1805, Apr. 28. Married Mr. Jacob Hull to Miss Hannah Bouton July 15. Married Mr. Jared Seymour to Miss Esther Kellogg both of Ridgefield, Connecticut. Sept. 17. Married Mr. Jabesh M. Gilbert of Ridgefield to Miss Oct. 23. Married Mr. Thomas Smith to Miss Huldah Bouton Nov. 17. Married Mr. David Fletcher to Miss Sarah Foster 21. Married Mr. David Betts of Wilton, Connecticut to 24. Married Mr. Jesse Roe of Weston to Miss Phebe Pierce of Ridgefield. Dec. 21. Married Mr. Gamaliel Hoyt of Poundridge to 23. Married Mr. Eli Knap of Stanwich Conn., to Miss 25. 1806, Jan. 23. 26. of Salem. Married Mr. Richard Sherwood of North Salem to Mr. Abraham Knox of North Salem to Miss Sally Mr. Brundage of Mr. Timothy Jones of Ridgefield, Conn., to Miss Mr. Sniffen to Miss Polly Conkling both of Salem. Mr. John Sherwood to Miss Abby Man. York Town. Mr. John Crosman of North Salem to Mrs. Eliza- Mr. Stephen Pardee to Miss Betsy Hull both of Mr. Gould Olmstead of Ridgefield to Miss Polly Mr. David Benedict to Miss Elizabeth Bishop Mr. Jesse Slawson to Mrs. Hannah Mead both of Mr. Edward Sturges of Wilton, Conn., to Miss Mr. Joseph Reynolds to Miss Sukey Adams both to Wd. Polly Reynolds to Miss Margaret Lee of 31. 1807, Jan. 1. Mr. Aaron Northrop to Miss Charlotte Hoyt both Mr. Joseph Darling of Reading, Conn., to Miss Mr. Silas Gregory of Norwalk, Conn., to Miss Polly Tuttle of Wilton, Conn. Mch. 18. Mr. William Brown of Salem to Miss Mahitable Platt of Danbury, Conn. 1807, Apr. 18. Mr. Elias Barker of to Miss Lette Dickens Salem. Aug. 6. Mr. Anson Lobdin to Miss Betsy Purdy both of Oct. 19. Mr. Morse Couch to Miss Mary Hanford both of 21. Mr. Moses W. Mead of Midlesex to Miss } Conn. 22. Mr. Elias Hoyt of Bedford to Miss Esther Hull of Nov. 15. Mr. Silvenus Ballard of Franklin to Miss Betsy 25. Mr. John Stevens of Greenfield to Mrs. Lovina 29. Mr. Thomas Rockwel of Salem to Miss Catharine Williamson of Bedford. 29. Mr. Silvenus Stevens Jun'. of Poundridge to Miss Lora Olmstead of Ridgefield, Conet. Dec. 26. Mr. Samuel Olmstead to Miss Susannah Mead both of Weston, Conet. 31. Mr. Thomas Miller of Bedford to Miss Laura Harford of Salem. 1808, Feb. 20. Mr. Uriah Mallery of Reading, Conet. to Miss 21. Mr. Eli Odele of Norwalk to Miss Polly Betts of Mch. 5. Mr. Jeams Thompson of Middlesex to Mrs. Esther Apr. 4. Mr. Noah Olmstead to Mrs. Anna Olmstead both of Wilton. May 22. Mr. Anson D. Poynere to Miss Nancy Sillick both of Caanan. July 2. Mr. Daniel Scofield of Poundridge to Miss Nancy Sept 30. Mr. Hezekiah Osborn of Weston to Mrs. Eunice 19. Mr. Joseph Mills to Miss Clarinda Smith both of Wilton. Mr. Coley Sturges of Weston to Miss Laurinda 29. Mr. Darius Ferris of Salem to Miss Harriet Com stock of Canaan. Dec. 29. Mr. Henry Lloyd of Fairfield to Miss Abigal Johnson of Norwalk. Mr. Ery Northrop to Miss Phebe Raymond both of Salem. 1809 Jan. 12. Mr. William Scribner to Miss Anna Burchard both of Wilton. Feb. 12. Mr. Gideon Ferris to Miss Lois Bouton both of 21. 23. Mch. 10. 23. May 25. June 20. July 12. 18. Mr. Billy Seymor to Miss Nancy St. John both of Mr. Lewis Nash to Miss Rachel Olmstead both of Mr. Stephen Wescott to Miss Deborah Peck both Mr. Northrop Lockwood of Cannan to Miss Phebe Mr. William T. Gilbert to Miss Abigail Scofield Mr. Samuel Morehouse of Norwalk to Miss Elizabeth Waterbury of Wilton. Mr. Lewis Rockwell to Miss Mary Webster both Mr. Charles Lewis of Greenfield to Miss Anna Mr. Benjamin Hoyt of Fairfield, Vermont, to Mrs. Aug. 28. Mr. William Sherwood to Miss Rachel Jackson both of Reading, Const. Oct. 17. Mr. Samuel Trowbridge of Solon to Miss Achsah 26. Mr. Gould Olmstead of Ridgefield to Miss Anna Nov. 16. Mr. Seth Ferris of Patterson to Miss Mary Keeler of Wilton. 23. Mr. Joseph Brundage to Miss Thursa Mead both of So. Salem. 29. Mr. Blatchly Smith of Canaan to Miss Clara 1810 Jan. 4. Mr. Samuel Seymour of Wilton to Miss Geletta Feb. 7. Mr. Isaac Jones to Miss Sally Lobden both of 21. Mr. Jeams Follow of Norwalk to Miss Arritta 22. Mr. Moseman Cressy of Bedford to Miss Anna Mch. 1. Mr. Elias Baddean to Miss Nancy Lockwood both of North Salem. July 4. Mr. Timothy Cole to Miss Eliza Sterling both of July 21. Mr. Aaron Adams to Miss Sally Hickok both of Aug. 7. Mr. Samuel Clark of Fishkill to Miss Abigail Raymond of South Salem. Sept. 16. Mr. Belden Hulburt to Miss Anna Betts both of 1810, Sept.20. Mr. Ross Scribner to Miss Rachel Lion both of Wilton. 22. Mr. Jered Benedict to Mrs. Anna Benedict both of Salem. Oct. 11. Mr. William Little of Peacham, Vermont to Mrs. 1811 Jan. 30. Mr. Harvey Gilbert to Miss Sally Hull both of Feb. 12. Mr. Samuel Osborn to Miss Sarah Rowland both 23. Mr. Jere Mead to Miss Anna Smith both of Ridgefield. Mch. 11. Mr. Azariah Smith of Ridgefield Miss Mille Apr. 11. Mr. Jeams H. Abbot of New Canaan to Miss 13. Mr. Benjamin Fowler of Westchester to Miss Polly Olmstead of Ridgefield. May 6. Mr. Joseph Bededict of Nassan to Miss Betsy Brinkroff of North Salem. July 28. Mr. Sandy Banks of New York to Miss Charlotte Rundle of North Castle. Aug. 3. Mr. Ebenezer Gilbert to Miss Elizabeth Abbot both of Wilton. (Continued from Vol. XXXIV., p. 47 of THE RECORD.) The word illiterate inserted after names in this record indicates that the individuals signed with an +. 1796. Guion, Isaac; lieutenant and now captain in the Western Army, transfers to Mills Phillips of Smithtown, Suffolk Co., Nassau Island, lots 30-Camillus and 8-Ulysses. Date, May 12. Harwood, Thomas, of New York City; matross Art. Regt., transfers to Robert Smith and Marvill Ellis of Rensselaer Co., lot 77-Cicero. Date, May 16. Hoakley, James; late drummer in Tiebout's Co., Ist Regt., illiterate, transfers to Benjamin Wallace of Albany, lot 84-Cicero. John Given, Garret C. Vanden Bergh, wits. Date, August 29. Holly, Benjamin; late private Tiebout's Co., N. Y., line deceased before Jan. 1, 1796, when his mother and sole heir, Sarah Evers of Owego Town, transfers his title to lot 27-Camillus. Hyatt, Abraham, of New Castle town; transfers to Joseph Slason of Manlius Township, part lot 99-Manlius. Identified by Stephen Acker of Mt. Pleasant. Date, September 20. Jacobs, Abel, of North Haven Town, Conn.; farmer, late soldier Art Regt, illiterate, transfers to Thomas Johnson of New Haven, Conn., lot 22-Camillus. Date, Mch. 31. Jansen, Cornelius T., of Shawangunk Town, and wife, Christiana; transfer to David Green of Onondaga Co., part lot 42Pompey. Date, July 3. Jones, Thomas, of New Paltz; yeoman, late soldier and Regt., illiterate, transfers to Judah Hopkins and others of Freehold Town, lot 30-Marcellus. Identified by John S. Lester. Date, Feb. 10. Kelcy, Benjamin of Elizabethtown, N. J.; late soldier 2nd Regt., deceased before May 6, 1796, on which date his brother and heir, Daniel Kelcy of North Brunswick, N. J., transfers his land. Lambert, John, of Albany Co.; gentleman, late soldier, transfers to Nathaniel Williams of Onondaga Co., lot 28-Pompey. Date, Nov. 26. Lester, John S., of Ulster Co.; late of Wright's Co., 2nd Regt., transfers to Benjamin Pelton of Dutchess Co., lot 44Manilus. Also deposes "that when he the said John S. Lester was in the army he was known by the name of John Lester and at that time usually omitted the letter Sin signing his name." Date, Jan. 15. On Jan. 15 Lester identifies John Wilklow when latter transfers land. On Feb. 10, Lester identifies Thomas Jones when the latter transfers land. Moor, John; late soldier, N. Y. line, illiterate, transfers to Zecharia Tomlinson of Lansingburgh, lot 4-Marcellus. James Barnet, Samuel Milliman, wits. Acknowledged before Masterin-Chancery, Jeremiah Lansingh. Date Feb. 15. O'Bryan, Thomas, of Schenectady Town; late drummer ist Regt., transfers to Joseph C. Yates and John Prince of same place, lot 71-Pompey. Date, Dec. 21. Onderdonk, Titus, late of lower Canada; late private and Regt., illiterate, transfers to David Holbrook of Manlius Town, lot 5-Pompey. Date, March 3. Acknowledged same before Master-in-Chancery Gilbert Livingston, and was identified by Capt. Abraham Swartwout. Date, March 9. Painter, Edward; deceased before Sept. 26, 1796, when his daughter and heir, Hannah, and her husband, Richard Bridgeford, transfer his title to lot 15-Cicero. Parsons, Charles; of Adams Town, Mass., late captain ist Regt., and wife, Lucy, transfer to Robert Throop of New York City, lot 81-Lysander. Date. Aug. 9. Ransier, John; late soldier, 1st Regt., illiterate, transfers to Elkanah Watson of Albany, lot 19-Pompey. Caleb Miles, Hugh Labcy, wits. Acknowledged before Master-in-Chancery, Jeremiah Lansingh. Date, Jan. 30. |