Increase of employer contributions to FEGLI, CSRS, FERS Thrift Plan, and Social Security taxes resulting from increases in personnel compensation and the Social Security taxable wage base, for increases resulting from annualization of and greater participation in the FERS retirement system, and annualization of rate changes in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. 53 122 51 1/ Every year Congress approves a staff ceiling for GAO. The figures shown here represent the Committee authorized full-time equivalent (FTE) level for fiscal years 1995 and 1996 and the requested level for fiscal year 1997. 2/ Includes employees whose services are obtained under contract with an individual or an organization performing on-site services (in agency work space) for 6 months or more during a twelve-month period. PROGRAM EVALUATION AND METHODOLOGY DIVISION The Program Evaluation and Methodology Division (PEMD) promotes program evaluation objectives within GAO and throughout the federal government. The division conducts complex and innovative program evaluations that contribute to congressional and national debates on major issues and that complement the planned work of other GAO divisions; produces "transfer papers" that describe and illustrate evaluation methods; and provides the focus for GAO methodological responsibilities under Title VII of the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974. The division also conducts joint projects with other GAO units dealing with such matters as the development of program evaluation standards and the design of GAO-wide methodological training programs. The following summary shows the FTE positions authorized to meet PEMD responsibilities during fiscal years 1996 and 1997. |