Congressional Billings For Committees By Category - Continued FY 1995, as of September 30, 1995 Prints TOTAL ........ Senato 6,821,308 534,053 Secretary of Senate 13 Senate Members 47,111 26,498 324 229,938 249,433 1,242,167 16,171 27 663 834 15,198 10,441 4,654 16,708 44,788 274,270 45,955 ... ... ... Senate 8. Agriculture 8. Appropriations 8. Armed Services 8. Banking 8. Commerce 8. Cent Amer Negotiat 8. Finance --- --- 2,067 7,309 132,910 8. Foreign Relations 9,997 107,056 5,440 8. Gov't Affairs 1. mergy 8. Judiciary 18. Labor II-16 1. Environment 8. Rules 53,929 8. Democratic Policy 24,703 8. Republican Policy 36.656 8. Small Business 8. Aging S. Ethics 16,532 8. Veterans' Affairs 8. Legislative Counsel 1. Sergeant at Arms 8. Budget 132,905 659,953 57,297 8. Legal Counsel 8. Intelligence 8. Indian Affairs 8. Fair Empl. Practice 0,415 136 58,853 5,996 8. Iran & Nicaragua 8. POW/HIA 792,938 1.097 67,962 239,055 370,324 39,584 Total, Senate 6.021,321 534,053 353,009 2,805, 104 1,425.504 16,171 27 397,544 25 01.431 139,273 1,698,793 529.594 14,802,809 Congressional Billings For Committees By Category Continued FT 1995, as of September 30, 1995 Reports Documents Hearings Prints TOTAL 26,204 39.063 274,652 06.047 90,976 306,321 47,917 2,007,000 0 1,049,024 1,013,983 6,944,009 45,520 46,064 101,543 0,357,422 2,122,502 1,155,696 306,322 47,917 22,669,778 TOTALS 14,225,974 1,002,925 1,049,024 2,048,520 12,100,790 2,326,507 712,552 61,213 1,339,998 8,378,331 2,385,620 1,360,573 8,319,144 1,381,253 56,780,424 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |