were of any value, and had any hand or partaking in the aid or comfort of Perkins, or the Cornishmen. Bacon. 2. Consolation; support under calamity or danger.

Her soul heaven's queen, whose name she bears,

In comfort of her mother's fears,

Hath plac'd among her virgin train. Ben Jonson.

As they have no apprehension of those things, so they need no comfort against them. Tillotson. 3. That which gives consolation or support in calamity.

I will keep her ignorant of her good, To make her heav'nly comforts of despair When it is least expected." Shakspeare.

Your children were vexation to your youth, But mine shall be a comfort to your age. Shaks.

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Upon view of the sincerity of that perform ance, hope comfortably and cheerfully for God: performance.

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COMFORTER. n. s. [from comfort.] 1. One that administers consolation in misfortunes; one that strengthens and supports the mind in misery or danger. This very prayer of Christ obtained angels to be sent him, as comforters in his agony. Hocke The heav'ns have blest you with a goodly sor To be a comforter when he is gone. Shakspear

Nineveh is laid waste, who will bemoan her? whence shall I seek comforters for thee? Nebu 2. The title of the Third Person of the COMFORTLESS. adj. [from comfort.] Holy Trinity. Wanting comfort; being without any thing to allay misfortune: used of persons as well as things.

Yet shall not my death be comfortless, receiv ing it by your sentence. Silen Where was a cave, ywrought with wondrous


Deep, dark, uneasy, doleful, comfortless. Fairy Queen News fitting to the night; Black, fearful, comfortless, and horrible. Shak On thy feet thou stood'st at last, Though comfortless, as when a father mourns His children all in view destroy'd at once. Mit That unsociable comfortless deafness had not quite tired me. Starry's COMFREY. n. s. [consolida, Lat. comfrir, French.] A plant. CO'MICAL. adj. [comicus, Latin.] 1. Raising mirth; merry; diverting.



The greatest resemblance of our author is in the familiar stile and pleasing way of relig comical adventures of that nature. Dryd Fab Something so comical in the voice and gestures, that a man can hardly forbear being pleased. Addison en Italy. Relating to comedy; befitting conely; not tragical.

That all might appear to be knit up in d conclusion, the duke's daughter was

joined in marriage to the lord Lisle. Z 29

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They deny it to be tragical, beca strophe is a wedding, which hath ever bec® <<• counted comical.

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