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must either go it, (by putting into the pool the amount bragged, saying, "Igo it,") or bolt; the youngest hand, that is, the last who goes the brag, may call a sight or return the brag; if he calls a sight, the cards must be shown in rotation, the player who calls showing last, and the best hand shown wins the pool; if he returns the brag, he must put up such sum over the last brag as he chooses, and the game goes round again, each player who does not bult, must put up the amount bragged; be who last goes any brag, has the right to call a sight, or return the brag; and thus the game continues, until a sight is called, or some player brags so high that all the others bolt, when the last bragger wins the pool, be his hand what it may. The game is then continued by a new deal.

The best hand in this game is a pair royal, that is, three cards of one kind, three aces being better than three kings, and so on; the next is a pair, two aces, two kings, &c.; and then the highest single card. A natural pair royal, which is formed without the aid of braggers, is better thar, one of the same rank formed with them; thus, three aces are better than two aces and one bragger; three deuces are better than two deuces and one bragger; and pairs are governed by the same rule. The knaves and nines are of equal rank, except that two knaves and a nine, or knave and two nines, are three knaves. If two hands of equal strength are shown, the eldest wins. A table is annexed, in which the hands are ranked according to their value. It should be noted, that two aces and a king are no better than two aces and a deuce, as no card is of any value unless it makes a pair or a pair royal. You should understand this thoroughly before you begin to play, in order to know in what manner to discard and take in, in forming your hand.



Pairs Royal.

2 aces and 1 bragger, 1 ace and 2 braggers, 3 kings,

2 kings and 1 bragger, 1 king and 2 braggers, 3 queens,

2 queens and 1 bragger, 1 queen and 2 braggers, 3 knaves,

2 knaves and 1 nine,
1 knave and 2 nines,
3 tens,

2 tens and 1 bragger,
1 ten and 2 braggers,
3 nines,
3 eights,

2 eights and 1 bragger,
1 eight and 2 braggers,


Pairs Royal.

3 sevens,

2 sevens and 1 bragger,
1 seven and 2 braggers,
3 sixes,

2 sixes and 1 bragger,
1 six and 2 braggers,
3 fives,

2 fives and 1 bragger,
1 five and 2 braggers,
3 fours,

2 fours and 1 bragger,
1 four and 2 braggers,
3 threes,

2 threes and 1 bragger,
1 three and 2 braggers,
3 deuces,

2 deuces and I bragger,
1 deuce and 2 braggers.


1 king and 1 bragger,

2 aces,
1 ace and 1 bragger,

2 queens,

2 kings,

1 queen and 1 bragger, &c.

Of doubling and raising the Ante.

If the ante is doubled, the eldest hand having looked at the cards first dealt him, must either make good (i. e. put in as much as will make his ante equal to the last double) or bolt. All who go in, must pay the same amount. All the players having either gone in or bolted, the last doubler has a right to draw half his stake, and throw up his hand.

After the first three cards are dealt, but before taking in, the eldest hand having seen his cards, may raise the ante, (unless it has been doubled,) by putting in any Buin he pleases; and all who go in must pay the amount of the whole ante.

Observe, that the same rule applies to doubling the ante, raising the ante, and bragging; the player who last goes the double, raise, or brag, has a right, in his turn, of increasing either.

Laws of the Game.

When a player brags so high that all his antagonists bolt, he need not show his hand.

No player shall examine the pack, or the hands tolted, or show them to any player who is bragging.

Nothing can be claimed for a hand bolted or thrown up unexposed.

If the dealer misdeal the first three to each player, he forfeits the amount of the ante, and must deal again.

If any player take in more or less cards than he is entitled to, and does not correct it before his cards or any succeeding him are shown, he loses his right in the pool the same as by bolting; but the game goes on.

If a card is faced in the pack, a new deal may called. If a card is shown in dealing, the player to whom it was dealt may refuse it.

No player may brag or go it, without putting up the


If no person goes in to the ante, the stake is withdrawn, and the deal passes to the next.

Every player has a right to shuffle the cards; the one on the right of the dealer must cut them.

No one but the dealer is obliged to tell how many cards he took in.


THIS Game is played by two or four persons, with twenty-eight pieces of obeng ivory, plain at the back, but on the face divided by a black line in the middle, and inderted with spots from one to a double six, which pieces are, a double blank, ace blank, double ace, deuce blank, deuce ace, double deuce, trois blank, trois ace, trois deuce, double trois, four blank, four ace, four deuce, four trois, double, four, five blank, five ace, five deuce, five trois, five four, double five, six olank, six ace, six deuce, six trois, six four, six five, and double SIX. Sometimes a double set is played with, of which double twelve is the highest.

At the commencement of the game, the dominoes are weil mixed together with their faces upon the table. Each person draws one, and if four play, those who choose the two highest are partners, against those who take the lowest drawing the latter also serves to deter mine who is to lay down the first piece, which is reckoned a great advantage. Afterward each player takes seven pieces at random. The eldest hand having laid one, the next must pair him at either end of the piece he may choose, according to the number of pips, or the blank in the compartment of the piece; but whenever any one cannot match the part, either of the domino last put down, or of that unpaired at the other end of the row, then he says go, and the next is at liberty to play. Thus they play alternately either until one party has played all his pieces, and thereby won the game, or till the game be blocked; that is, when neither party can play, by matching the pieces where unpaired at either end; then that party wins who has the smallest number of pips on the pieces remaining in their pos


It is to the advantage of every player to dispossess himself as early as possible of the heavy pieces, such as double six, five, four, &c.

Sometimes, when two persons play, they take each only seven pieces, and agree to play or draw; that is, when one cannot come in, or pair the pieces upon the board at the end unmatched, he is then to draw from the fourteen pieces in stock on the table till he find one to suit.

This game requires strict attention, and nothing but practice will make a skilful player.

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