Diamond, Moses; late private, deceased before Sept. 5, 1796, on which date his sister and heir, Catherine Diamond of Marbletown, Ulster Co., conveys his land, lot 70-Camillus. Dobson, John, of New Windsor; miller, late soldier N. Y. line, transfers to Barney Connolly of Johnstown, lot 56-Pompey. Date, July 2. Downs, Patrick; deceased before Jan. 18, 1796, on which date his only son, heir and devisee, James Downs, and his widow Lydia Downs, convey their title to lot 13-Camillus. Acknowledgment made before Master-in-Chancery Jeremiah Lansingh. Dubois, John, of Dutchess Co.; cooper, and wife Hannah, transfer to Henry S. Platt of Rensselaerville, lot 14-Marcellus. Date, April 1. Fredenburgh, Peter; late private 2nd. Regt., transfers to Joseph Hagerman of Ovid. John Woodworth, John Russell, John Jackson, wits. Acknowledged before Master-in-Chancery Jeremiah Lansingh. Date, April 11. Gardiner, Jesse, of Pittstown, Luzerne Co., Penn.; transfers to Phinehas Catlin of Newtown Town, Tioga Co., lot 6-Cicero. Identified by William Wickham of Hector Town. Date, July 27. Griffin, Joshua, of Orange Co.; yeoman, late soldier 2nd. Regt.. transfers to Charles Cunningham of Orange Co., lot 88-Manlius. Identified by Joseph G. Boughton of Smith's Clove, Date, Jan. 23. (To be continued.) RECORDS OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST IN SALEM, WESTCHESTER CO., N. Y. THE FIRST CHURCH IN THE TOWN, WITH SOME PLACES ADJACENT. (Continued from Vol. XXXIII., p. 211, of THE RECOND.) 1809, Dec. 17. Sally Mary, Anna Mariah, Jeremiah Wilson, Thadeus Hoyt, Children of Jeremiah Keeler 2d, and Huldah his wife. Baptized by Mr. Grant. 8. Martin, Richard, Sophia, Rufus, Laura, Linus, Rhoda, Children of Clark Mead and Lois his wife. June 3. William Townsend. Hannah, Daughter of Gould Bouton and his wife Esther. 1810, Aug. 20. Elizabeth, Wife of David Benedict. John Ely, son of Jeremiah Keeler and Huldah his Julia, Lois, Ezra Rusco, Children of David and Cata, Harvey, Children of Nathan and Melicent Molly. Daughter of Josiah Gilbert and Anna his Sally, Molby, Milo, Betsy, Children of Joseph Huldah, Daughter of Gould Bouton and Esther Charlotte, wife of Aaron Northrop. Baptized by the Reverend John Ely, former pastor. 1812, Apr. 19. Harvey, son of Thomas Gilbert and Esther his wife. Cyrus, Son of Benjamin Hoyt and Betsey his wife. Baptized by the Revd. John Ely. May 31. Emeline, Daughter of Jere Benedict and Anna his wife. Baptized by Ebenezar Grant, pastor of bedford Ch. July 26. Ezra Hoyt, son of Aaron Northrop and Charlotte his wife. Baptized by the Revd. Mr. Grant. 1813, Apr. Mary, Daughter of Miah Northrop and Betsey his his wife. Baptized Ebenezar Grant, son of William Town- Baptized Rufus Raymond and Ery Ashby, sons of Baptized by the Revd. Mr. Grant. June 6. Jane, Daughter of Stephen Pardee for Betsey his wife. Baptized also Lucy, Daughter of Josiah Gilbert. List of Baptisms after Dec. 1, 1813. Dec. 5. Baptized Grant, son of Gould Bouton and Esther his wife. 5. Baptized Betsy Utter. 1815, Mch. 3. Baptized Jane Hannah, a child of John Bouton and Priscilla his wife. May 14. Baptized Stephen, a child of Josiah Gilbert and June 25. Baptized Lawrence, a child of Gould Bouton and Baptised Steven and Sally Ann, children of Ira 1815, Aug. 13. and Rebecca Todd. Oct. 22. Baptised Mary Ann, a child given to Silvanus Fer- June 2. May. 12. Sept. 1. Do 8. Do 8. Oct. 11. Nov. 1. Dec. 1. Mch. 2. Sept. 14. 21. 21. Baptised Solomon Mead, a child of Jacob and Baptized Esther Mills. James, a child of Tertullius and Sally Townsend. Joseph, a child of Edward and Clarissa Banks. Clarissa, a child of Jerred and Anna Benedict. Norman, Samuel Rundle, Hiram, Elizabeth, Polly, Laura, a child of Miner and Hannah Lawrence. rup. Baptized by Rd. Mr. Clark. 1817, Ebenezer Gould and Samuel Stebbins, sons of Baptised B the Rd. Mr. Hait. 1818, June 14. Mary Hoyt, Daughter of Tartellus Townsend, and Baptised By Revd. Mr. Andress. Joseph Grant, son of Edward Banks and Joseph, son of Molby Webster. Sept. 20. 1819, Apr. 11. Baptized John Hartford and Zuba his wife, De- By Revd. Mr. Grant. Sept. 12. 3 Children of Stephen Hoyt for his Wife, William Child of Benjamin Hoyt, Ezra Northrop, for wife. Baptized by Mr Hait of Wilton. 1820, Jan. 16. A Child of Anson Hoyt and Therza, his Wife Name Jane Elizabeth. Baptised by Mr. Bonny. A. D. 1820, Apr. 30. Elias Brush, the son of Thomas Gilbert. Mary ruth ann, Child of Thomas Hartford. Ebenezer, Hannah, Sally Ann, Children of Eben ezer Wood, Jun. Sperry, Child of John Bouton. William, Joseph, Children of Benjamin Benedict. July 2. Charles F. Butler, baptized a child of the widow Aug. 6. Baptised Harvey Hoyts child, Named William 16. Baptized, Gidion Ferris's children Named Hellene 1805, Jan. 7. Married Mr. Jesse Bunce Scribner to Miss Sally 10. Platt, both of Norwalk, Connecticut. Feb. 16. Married Col. David Ulmstead of State of New (To be continued.) ৪৭ DR. O'CALLAGHAN'S NOTES ON WHITEHEAD'S EAST JERSEY. CONTRIBUTED BY L. NELSON NICHOLS. In the Cornell University Library is a copy of William A. Whitehead's contributions to the early history of Perth Amboy and adjoining country, with sketches of men and events in New Jersey during the provincial era (binder's title: Contributions to East Jersey history), N. Y. D. Appleton & Co., 1856. This copy was a gift from the author to E. B. O'Callaghan, the learned historical student and scholar. Dr. O'Callaghan made many notes in this copy some of which are of value. The following additions and corrections made by Dr. O'Callaghan are noteworthy: Page 21, George Keith on his return to England received a ben- Gov. Hunter in March(?), 1715. Page 73, George Johnstone died leaving one son, Augustus, who married Patience Gould of Newport, R. I. Page 78, Peter Sonmans died March 26, 1734. He was buried in the cemetery of St. John's Church, Elizabeth. Page 90, Michael Kearny was thrice married. His first wife was Joanna Lenox; his second, Elizabeth Britz or Brittain. The eldest son of Michael Kearny was by his second wife, and was born at sea. Page 91, Philip Kearny's first wife was not Lady Barney Dexter, but Susannah Burley, widow of the Hon. Wm. Burley (son, it is supposed, of Lady Barney Dexter). Philip Kearny had another child by his second wife, James, a twin of Francis. Whitehead said "the Rev. Dr. John R. B. Rodgers." O'Callaghan crossed out "the Rev.," the inference being that Dr. Rodgers was a physician. Page 97, Jasper Farmar had two children. His son-in-law, Mr. Murphy, was of Jamaica, not Nova Scotia. Page 99, Elias Bland died in New York on his way to England, Dec. 1, 1780. Page 101, Cortlandt Skinner married Elizabeth Kearny in 1752, not 1652. Page 102, His letter to Gov. Boone was dated Oct. 5, 1765, not 1755. Page 103, The next letter given was also to Gov. Boone, dated Dec. 5, 1765. Page 110, The second Cortlandt Skinner had five children: Cortlandt McGregor, Capt. Arthur Trevor (these sons residing in 1856, in Holyhead), Eliza and Maria (twins), and Isabella. A note from Sir George Nugent says that Elizabeth Kearny Skinner who married Simpson, left nine children. Note 81, Lady Clinton, is an error. The name should be Mrs. R. R. Clayton. Page 111, The eldest son of Capt. Meredith and Gertrude Skinner was Cortlandt, a captain in the army in 1804. Page 119, Col. William Skinner died in 1780, not 1778. she was living in 1802, and had two sons. Page 136, The name of the second daughter of John Parker was Gertrude Ann, not Gertrude Aleph. She died in 1862. Gertrude Parker died April 11, 1856. Penelope Parker died March 14, 1856, without children. Page 142, Mrs. Samuel Sargant, born Leonard, was aged 44 at the time of her death. Page 144, The children of John Roe were A. S. Roe, the author, and two daughters. |