Cato: A Tragedy. As it is Acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty's ServantsJ. Tonson: and sold, 1733 - 83 Seiten |
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Afide Amidſt Arms behold beſt Blood Boſom Cafar caſt Cato Cato's Cauſe Charms cou'd Curſe Death Decius Deſign diſtracted doſt thou dreadful Ev'n ev'ry Exit Eyes fall'n falſe Fame Fate fecret felf firſt Friends Friendſhip gen'rous give Gods Greatneſs Grief haſt hear Heart Heav'n Honour Juba Juba's juſt laſt Liberty live loft Loſs loſt Love Lucia Lucius Maid Mankind Marc Marcia Marcus moſt muſt Numidian o'er paſs Paſſion periſh pleaſe Pleaſure Portius Preſence preſerve Prince raiſe Reaſon refuſe reſt riſe Roman Roman Senate Rome ſay SCENE SCENE ſee ſeen ſelf Semp Sempronius Senate Senſe ſet ſhall ſhew ſhines ſhou'd ſmile Sorrows Souls College ſpeak ſtand ſtill ſtrike Succeſs ſuch ſure ſwells Sword Syph Syphax Tears thee theſe thoſe Thoughts thy Brother thy Father thy Soul tremble Utica Virtue whilſt Woes World wou'd wou'dſt thou young Youth
Beliebte Passagen
Seite 77 - I'm weary of conjectures :—this must end them. [Laying his hand on his sword.] Thus am I doubly armed : my death and life, My bane and antidote, are both before me. This in a moment brings me to an end; But this informs me I shall never die.
Seite 63 - Remember, O my friends, the laws, the rights, The generous plan of power deliver'd down, From age to age, by your renown'd forefathers, (So dearly bought, the price of so much blood) O let it never perish in your hands ! But piously transmit it to your children.
Seite 39 - Rome fall a moment ere her time? No, let us draw her term of freedom out In its full length, and spin it to the last, So shall we gain still one day's liberty; And let me perish, but in Cato's judgment, A day, an hour, of virtuous liberty, Is worth a whole eternity in bondage.
Seite 41 - Your high, unconquer?d heart makes you forget You are a man. You rush on your destruction. But I have done. When I relate hereafter The tale of this unhappy embassy, All Rome will be in tears.
Seite 41 - Cato, you're in Utica, And at the head of your own little senate; You don't now thunder in the Capitol, With all the mouths of Rome to second you. CATO. Let him consider that who drives us hither: 'Tis Caesar's sword has made Rome's senate little, And thinn'd its ranks. Alas, thy dazzled eye Beholds this man in a false glaring light, Which conquest and success...
Seite 29 - What virtues grow from ignorance and choice, Nor how the hero differs from the brute. But grant that others could with equal glory Look down on pleasures, and the baits of sense...
Seite 62 - Severity, and justice in its rigour; This awes an impious, bold, offending world, Commands obedience and gives force to laws. When by just vengeance guilty mortals perish, The gods behold their punishment with pleasure.
Seite 22 - Pardon a weak, distemper'd soul, that swells With sudden gusts, and sinks as soon in calms, The sport of passions — but Sempronius comes: He must not find this softness hanging on me.
Seite 67 - Rush in at once, and seize upon your prey. Let not her cries or tears have force to move you. How will the young Numidian rave, to see His mistress lost! If aught could glad my soul, Beyond th' enjoyment of so bright a prize, 'Twould be to torture that young gay barbarian.
Seite 56 - Oh stop those sounds, Those killing sounds ! why dost thou frown upon me ? My blood runs cold, my heart forgets to heave, And life itself goes out at thy displeasure. The...