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The Senate Committee on Appropriations in its report accompanying the fiscal year 1996 appropriations bill directed that greater detail be provided on budget items funded in prior fiscal years.

For the fiscal year 1997 budget justifications, detailed narrative descriptions and other information will be provided for all projects funded in prior fiscal years. This narrative information will be supported by a financial summary statement that includes the following data. The detailed financial, scheduling and cost information that is provided for ongoing projects includes an account code, project title, the year funds were first appropriated for the project, the total estimated cost, the total amount funded through fiscal year 1996, the obligated, unobligated and unliquidated balances as of September 30, 1995, and the estimated date for project completion.

These funds were appropriated for various fire protection enhancements within the House Office Buildings, including storage, shop and basement fire sprinkler systems. No additional funding for this project is being sought at this time; the work will be completed with existing resources. The estimated completion date is expected during 1996. This project includes enhancements that are being made to exit and egress elements within the House Office Buildings. The final areas being addressed are the exit doors

Estimate 1997

House Office Buildings

Sprinkler System, RHOB (continued)

The estimated completion date for this work is one year following the final requested increment in fiscal year 1999. The Federal Fire
Safety Act of 1992 (H.R.3360) requires all newly constructed or leased federal office buildings over six stories in height to be protected
by an automatic sprinkler system. This building will fully meet the requirements of this law.




Fire Protection Improvements, HOB's


This project will provide the Longworth House Office Building with additional electrical power, telephone and data communications wiring to meet an increased occupant demand for these services. Alleviation of life safety concerns also has been provided through the installation of fire and smoke signal systems and sprinkler piping.

The activation of the main fire alarm system and the replacement of emergency and miscellaneous electrical power panels is in progress. Completion is anticipated in during 1996.

Estimate 1997

House Office Buildings

Fire Protection Improvements, HOB's (continued)

serving the main entrances to the Ford House Office Building.

Miscellaneous Improvements


This allotment is normally carried in the annual appropriations. "No Year" funds in the amount of $100,000 were made available during fiscal year 1996 and will be redesignated as annual funding in fiscal year 1997.

Program for Energy Conservation

The project principally involves the installation of the Energy Management and Control System (EMCS) which will, when
complete, provide for centralized monitoring and control of the majority of the air handling equipment in all House Office Buildings.
The installation of the system is being performed with in-house maintenance forces and it is anticipated that it will be completed in fiscal
year 1999.

Electrical and Fire Protection Improvements, LHOB


Funding was requested and appropriated based on recommendation from a study to provide seven Committee hearing rooms with improved lighting for staff and television coverage of hearings.

At present an acceptable design has not been found to protect the historic decor of Committee hearing rooms in the Cannon and Longworth House Office Buildings. The Electrical Engineering Division is studying the possibility of installing 50 amp outlets in each Committee hearing room which would allow television network services to plug in their own TV lights, thus eliminating excess cabling in public hallways and Committee rooms. Completion of this project is anticipated during fiscal year 1998.

These funds were requested to provide for the procurement and installation of a complete early warning smoke detection and voice annunciating fire alarm system in the Cannon House Office Building. It is not anticipated that additional funds will be requested under this project since this work is also being accomplished in conjunction with another building-wide project. The estimated completion date is expected in 1997.

The equipment for this project also included a temporary fire alarm system which affords minimal protection to the building occupants until the full building-wide smoke detection and voice alarm system can be completed. Temporarily installed devices will be integrated into the permanent system during the final phase of the project. The voice reproduction capability of this system can also be used for other emergency management functions besides fire evacuation.

Estimate 1997

House Office Buildings

Improve Lighting, Committee Room, HOB's

Smoke Detection/Voice Fire Alarm System, CHOB


[blocks in formation]

These funds were requested for the procurement and installation of a building-wide early warning smoke detection and voice
annunciating fire alarm system. This system was deemed necessary in order to improve the fire safety of the building and its contents
as well as provide a greater degree of safety to the occupants in the event of a fire. It is not anticipated that additional funds will not
be requested since this equipment is being installed by in-house maintenance forces. The estimated completion for this work is expected
during 1998.

This system will be interconnected to the automatic sprinkler system for supervision and alarm functions. The voice reproduction capability of this system can also be used for other emergency management functions besides fire evacuation.

Installation of Duress Alarms, HOB's

This project is complete and will be closed out.

Elevator Repair and Replacement, HOB's

This work is complete and the project will be closed out.

Emergency Generator for HIS Computer Room

This project is complete and will be closed out.

Repair Leaks and Renovate Space, N.W. Corner, CHOB

The contract for this project included removal of the existing exposed aggregate concrete terrace slab and waterproofing, installation of new waterproofing and drains, installation of new granite pavers, removal and reinstallation of the marble balustrade,


The contract work is substantially complete, with some minor punch list work to be completed. The completion of the overall project will be dependent upon the final scope of the project. The funds appropriated for this project will cover the consulting contract, the construction contract, administrative costs and miscellaneous associated in-house work.

Funds were appropriated in fiscal year 1995 for this work. Technical specifications are presently under development. It is expected that the modernization work on Longworth elevators #1 - 4 will be completed during 1997.

Escalator Modernization/Rebuilding, RHOB

Funds for this project were appropriated in fiscal year 1995. The specifications and construction documents have been prepared, and the project is presently out for bids. It is expected that this project will be completed by the end of 1998.

Estimate 1997

House Office Buildings

Repair Leaks and Renovate Space, N.W. Corner, CHOB (continued)

waterproofing of the foundation walls and replacement of sidewalks. The finishing of the space under the terrace may be included as part of the project, if, after final design of the space for occupancy is completed, the estimate for occupancy work is within available funding.

Elevator Modernization, LHOB

Funds were appropriated in fiscal year 1995 for this work. The project is now completed and will be closed out.

New Elevators, LHOB and Emergency Generator


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