HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SUPPLIES, MATERIALS, ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS AND FEDERAL TORT CLAIMS and Federal Tort Claims Supplies, Materials, Administrative Costs Schedule A 11 Personnel Compensation... 12 Personnel Benefits.......... 13 Benefits to Former Personnel.... 21 Travel...... 22 Transportation of Things... 23 Rent, Communications, Utilities... 24 Printing and Reproduction.... 25 Other Services..... 26 Supplies and Materials.. 31 Equipment..................... 32 Land and Structures.... 42 Insurance Claims/ Indemnities. Total. $4,536 $1,213 $2,301 $1,088 Schedule B HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ALLOWANCES AND EXPENSES- SUPPLIES, MATERIALS, ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS AND FEDERAL TORT CLAIMS $64 -$178 $5 $5 $1 $325 $326 $4 $135 $139 Breakdown by Organization 11 Personnel Compensation 12 Personnel Benefits 13 Benefits to Former Personnel 21 Travel 22 Transportation of Things (000) (000)" "(000) *(000)* "(000) (000) 23 Rent, Communications and Utilities $11 $64 -$167 24 Printing and Reproduction 25 Other Services 26 Supplies and Materials 31 Equipment $20 $709 $729 32 Land and Structures 42 Insurance Claims and Indemnities -$8 -$8 Total $36 $343 $709 $1,088 SCHEDULE C U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DETAILED ANALYSIS OF CHANGE BY ORGANIZATION $5 d. PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION e. OTHER SERVICES $325 1. STAFF LEVEL CHANGES g. INSURANCE CLAIMS/ANDEMNITIES ($8) 3. EQUIPMENT, MAINT, REPAIRS, ETC. $709 a. REPLACEMENT AND UPGRADE $709 II. NET INCREASE/DECREASE REQUESTED $1,088 Explanation of Changes Shown on Schedule C ALLOWANCES AND EXPENSES SUPPLIES, MATERIALS, ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS AND FEDERAL TORT CLAIMS The appropriated dollars required to support the operations within this account have fluctuated over the past two years primarily due to the restructuring of this account. The largest category requested is for office equipment. The equipment purchases and user fees for House leadership offices and other miscellaneous offices are funded in this account. The FY '97 request is $1,370,000. The FY '97 estimated administrative items historically funded and paid for out of this account are summarized below, The Federal Tort Claims is used to pay minor settlements. The Parking Lot Utilities- is used to pay for the utility usage of specific parking lots Owned by the DC government and used by the House. The request of $9,000 represents utility charges for the House and reflects a $12,000 reduction from FY'96. Other expenses paid out of this account include office supplies totaling $280,000. This account also includes funds for telephones. A total of $196,000 is requested for FY '97 telephone costs. PRICE LEVEL CHANGES: The increases in this area are based primarily on a 3.1% inflation factor for costs of goods and services over FY '96 estimated expenses. Examples of some of the items impacted by inflation are office supplies, telephone costs and office equipment. PROGRAM TYPE CHANGES Due to the annual cyclical nature of the House, the "off-year" theory applies which shows increases in travel and other services every odd numbered fiscal year. Member Caucus travel ($327,000) and transportation or shipment of outgoing Members documents ($65,000) are cyclical events funded in each odd numbered fiscal year. Member Caucus travel are expenses to be paid for new Member orientation. Office supplies, printing and equipment increases are attributed to current needs based on actual FY'95 spending. Other program reductions come in the nature of accounting changes. For example, a reduction in Rent. Communications and Utilities is attributed to the Former Speakers. The Former Speakers nonpersonnel costs, previously and currently paid out of this account are recommended to be merged with the Former Speakers personnel costs paid out of the Other Authorized Employees account. Also the Federal Tort Claims reduction is attributed to historical spending. The amount of minor claims to be paid has reduced over the past several years. |