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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

By Program and by object class (Schedule A).
Analysis of change to budget base (Schedule B)



Detailed analysis of change (Schedule C)...
Explanation of changes shown on Schedule C.
Summary of request (Schedule D)...




[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

1 For the renovation of air conditioning, electrical, and elevator systems in GPO's buildings.


Assist Congress and other Federal agencies in the cost-effective creation, replication and distribution of information products and services. Provide the public with access to Government information through a cost effective and efficient process that facilitates the acquisition of these products and services, and lessens the burden on the American taxpayer.


Provide a plant capacity at the level necessary to meet core Congressional and Federal agency requirements in an environment that insures maximum control, production efficiency, and

immediate response.

Assist the Congress and Federal agencies to manage the

Government's printing costs by providing broad-based competitive procurement of printing from the private sector.

Utilize information technology to promote flexible and responsive electronic commerce among multiple sources. Enable Government officials to act promptly and effectively to execute their information management responsibilities.

Provide comprehensive contracting and quality assurance services for publications management functions on a cost-recovery basis. Avoid costly duplication of specialized resources in Government and achieve cost savings through a unified program of printing procurement and publications distribution.

Provide the public with comprehensive, timely, and equitable access to Government publications and electronic data bases through cataloguing, indexing, locator services, depository library distribution, on-line access, and one-stop shopping capability.

Minimize the life cycle cost of Government information, including creation, inventory, dissemination, long-term storage and retrieval. Expand the implementation of standardized data formats, on-demand printing, online and other multi-media information communications capabilities.

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