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Write yo

195. Writing a News Report. this animal's act as a news item for your c (1) Compose a headline, a lead, and an int marizing paragraph. (2) Write paragraphs w story. Use the models on pages 131 and 18 your report.

In class exchange papers and under the tea look for the following:

1. Is the headline given?

2. Is the lead given?

3. Is the introductory paragraph dated? Is Does it sum up?

4. Are the details of who, where, when, what, an 5. Is there any mistake in (1) form, (2) punctua and (4) grammar? Consult the wall posters.

6. Is the report properly dated and signed?

On another sheet of paper write five sentence above questions. Use as title, "Criticism o Report." Sign your name. Hand your crit original paper back to the reporter. Later y be returned to you.

Read what another reporter criticized i Rewrite your composition.

The news items will be exhibited on the wall a Edition" of the class newspaper.

196. Study of a Monologue. When two pec we call their conversation a dialogue. When o all the talking we call it a monologue. The s next page is from a famous book about a hors Beauty. Here the colt's mother is giving a advice:

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to her, and then she said:

2 "I wish you to pay attention to what I am going to say. 3 The colts who live here. are very good colts, but they are cart-horse colts, and of course they have not learned

manners. 4 You have been well-born and well-bred father has a great name in these parts, and your gra won a cup two years at the races. 6 Your grandmothe sweetest temper of any horse I ever knew, and I think never seen me bite or kick. I hope you will grow and good, and never learn bad ways. Do your wor good will, lift your feet up well when you trot, and nev kick, even in play."


9 I have never forgotten my mother's advice. 10 I was a wise old horse, for our master thought a great de MRS. ANNA SEWELL: Black

Which paragraph is introductory? Which is the on? Which is the monologue? How does the m differ in its punctuation from the other paragraphs?

How does the mother horse contrast the cart horse thoroughbred horse? How could she compare them of people? What does well-bred mean? How does 4 reveal itself? What advice does she give to the colt Which wild animals could give good monologues young? which domesticated animals? Talk abo they might say.

A Dictionary Match. Take in hand small diction a book with an index, if you do not have individual aries). When the teacher announces a word, see

find it first. When you have it, place your fing rise, and face the teacher. When ten have ris on one of you to read what is given after the w Learn to use reference books quickly.

197. An Enunciation Drill. Practice the fo sions, giving full stress to the h sound. Say h

gave him

saw her

took his
made him

found her

think him

A Talk to the Class. Select one of the foll and outline what she might say, as good advice Follow the model on page 187. Imagine her breeding:

[blocks in formation]

Vote for the best monologue at the end of the

198. Writing a Monologue. Divide the cla teams, each to write one of the monologues giv above. Follow the model on page 187.

Turn to the suggestions for criticism given on make your composition the best work you h year. Correct it. Copy it.

Correct Use of Should and Would. (1) You that it is correct to say "Shall I?" and "Sh that it is incorrect to say "Will I?" or "Wil

words should and would are formed from the w will, and express time that is past. They theref same general rules that you have learned for sha

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"We should like " (not "We would like ").

(2) Use should for duty or obligation; as, 'You go to school on time.”

(3) Use would for habitual action; as, "He would walk faster than I," meaning that it was his habit t faster.

An Exercise. In the following sentences select the forms. Give the rule for each.

1. (Would, should) I go home early to-night?

2. The old man (should, would) walk for hours tapping


3. I (would, should) like to see you.

4. (Will, shall) we print the paper in school?
5. He (would, should) do what his editor asks.
6. (Shall, will) I write the next paragraph?

7. The girls (should, would) always hang together.
8. We (would, should) like to see your report.

9. The art editor (would, should) be responsible for the 10. The reporters (should, would) write accurately, de and briefly.

199. Exhibit of the Class Newspaper Work. Your will see that each monologue is placed on the classroo beside each pupil's letter of application and news iter making three sets of written work for each pupil. Y walk slowly past these and observe which pupil's wor the best and which looks the poorest. Watch for sugg for improvement.

Writing a Letter. Write a business letter to th newspaper editor. Tell him (1) which reporters you should be promoted on account of their good work, (2)

reporters should be given special drill to impr in English, and (3) which things have helped year in your work in English.

200. An Exhibit of the Work of the Year. of the year should be arranged in order of time. this work carefully to see how you have imp your parents to come to your classroom to books. Spread them on the tops of the desks of school.

A Symposium. In ancient Greece a sym feast at which, besides eating and drinking, ever opinion on some subject. We shall close the ye a discussion of the following question:

What is the most helpful thing you have learned year?

While your class editor presides, rise, come tell your fellow reporters how the year's wo you.

(During the week try to visit a newspaper offic newspaper is printed. Your teacher can make the

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