22-572 96-8 Schedule A 11 Personnel Compensation.. 12 Personnel Benefits... 13 Benefits to Former Personnel.. 21 Travel.... 22 Transportation of Things.. 23 Rent, Communications, Utilities..... 24 Printing and Reproduction.... 25 Other Services.... 26 Supplies and Materials.. 31 Equipment..... 32 Land and Structures... 42 Insurance Claims/ Indemnities.. Total. 14 $1,335 13 $1,260 13 $1,225 -$35 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OFFICE OF THE ATTENDING PHYSICIAN ANALYSIS OF CHANGE BY ORGANIZATION AND OBJECT CLASS PROGRAM TYPE CHANGES MANDATORY PAY AND RELATED COSTS PRICE LEVEL CHANGES LEGISLATION WORKLOAD FTE DOLLARS FTE DOLLARS FTE DOLLARS FTE DOLLARS EQUIPMENT, TOTAL CHANGES FTE DOLLARS *(000)* "(000) Schedule B Breakdown by Organization (000) *(000)" 11 Personnel Compensation 12 Personnel Benefits 13 Benefits to Former Personnel 21 Travel 22 Transportation of Things 23 Rent, Communications and Utilities 24 Printing and Reproduction 25 Other Services 26 Supplies and Materials 31 Equipment 32 Land and Structures 42 Insurance Claims and Indemnities Reimbursements to the Navy Total $17 $17 $17 $2 -$43 -$11 -$35 $1 3. PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION 4. OTHER SERVICES 5. SUPPLIES 6. EQUIPMENT 7. CONSULTANT CONTRACTS 8. MISCELLANEOUS C. PROGRAM TYPE CHANGES 1. LEGISLATION 2 WORKLOAD & TRAVEL b. RENT, COMMUNICATIONS C. SUPPLIES d. PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION e. OTHER SERVICES 1. STAFF LEVEL CHANGES INSURANCE CLAIMS/INDEMNITIES ($54) ($43) ($43) 3. EQUIPMENT, MAINT, REPAIRS, ETC. a. REPLACEMENT AND UPGRADE ($11) ($11) II. NET INCREASE/DECREASE REQUESTED ($35) Explanation of Changes Shown on Schedule C ATTENDING PHYSICIAN For medical supplies, equipment and contingent expenses of the emergency rooms, and for the Attending Physician and his Assistants, $1,225,000. This is a $35,000 reduction under the amount appropriated in fiscal 1996. The Office of the Attending Physician provides emergency response services not only to Members and Congressional staff but also to the thousands of visitors touring the Capitol complex annually. Mandatory Pay and Related Changes: Personnel increases are attributed to annualization of the FY'96 Cost of Living Adjustment and estimated FY'97 meritorious increases Price Level Changes: Price level increases are attributed to inflation. Program Type Changes: There is estimated to be a decrease of $43,000 in supplies. This decrease is the result of a deliberate five year effort to reduce cost and increase quality and productivity through process improvement. An additional $11,000 reduction in equipment represents a five year effort to update major/minor equipment. Presently, most of the equipment is current and within life expectancy parameters thereby reducing the need to purchase new equipment at this time. The Capitol Police budget estimates for fiscal year 1997 with our letter of explanation are enclosed. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, Chief Gary Abrecht or his Budget Director, Mr. Bruce Holmberg on extension 85313. Sincerely, Wil Link Wilson Livingood Capitol Police Board WL:GLA.jbh (225) PHONE 225-2466 |