1/ Every year Congress approves a staff ceiling for GAO. The figures shown here represent 2/ Includes employees whose services are obtained under contract with an individual or an organization performing on-site services (in agency work space) for 6 months or more during a twelve-month period. G-7 RESOURCES, COMMUNITY, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION The Resources, Community, and Economic Development Division (RCED) serves as the lead division for GAO's work in the areas of food and agriculture, energy and science, technology, environmental protection, housing and community development, natural resources management, and transportation and communication. The division provides audit coverage for the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Energy, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, and Transportation; the Army Corps of Engineers (civil functions); the Environmental Protection and Federal Emergency Management Agencies; the Small Business Administration; the Interstate Commerce, Federal Maritime, Federal Communications and Nuclear Regulatory Commissions; the National Science Foundation; and a variety of boards, commissions, and quasi-governmental entities relating to RCED's key areas of work. The following summary shows the FTE positions authorized to meet RCED responsibilities during fiscal years 1996 and 1997. |