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discontent or apprehension; that this man should engage in a conspiracy against him, he deemed absolutely false and incrèdible. Hume's Hist. of England, Vol. I. p. 363.

I would fain ask one of those bigoted infidels, supposing all the great points of atheism as the casual or eternal formation of the world, the materiality of a thinking substance, the mortality of the soul, the fortuitous organization of the body, the motions and gravitation of matter, with the like particulars, were laid together, and formed into a kind of creed, according to the opinions of the most celebrated atheists; I say, supposing such a creed as this were formed, and imposed upon any one people in the world, whether it would not require an infinitely greater measure of faith than any set of articles which they so violently oppose. Spectator, No. 168.

Under this rule may be placed that grand and ter. rible adjuration of Macbeth:

I conjure you by that which you profess
(Howe'er you come to know it) answer me;
Though you untie the winds and let them fight
Against the churches; though the yesty waves
Confound and swallow navigation up;

Though baded corn be lodg'd and trees blown dòwn;
Though castles topple on their warder's heads;

Though palaces and pyramids do slope

Their heads to their foundations; though the treasure
Of nature's germins tumble altogether,

Ev'n till destruction sícken, answer me
To what I ask you.

Where, by placing the falling inflection, without dropping the voice, on each particular, and giving this inAlection a degree of emphasis, increasing from the first member to the sixth, we shall find the whole climax wonderfully enforced and diversified this was the method approved and practised by the inimitable Mr. Garrick; and though it is possible that a very good actor may vary in some particulars from this rule, and yet pronounce the whole agreeably, it may with confidence be asserted that no actor can pro

nounce this passage to so much advantage as by adopting the inflections laid down in this rule.

Rule X. When six members of a sentence, each of which consists of more than a single word, succeed each other in a concluding series, the four first may be pronounced with the falling inflection, each member ascending above the preceding, and the two last as in Rule II.


For if we interpret the Spectator's words in their literal meaning, we must suppose that women of the first quality used to pass away whole mornings at a pùppet-show; that they attested their principles by patches; that an audience would sit out an evening to hear a dramatick performance, written in a language which they did not understand; that chairs and flower-pots were introduced as actors on the British stage; that a promiscuous assembly of men and women were allowed to meet at midnight in masks within the verge of the court, with may improbabilities of the like nature. Spectator, No. 102.

Rule XI. When seven or more members of a sentence, each of which consists of more than a single word, succeed each other in a commencing series, all but the last member may be pronounced with the falling inflection, each succeeding member rising above that which precedes it, and the two last members as in Rule I.


Nature has laid out all her art in beautifying the fàce; she has touched it with vermilion; planted in it a double row of ìvory; made it the seat of smiles and blushes; lighted it up and enlivened it with the brightness of the eyes; hung it on each side with curious organs of sènse; given it airs and graces that cannot be described; and surrounded it with such a flowing shade of háir, as sets all its beauties in the most agreeable light. Spectator, No. 98.

Series of Serieses.

Preliminary Observation.

WHEN the members of a series, either from their similitude or contrariety to each other, fall into pairs or triplets; these pairs or triplets, considered as whole members, are pronounced according to the rules respecting those members of a series that consist of more than a single word; but the parts of which these members are composed, if consisting of single words, are pronounced according to those rules which relate to those members that consist of single words, as far as their subordination to the whole series of members will permit. Hence arises,

Rule I. When several members of a sentence, consisting of distinct portions of similar or opposite words in a series, follow in succession, they must be pronounced singly, according to the number of members in each portion, and together, according to the number of portions in the whole sentence, that the whole may form one related compound series.


The soul consists of many faculties, as the understanding and the will, with all the senses both inward and outward; or, to speak more philosophically, the soul can exert herself in many different ways of action she can understánd, will, imàgine; sée, and hear; lòve, and discourse; and apply herself to many other like exercises of different kinds and natures Spectator, No. 600.


The first portion of this series of serieses, she can understand, will, imagine, as it contains one complete portion, may be considered as a concluding series; and as it forms but one portion of a greater series, it may be considered as a commencing one, and must be pronounced in subserviency to it; that is,

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the first and second word must have the rising, and the last the falling inflection, but without dropping the voice. The next portion must be pronounced in a similar manner; that is, the first word with the rising, and the last with the falling inflection, with the voice a little higher and more forcible on the word hear than on the word imagine: the next portion, being the last but one, alters its inflections; the first word having the falling and the last the rising inflection, agreeably to the rule laid down in the preliminary observation to the Compound Series.

On the other hand, those evil spirits, who, by long custom, have contracted in the body habits of lúst and sensuality; málice and revenge; an aversion to every thing that is good, just, and áudable, are naturally seasoned, and prepared for pain and misery. Spectator, No. 447.

As this is a commencing series of serieses, the last member but one of the second series may be pronounced with the falling inflection at revenge: and as the last member has a series of three single words, they come under Rule III. of the Simple Commencing Series.

The condition, speech, and behaviour of the dying parents; with the age, innocence, and distress of the children, are set forth in such tender circumstances, that it is impossible for a reader of common humanity not to be affected with them.

Spectator, No. 85.

These two serieses, containing three members each, and not concluding the sentence, may be considered as a concluding and commencing series of three single members each, and pronounced as in Rule III. of the Simple Series.

His (Satan's) príde, envy, and revènge; obstinacy, despair, and impénitence, are ali of them very artfully interwoven. Spectator, No. 303,

Here are two distinct serieses of three members, each of which must be pronounced exactly like the last example, that is, like the concluding and commencing series of three, Rule III. of the Simple Series.

The man who lives under an habitual sense of the divine presence, keeps up a perpetual cheerfulness of temper, and enjoys every moment the satisfaction of thinking himself in company with his dearest and best of friends. He no sooner steps out of the world, but his beart burns with devotion, swells with hope, and triumphs in the consciousness of that presence which every where surrounds him; or on the contrary pours out its fears, its sorrows, its apprehénsions, to the great Supporter of its existence. Spectator, No. 93.

This sentence may be considered as a sentence consisting of two commencing serieses, both of which may be pronounced according to Rule III. Compound Series.

How many instances have we (in the fair sex) of chastity, fidélity, devotion? How many ladies distinguish themselves by the education of their children, care of their families, and love. of their husbands: which are the great atchievements of woman kind; as the making of war, the carrying on of traffick, the administration of jústice, are those by which men grow famous and get themselves a name? Spectator, No. 78.

The several serieses in this passage may be considered as forming one complete observation: the first is a concluding series of three, and may be pronounced as the concluding series, Rule IV. in every member but the last, which being the first step of the series of serieses, instead of the concluding inflection, adopts the falling inflection only. The next series may be pronounced in the same manner as the former, with this difference only, the last member, being the second step of the series of serieses, ought to have the falling inflection a little higher on husbands than it was on devotion in the first series. The

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