Healthful; and ever since a fresh admirer Buck. An untimely ague Stay'd me a prisoner in my chamber when Nor. Such a compounded one? Buck. I was my chamber's prisoner. Nor. All the whole time Then you lost The view of earthly glory: men might say, 4. An untimely ague stay'd me a prisoner, etc. The historic Duke of Buckingham (Edward Stafford, d. 1521) took an important part in the meeting. On June 17 he formed part of the English escort of the French king (so Holinshed, iii. 860). The Duke of Norfolk on the other hand was in England (Cal. Hen. VIII. iii. 1. 873, cit. Stone, p. 425); but it does not appear that Shakespeare could have known this. 7. 'Twixt Guynes and Arde; these places being respectively VOL. VII 161 10 20 in English and French territory, both in Picardy. 17. Became the next day's master, taught and transmitted its triumphs to the next day. 18. its, its own. One of the rare undoubted occurrences of the word in Shakespeare's text. The Ff print it 'it's.' 19. clinquant, glittering with gold. The word was properly used of thin sheets of gold, and hence already suggests the golden sheen made more definite by the next words. M Made Britain India: every man that stood suns For so they phrase 'em-by their heralds chal lenged The noble spirits to arms, they did perform Beyond thought's compass; that former fabulous story, Being now seen possible enough, got credit, Buck. O, you go far. Nor. As I belong to worship and affect 25. pride, splendid vesture. ib. their very labour was to them as a painting; i.e. the exertion inflamed their cheeks. 32. saw but one; their appearance was indistinguishable. 33. in censure, in drawing comparisons. 38. Bevis; Bevis of Hamp All was royal; the office did 30 40 ton, the hero of the famous Middle English romance of that name. His battle with the giant Ascapart is referred to in the Contention (passage corresponding to 2 Hen. VI. ii. 3. 93). 40. tract, course. 44. office, officers, the officials charged with the arrangement of procedure. Distinctly his full function. Buck. Who did guide, I mean, who set the body and the limbs Nor. One, certes, that promises no element Buck. I pray you, who, my lord? Nor. All this was order'd by the good dis cretion Of the right reverend Cardinal of York. Buck. The devil speed him! no man's pie is From his ambitious finger. What had he Surely, sir, Nor. Aber. I cannot tell What heaven hath given him,-let some graver eye 45. Distinctly, so that each item of the ceremonies received equal attention and secured its due effect. 50 60 55. keech, beef fat rolled in a lump for the manufacture of tallow here with allusion to Wolsey's parentage. 48. promises no element, 63. self-drawing, drawn from would not be suspected of any itself; there is a somewhat harsh concern. change of construction. Peep through each part of him whence has he that, If not from hell? the devil is a niggard, Or has given all before, and he begins A new hell in himself. Buck. Why the devil, Upon this French going out, took he upon him, Who should attend on him? He makes up the Of all the gentry; for the most part such Must fetch him in he papers. I do know Aber. Buck. O, many Have broke their backs with laying manors on 'em But minister communication of A most poor issue? Nor. Grievingly I think, The peace between the French and us not values Buck. 73. going out, expedition. 80. Must fetch him in he papers; (his independent letter of summons, drawn up without concurrence of the council), must call in the man whom he sets in his list. 86. minister communication of a most poor issue, give occasion to a conference which has led to Every man, 70 80 After the hideous storm that follow'd, was Aber. A proper title of a peace; and purchased At a superfluous rate! Buck. Our reverend cardinal carried. Nor. 90 Why, all this business Like it your grace, 100 The state takes notice of the private difference What his high hatred would effect wants not |