The Works of William Shakespeare, Band 7Munroe, Francis & Parker, 1812 |
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Aaron Achilles Æne Æneas Agamemnon Ajax Alcib Alcibiades Andronicus Antenor Apem Apemantus Bassianus blood brother Calchas Cloten Cres Cressid Cymbeline death deeds DEIPHOBUS Diomed dost doth emperor Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fair father fear Flav fool friends give gods gold Goths Grecian GUIDERIUS hand hath hear heart heaven Hect Hector Helen Helenus honour i'the Iach Imogen JOHNS JOHNSON king lady Lavinia look lord Lucius Marcus means Menelaus mistress ne'er noble o'the Pandarus Patr Patroclus Pisanio Poet Post Posthumus pr'ythee pray Priam prince queen Roman Rome SATURNINUS SCENE Serv Shakspeare sons speak STEEV STEEVENS sweet sword Tamora tears tell thee Ther There's Thersites thine thing thou art thou hast thyself Timon Titus TITUS ANDRONICUS Troilus Trojan Troy Ulyss villain WARB What's word
Beliebte Passagen
Seite 18 - The unity and married calm of states Quite from their fixture ! O ! when degree is shak'd Which is the ladder to all high designs, The enterprise is sick. How could communities, Degrees in schools, and brotherhoods in cities, Peaceful commerce from dividable shores, The primogenitive and due of birth, Prerogative of age, crowns, sceptres, laurels, But by degree, stand in authentic place ? Take but degree away, untune that string, And hark, what discord follows...
Seite 51 - I do not strain at the position, — It is familiar, — but at the author's drift : Who, in his circumstance, expressly proves, That no man is the lord of any thing, (Though in and of him there be much consisting, ) Till he communicate his parts to others...
Seite 101 - To fair Fidele's grassy tomb Soft maids and village hinds shall bring Each opening sweet, of earliest bloom, And rifle all the breathing Spring. No wailing ghost shall dare appear To vex with shrieks this quiet grove ; But shepherd lads assemble here, And melting virgins own their love. No wither'd witch shall here be seen, No goblins lead their nightly crew; The female fays shall haunt the green, And dress thy grave with pearly dew...
Seite 52 - Will knit and break religions; bless the accurs'd; Make the hoar leprosy ador'd; place thieves, And give them title, knee, and approbation, With senators on the bench; this is it That makes the wappen'd widow wed again; She, whom the spital-house and ulcerous sores Would cast the gorge at, this embalms and spices To the April day again.
Seite 53 - The present eye praises the present object : Then marvel not, thou great and complete man, That all the Greeks begin to worship Ajax ; Since things in motion sooner catch the eye, Than what not stirs. The cry went once on thee, And still it might, and yet it may again, If thou would'st not entomb thyself alive, And case thy reputation in thy tent...
Seite 18 - Take but degree away, untune that string, And hark what discord follows. Each thing meets In mere oppugnancy: the bounded waters Should lift their bosoms higher than the shores, And make a sop of all this solid globe; Strength should be lord of imbecility, And the rude son should strike his father dead; Force should be right, or rather, right and wrong (Between whose endless jar justice resides) Should lose their names, and so should justice too! Then every thing includes itself in power, Power into...