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under the spout. As the cool stream gushed over c she spelled into the other the word w-a-t-e-r, first then rapidly. I stood still, my whole attention fixed motion of her fingers. Suddenly I felt a misty cons as of something forgotten a thrill of returning thoug somehow the mystery of language was revealed to me. that w-a-t-e-r meant the wonderful cool something flowing over my hand.

6 I left the well-house eager to learn. Everythin name, and each name gave birth to a new thought. A turned to the house every object which I touched se quiver with life.

7 I learned a great many new words that day. I d member what they all were, but I do know that mothe sister, teacher were among them. It would have been to find a happier child than I was as I lay in my crib at of that eventful day, and lived over the joys it had bro and for the first time longed for a new day to come. HELEN KELLER: The Story of My

There are eight parts of speech, which perform work in sentences. Find examples.

1. A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea.
2. A pronoun stands for a noun.














A verb asserts action.

An adverb modifies a verb, an adjective, or another a
An adjective modifies a noun or a pronoun.

A conjunction joins words, phrases, or clauses.

A preposition shows the relation between a substan some other word or words in the sentence.

8. An interjection is a word expressing feeling.

* By permission of Doubleday, Page and Company.

14. An Enunciation Drill. Combine the so the vowels, giving each vowel as often as its indicates:

da; de, de; di, di, di; do, do, do, do; du,

A Talk to the Class. Read again Helen K of the most important day in her life. Think w the most important day so far in your life. Wh interesting thing you ever did, or the most ple ever took?

The chairman will appoint a committee of t sit on the back seats and rise whenever a spea heard.

15. Accuracy and Definiteness in Writing. paragraph is an accurate and definite story of a itself.


1 1I was deposited last Saturday about 7 P.M post box at Broadway and Thirty-second Street lected by a mail wagon at a little before 8 P.M. in the ordinary way, which does not presuppose to ness, and dropped into a mail sack by the wagon other sacks I was hauled to the back platform Post Office at Eighth Avenue and Thirty-seco dumped into a chute. 5 The chute slid the bags from the first floor level to the basement and dep something of a jar upon the sorting and cancellat

1. Point out the expressions that give accurat details of time, place, and manner (or when, whe 2. Make a list of nine words that have a specia to postal service. 3. Find out how your neares

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cancellation tables.5"

Imagine the journey of the parcel from the "so: cancellation tables 5" to its destination.

that happen to it.

Discuss t

Remember: Get accurate and definite information by reading, conversation, and observation.

Completing an Autobiography. The first paragra autobiography of a parcel, given on page 212, leaves t on a cancellation table in the basement of the Gen Office of the City of New York. Imagine yourself t parcel. Copy the paragraph on page 212. Then second paragraph, telling accurately, definitely, an what happens to you from the time you leave the Post Office until you reach your destination. Take as tion the place where you actually live.

Write on both sides of the paper, unless directed ot Read the autobiographies aloud in class. Decide you think is the most correct. Choose a pupil to i the postman to find out whether this is correct.

16. Making an Autobiographical Outline. What are needed to make the following an accurate, defi complete autobiography?

I was born in the East Indies. I lost my father an when I was very young. At the age of five, my relation it proper that I should be sent to England for my edu was to be intrusted to the care of a young woman, b I had taken leave of my friends and we were about to passage, she suddenly fell sick and could not go on boa


Consider what details should be given in you biography. Find out the details of your own date of your birth until now. Outline these fact

Writing an Autobiographical Letter. Write your teacher from your home, giving your autol outlined. See which topics you would take as (1) place and date of birth, parents; (2) life ur to school; (3) life in the primary grades; (4) life fifth, and sixth grades; and (5) present life from grade. If you have a better topical arrangement 17. Phrase, Clause, Sentence: Which of t gives a complete thought?

I. to the woods


when chestnuts are ripe

3. We will go to the woods when chestnuts a

The expression "to the woods" gives an idea expressed that it means little. The expression " nuts are ripe" gives the thought a little more f completely. We wonder, "What about it? The expression "We will go to the woods when ripe" is a complete thought.

A group of words that makes complete sens sentence. To make a thought complete there must thing talked about, or a subject, and (2) somethi the subject. The words that tell something abou are called the predicate.

Subject: We

Predicate: will go to the woods when chestnuts ar In the expression "when chestnuts are ripe also a subject and predicate, but they do not ma












but having both a subject and a predicate of its own, i a clause. It is usually introduced by a conjunction, other connecting word.

[blocks in formation]

The expression " to the woods" does not have a subj predicate, but it is used as a single part of speech. of words without both subject and predicate but us single part of speech is called a phrase.

Remember: A sentence is a group of words expre

complete thought. It has a subject (what is talked and a predicate (what is said about the subject). A clause is a group of words forming part of a sente having a subject and a predicate of its own.

A phrase is a group of related words not having both

and predicate, and used as a single part of speech. Analysis. In the following sentences point out phrases and (2) the clauses. Analyze them according suggestions given on page 33.

1. Our English Club at school has forty members.
A pupil presides when the club meets.



Each pupil speaks at a meeting of the club.

4. A pupil who wishes to speak rises and addresses the 5. The chairman of the class gives him permission to 6. The speaker comes to the front of the room, where face his audience.

7. He speaks so that everybody can hear him.

8. A good club does not waste time through delays.

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