. We shall remain in friendship, our conditions So differing in their acts. Yet, if I knew What hoop should hold us staunch, from edge to edge O'the world I would pursue it Agr. Give me leave, Cæsar, Cas. Speak, Agrippa. Agr. Thou hast a sister by the mother's side, Admir'd Octavia: great Mark Antony C'as. Say not so, Agrippa; Ant. I am not married, Cæsar: let me hear Agrippa further speak. Agr. To hold you in perpetual amity, To make you brothers, and to knit your hearts With an unslipping knot, take Antony Octavia to his wife: whose beauty claims No worse a husband than the best of men; Whose virtue, and whose general graces, speak That which none else can utter. By this marriage, All little jealousies, which now seem great, And all great fears, which now import their dangers, Would then be nothing: truths would be but tales, Where now half tales be truths: her love to both, Would, each to other, and all loves to both, Draw after her. Pardon what I have spoke; For 'tis a studied, not a present thought, By duty ruminated. Ant. Will Cæsar speak? Cas. Not till he hears how Antony is touch'd With what is spoke already. Ant. What power is in Agrippa, If I would say, Agrippa, be it so, Cas. The power of Cæsar, and His power unto Octavia. Ant. May I never To this good purpose, that so fairly shows, And sway our great designs ! [5] i.e. you might be reproved for your rashness, and would well deserys It.-Your reproof, means, the reproof you would undergo. MASON. 27* VOL. VI. Cas. There is my hand. A sister I bequeath you, whom no brother Did ever love so dearly: Let her live To join our kingdoms, and our hearts; and never Fly off our loves again! Lep. Happily, amen! Ant. I did not think to draw my sword 'gainst Pompey; For he hath laid strange courtesies, and great, Of late upon me: I must thank him only, Lest my remembrance suffer ill report ; 6 At heel of that, defy him. Lep. Time calls upon us: Of us must Pompey presently be sought, Ant. And where lies he? Cas. About the mount Misenum. Ant. What's his strength By land? Cas. Great, and increasing: but by sea He is an absolute master. Ant. So is the fame. 'Would, we had spoke together! Haste we for it; Yet, ere we put ourselves in arms, despatch we The business we have talk'd of. C'as. With most gladness; And do invite you to my sister's view, Whither straight I will lead you. Ant. Let us, Lepidus, Not lack your company. Lep. Noble Antony, Not sickness should detain me. [Flourish. Exeunt CÆSAR, ANT. and LEP. Mec. Welcome from Egypt, sir. Eno. Half the heart of Cæsar, worthy Mecænas! my honourable friend, Agrippa! Agr. Good Enobarbus! Mec. We have cause to be glad, that matters are so well digested. You staied well by it in Egypt. Eno. Ay, sir; we did sleep day out of countenance, and made the night light with drinking. Mec. Eight wild boars roasted whole at a breakfast, and but twelve persons there; Is this true? [6] Lest I be thought too willing to forget benefits, I must barely return him thanks, and then I will defy him. JOHNS. Eno. This was but as a fly by an eagle: we had much more monstrous matter of feast, which worthily deserved noting. Mec. She's a most triumphant lady, if report be square to her. 7 Eno. When she first met Mark Antony, she pursed up his heart, upon the river of Cydnus. Agr. There she appeared indeed; or my reporter devised well for her. Eno. I will tell you : The barge she sat in, like a burnish'd throne, & The winds were love-sick with them: the oars were silver; Which to the tune of flutes kept stroke, and made Agr. O, rare for Antony ! [7] ie, if report quadrates with her, or suits with her merits. STEEV. [8] The reader may not be displeased with the present opportunity of comparing our author's description with that of Dryden: "Her galley down the silver Cydnus row'd, Neglecting she could take 'em: Boys, like Cupids, The hearing gave new pleasure to the sight, And both to thought. 'Twas heaven, or somewhat more; For she so charm'd ail hearts, that gazing crowds Stood panting on the shore, and wanted breath To give their welcome voice." REED. [9] Meaning the Venus of Protogenes mentioned by Pliny,l. 35. WARE. Eno. Her gentlewomen, like the Nereides, [1] Perhaps, tended her by th' eyes, discovered her will by the eyes. JOHNSON. The whole passage is taken from the following in sir Thos. North's translation of Plutarch. "She disdained to set forward otherwise, but to take her barge in the riuer of Cydnus, the poope whereof was of golde, the sailes of purple, and the owers of siluer, whiche kept stroke in rowing after the sounde of the musicke of flutes, howboyes, eitherns, violls, and such other instruments as they played vpon in the barge. And now for the person of her selfe: she was layed vnder a pauillion of cloth of gold of tissue, apparelled and attired like the Goddesse Venus, commonly drawn in picture: and hard by her, on either hand of her, pretie faire boyes apparelled as painters do set forth God Cupide, with little fannes in their hands, with the which they fanned wind vpon her. Her ladies and gentlewomen also, the fairest of them was apparelled like the nymphes Nereides (which are the mermaides of the waters) and like the Graces, some stearing the helme, others tending the tackle and ropes of the barge, out of the which there came a wonderfull passing sweet sauor of perfumes, that perfumed the wharfes side, pestered with innumerable multitudes of people. Some of them followed the barge all alongst the riuer's side: others also ranne out of the citie to see her coming in. So that in thend, there ranne such multitudes of people one after another to see her, that Antonius was left post alone in the market place, in his imperiall seate to geve audience:" &c. STEEV. [2] This passage, as it stands, appears to me wholly unintelligible; but it may be amended by a very slight deviation from the text, by reading, the guise, instead of the eyes, and then it will run thus : Her gentlerwomen, like the Nereides, So many mermaids, tended her i' the guise, In the guise, means in the forms of mermaids, who were supposed to have the head and body of a beautiful woman, concluding in a fish's tail: and by the bends which they made adornings, Enobarbus means the flexure of the fictitious fishes' tails, in which the limbs of the women were necessarily involved, in order to carry on the deception, and which it seems they adapted with so much art as to make them an ornament, instead of a deformity. This conjecture is supported by the very next sentence, where Enobarbus, proceeding in his description, says: --at the helm, A seeming mermaid steers." M. MASON. In many of the remarks of Mr. M. Mason I perfectly concur, though they are subversive of opinions I had formerly hazarded. On the present occasion, I have the misfortune wholly to disagree with him. His deviation from the text cannot be received; for who ever employed the phrase he recommends, without adding somewhat immediately after it, that would determine its precise meaning? We may properly say-in the guise of a shepherd, of a friar, or of a Nereid. But to tell us that Cleopatra's women attended her "in the guise," without subsequently informing us what that guise was, is phraseology unauthorized by the practice of any writer I have met with. In Cymbeline, Posthumus says: "To shame the guise of the world, I will begin If the word the commentator would introduce had been genuine, and had referred to the antecedent, Nereides, Shakspeare would most probably have said-" tended her in that guise:"-at least would have employed soine expression to connect his supplement with the foregoing clause of his descriprion. But in the guise" seems unreducible to sense, and unjustifiable on That yarely frame the office.3 From the barge Agr. Rare Egyptian ! every principle of grammar. Besides, when our poet had once absolutely declared these women were like Nereides or Mermaids, would it have been necessary for him to subjoin that they appeared in the form or with the accoutrements of such beings? for how else could they have been distinguished? Yet, whatever grace the tails of legitimate mermaids might boast of in their native element, they must have produced but aukward effects when taken out of it, and exhibited on the deck of a galley. Nor can I conceive that our fair representatives of these nymphs of the sea were much more adroit and picturesque in their motions; for when their legs were cramped within the fictitious tails the commentator has made for them, I do not discover how they could have undulated their hinder parts in a lucky imitation of semi-fishes. Like poor Elkanah Settle, in his dragon of green leather, they could only wag the remigium caude without ease, variety, or even a chance of labouring into a grac ful curve I will undertake, in short, the expense of providing characteristic tails for any set of mimic Nereides, if my opponent will engage to teach them the exercise of these adscititious terminations, so "as to render them a grace instead of a deformity." such an attempt a party of British chambermaids would prove as docile as an equal number of Egyptian maids of honour. In It may be added also, that the Sirens ard descendants of Nereus, are understood to have been complete and beautiful women, whose breed was uncrossed by the salmon or dolphin tribes; and as such they are uniformly described by Greek and Roman poets. Antony, in a future scene, (though perhaps with reference to this adventure on the Cydnus,) has styled Gleopatra his Thetis, a goddess whose train of Nereids is circumstantially depicted by Homer, though without a hint that the vertebræ of their backs were lengthened into tails. Extravagance of shape is only met with in the lowest orders of oceanick and terrestrial deities. Tritons are furnished with fins and tails, and Satyrs have horns and hoofs. But a Nereid's tail is an unclassical image adopted from modern sign-posts, and happily exposed to ridicule by Hogarth, in his print of Strolling Actresses dressing in a Barn. What Horace too has reprobated as a disgusting combination, can never hope to be received as a pattern of the graceful: "-ut turpiter atrum Desinat in piscem mulier formosa superne." I allow that the figure at the helm of the vessel was likewise a Mermaid or Nereid; but all mention of a tail is wanting there, as in every other passage throughout the dramas of our author, in which a Mermaid is introduced. that these Ladies The plain sense of the contested passage seems to be rendered that homage which their assumed characters obliged them to pay to their Queen, a circumstance ornamental to themselves. Each inclined her person so gracefully, that the very act of humiliation was an improvement of her own beauty. STEEV. [3] Yarely, that is, readily and dexterously perform the task they undertake. STEEV. [4] Aliuding to an axiom in the Peripatetic philosophy then in vogue that Nature abhors a vacuum. WARB. |