B 63333CRCICC3C 1993 $203,000 $293,467 $188,000 $188,000 112,000 185,000 1993 6,000 1,466 5,000 5,000 21,000 19,000 1987 100,000 39,356 100,000 100,000 146,141 130,000 2502 ELEVATOR REPAIRS 74,000 2503 ANNUAL PAINTING 2504 MAINTENANCE, A/C SYSTEMS 1007 190,000 126,000 2306 MAINTENANCE & REPAIRS, SUBWAY 12,000 2507 INSECT & PEST CONTROL 25,000 2509 MISC IMPROVEMENTS 100,000 2517 EXTERIOR POINTING & CAULKING 151,000 2519 ROOF PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROGRAM 2540 MAINTAIN/REPAIR HOUSE RESTAURANT EQP 30,000 2546 ASBESTOS REMOVAL, REPLACE & CONTROL 100,000 2548 WASTE RECYCLING PROGRAM 2591 TRAINING 37,000 1993 120,000 109,108 112,000 1993 202,000 268,931 185,000 1993 140,000 242,042 130,000 130,000 1993 15,000 19,000 1993 165,000 161,377 153,000 153,000 1993 140,000 130,000 1993 23,000 29,982 21,000 21,000 1989 150,000 126,211 140,000 140,000 1991 40,000 40,000 40,000 1995 70,000 76,717 370,000 370,000 3101 ANNUAL EQUIPMENT 170,000 3121 MOVABLE PARTITIONS 20,000 3132 REPLCAMPROVE HOUSE RESTAURANT FAC 100,000 1993 176,000 140,392 163,000 163,000 1989 30,000 29,999 1987 70,000 27,737 8.19 444,316 18,450,029 18,450,238 49,762 209 1996 49,808 49,808 300, 192 0 1998 76,247 296,448 $70,666 52,123 54,774 645,226 2,651 1997 PROJECTS HOUSE OFFICE BUILDINGS NO YEAR PROJECTS FUNDED IN THE BASE ARCHITECT OF THE CAPITOL FISCAL YEAR 1997 SUMMARY OF NO YEAR PROJECTS YEAR TOTAL FIRST ESTIMATED FUNDING APPROP AMOUNT IN EXPENDED Electrical & Telecom System Renov, CHOB 1989. 15,400,000 10,500,000 4,900,000 2,000,000 7,660,107 ADA Requirements 1994 • 4,000,000 1,200,000 2,800,000 400,000 110,676 Refurbish/Replace Windows, CHOB 1996. 2,000,000 200,000 1,800,000 200,000 Elevator Modernization Program, CHOB 1996. 2,295,000 700,000 1,595,000 700,000 Escalator Modernization Program, RHOB 1996 1,160,000 580,000 580,000 300,000 Lightning Protection System, HOB 1996 $18,000 181,000 337,000 125,000 Sprinkler System, RHOB 1996 3,995,000 1,100,000 2,895,000 1,100,000 NO YEAR PROJECTS FUNDED IN PRIOR FISCAL YEARS Fire Protection Improvements HOB 1978 • 465,000 465,000 Miscellaneous Improvements 1996 100,000 100,000 Prog for Energy Conservation HOB 1979 • 959,500 959,500 752,445 Elect/Fire Protect Improv LHOB 1986. 18,500,000 18,500,000 Improve Lighting Committee Rms., HOBS 1992 350,000 350,000 Smoke Dect/Voice Fire Alarm Sys, CHOB 1988 • 350,000 350,000 Smoke Dect/Voice Fire Alarm Sys, RHOB 1988 • 800,000 800,000 349,800 Installation of Duress Alarms HOB 1988 • 300,000 300,000 Elevator Repair and Replacement, HOB 1989 927,161 927,161 796,002 Emergency Generator for HIS Computer Rm 1991 581,410 581,410 1991 ⚫ R 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,563,593 1995 700,000 700,000 1995 $80,000 580,000 1995 6,580,000 6,580,000 161,835 161,835 ⚫. Funding Thru FY 1996 provided over a multi-year period. R- Initial funds provided by a reprogramming in the year indicated in the column Fiscal Year First Appropriated. 8.20 Schedule A CATEGORIES 1. Breakdown by Activity: House Office Buildings Total 2. Breakdown by Object Class 11 Personnel Compensation 13 Benefits to Former Personnel 22 Transportation of Things 23 Rent, Communications and Utilities 24 Printing and Reproduction 25 Other Services 26 Supplies and Materials 31 Equipment 32 Land and Structures 42 Insurance Claims and Indemnities Total • Includes Obligations from Prior Year "No Year" Authority. Schedule B CATEGORY 1. Breakdown by Activity: House Office Buildings Total 2. Breakdown By Object Class 11 Personnel Compensation 12 Personnel Benefits 13 Benefits to Former Personnel 21 Travel 22 Transportation of Things 23 Rent, Communication & Utilities 24 Printing and Reproduction 25 Other Services 26 Supplies and Materials 31 Equipment 32 Land and Structures 42 Insurance Claims and Indemnities Total |