Office of Superintendent of Documents By Program and By Object Class 1995 ACTUAL FY 96 FY 97 ESTDATE | DOLLARS | (8000) | STAFT | (8000) TOTAL CHANGES 96/97 By-Law Distribution 31 690 442 Cataloging and Indexing 37 | 3,186 | 29 2,849 | 27,269 | 2 462 2 481 113 30,307 | 108 30,827 (5) I 520 Schedule A DOLLARS CATEGORIES 1. Breakdown by Program: STAFT | (8000) | STAFT | DOLLARS | ---- STAFT ------ | DOLLARS (8000) International Exchange ------ Appropriation 122 | 31,607 | 2. Breakdown by object class: 11 Personnel Compensation 12 Personnel Benefits 21 Travel 22 Transportation of Things 23 Rent, Communications, and Util 24 Printing and Reproduction 25 Other Services 26 Supplies and Materials 31 Assets Total 10 1 (520) | 520 Office of Superintendent of Deomments Salaries and Expenses Analysis of Change to Budget Base By Program and By Object Class PROGRAM TIPE CHANCES DATORY PAY DOLLARS DOLLARS DOLLARS | DOLLARS |DOLLARS | JDOLLARS (8000) |SZAFT (0000) |STAFT (8000) |SZAFT | (8000) |STAFT (8000) |STAFT (8000) | By-Law Distribution Cataloging and Indexing Depository Library Distributios International Exchange Total Sabe FX 1996/1997 STAFT Breakdown by Program: Breakdown By Object Class: 11 Personnel Compensation 12 Personnel Benefits 21 Travel 22 Transportation of Things 23 Rant, Communications, & Util. 24 Printing and Reproduction 25 Other Services 26 Supplies and Materials 31 Assets Total 261 12 751 (118) | (427) (118) (330) | |