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A Figure that appear'd in a Mazarine Gown, the King of Denmarks Masquerade Ball?.


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Certain great perfonage having asked another great perfonage for his permiffion to give a masquerade, was answered, "I have no objection; hut how will you fatisfy our bishops?" To which he replied, " Sir, I

will fend them all tickets."

Public Advertifer, Sept. 21.

A Woman, who has lately bought a lottery ticket, put up a note at a church in the city on Sunday laft, "The prayers of this congregation are defired for a perfon engaged in an affair of great confequence."

Public Advertifer, Sept. 21.

A Few days ago a school-mafter of this city (a great enemy to idleness) thinking the old copy, "Lazinefs will cloath a man with rags," not fufficiently correct, altered it, and gave it to one of his fcholars, thus, "Lazinefs will cloath a man with nakedness.” Gazetteer, Scpt. 21.

WAnted, by the duke of Leinfter, a groom

of the chambers, one who can drejs ladies hair, or understands the business of an upboifterer, &c. Such a perfon to apply to Peter Bere, &c.

Dublin Journal, October 1 to 4.

The deplorable Cafe of an unhappy Patient, bumbly fubmitted to the Confideration and Care of the Septennial Phyficians in this Kingdom.

IN my youthful days I had a glorious and

most excellent conftitution; I was healthful, ftrong, and vigorous; was a perfect firanger to all difeafes and diftempers; was full of blood and fpirits, lively and active, and enjoyed fo nervous and robuft a frame, that I fancied myfelf proof against all the injuries of time, and infirmities of old age. But, alas! how changed! How distempered is that conftitution which was once the admiration and envy of all mankind! Instead of my former health and beauty, I am now totally diftempered and deformed, and have no part about me undifeafed. My head is ftupified, my heart vitiated, my lungs ulcerated, my ftomach naufeated, my blood extremely poor and corrupted, and my legs and feet greatly inflamed. But there grievous diforders did not feize me all at once; they have been creeping upon me for years: and though I have from time to time applied to every able phyfician I heard of, and though all of them pretended to underfland my cafe, and promifed me a fpeedy cure, yet, to my great difappointment and forrow, I have too

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late found they gave me fuch hopes only to keep me in hand, for the fake of their fees; and either could not, or would not, reftore my conftitution. Nay, indeed, too many of thefe pretended phyficians, whom I found by dearbought experience, to be errant quacks, inftead of relieving me for the large fees I gave them, greatly increased my diforders. Every one of them bled me largely, though I have fearce any blood left in my veins, by which they have emaciated me to fuch a degree, that I am become a mere skeleton. And now, tho' oppreffed by fo many cruel diftempers, I have been attacked by a new one, called by fome, the St. Anthony's, by others, the St. George's Fire, which hath fpread all over me, and cannot fail, joined to my other terrible diseases, of putting a final period to my days, if the new and able phyficians, who are foon to affemble at Weftminster, fhail not compaffionate my cafe, and prefcribe fome remedy that may prevent the difiolution of

London Evening, Oct. 6.


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To Pawnbrokers, Jewellers, &c. STOLEN this evening, at the Opera-Hoafe

in the Haymarket, the property of his grace the duke of Bedford, a large round papier machie fnuff-box, red and gold, and mounted in gold, without a hinge, and on the top of the lid a miniature picture of the prefent KING OF FRANCE, fomething larger than a crown-piece, with a glass over it, fet in two rows of large diamonds; the outside edge of the lid is gold, within which is a gold fretwork, and another gold fret round the diamonds.

Public Advertiser, O&. 17.

Wanted the most elegant woman-cook in

England, fober, honeft and diligent; alfo a pipe of Calcavalla, Lisbon, or the beft Cails Sherry, totally free from brandy, as the leaft brandy gives the gentleman * the heartburn. Enquire of Mr. Atkinfon, &t. Daily Advertiser, Oct. 17.

*What gentleman ?



WILL not you think it bold in a little fimple country girl to write to fo wife a gentleman as every day convinces me you muft be? But I have a story to tell that cannot fail to work upon your good-nature; and tho' you may defpile the miferable fcribbler, you will pity the poor friendless heart that now beats ftrong with anxiety and fear.

Ah! happy were the days I paffed with my dear old grandmother, and many were the worthy leffons fhe endeavoured to teach me : but you know, Sir, children will be children, and a blefied thing it is that the infant mind is fo formed as to bid defiance to care; I had its true a tear for every fufferer; yet when once wiped away, the remembrance along with it; but forrow feems now determined to fix itself in my bofom, and the joys of innocence will be blighted by defpair.


I ought to have come to the point long ago: I fhall quite tire you, and then you will not have patience to read the moft material part of my letter.

My grandmother, Sir, died when I was only twelve years old, and I was left deftitute; until an elderly lady in the neighbourhood, whofe benevolence was never exceeded, fent for me, cloathed me, and cheered my drooping fpirits. In this family I might have lived till now, nor ever even fufpected the vice and cruelty with which the world abounds; had not the fleward -I blush and shudder at the very recollectionattempted to take advantage of my youth and fimplicity, for the bafeft purposes. Yes, indeed, Sir, notwithstanding he was treble my age, he would have deftroyed the creature he had encouraged to look upon him as a friend, a father, if heaven had not been uncommonly gracious.

But, however virtue may be approved by fuch gentlemen as you, fo far from recommending me to any favour, it abfolutely ruined me; he had the art, (it is a fad thing to be artful, is it not?) to impofe upon my noble benefactress, and I was hurried away without once being permitted to fpeak for myself.

But let me not do injuftice where my utmoft gratitude is due; I was, it is true, banifhed the country, yet not utterly abandoned; a bank note was conveyed to the hands of a diftant relation of mine, who had a fifter in Dublin, with directions to difpofe of that and me, as her difcretion and humanity should fuggeft to her.

To Dublin I was immediately dispatched; and informed, on my arrival, that the good lady's donation would be accepted by a little milliner, the fifter above-mentioned, as an apprentice-fee, and that I should accordingly take

up my fitting the very next morning behind the counter.

Well, of all the fituations upon earth, to be fure, Sir, a milliner's fhop is the most unfit for a young, if not totally deformed girl. A fwarm of the wickedeft and worst defigning men inftantly gathered around, and talked the oddeft ftuff you ever heard, about my eyes, and my complexion. I could not for a long time conceive what their meaning might be; my ignorance, my thynefs, my civility, were continual fources of entertainment for them; but at length I took the alarm, and intreated my mistress to fhelter me from fuch cruel ridicule. She only laughed at my request, and affured me, that a week or two would fuffciently reconcile me to what I then confidered as a grievance. O, Sir, how reconcile me? Will then the modefty of my nature forfake me? Will my ears ever become patient under the perfecution of flattery, or my heart barter its integrity for immorality, that key to infamy?

But this is not all: an old gentleman (age and profligacy, what an abfurd, as well as fhocking conjunction !) has lately found me out, and has fo ftrongly fixed himself in my miftrefs's good opinion, by commiffions and recommendations, that I look upon him as the most formidable of all the barbarous multitude.

What can I do in fuch a cafe? I have neither friend, money, nor experience, to affist me. If I fly from apprenticeship, am I not punishable? If I complain, who will believe me? To avoid the fnares of infamy, is nevertheless my final refolution; will, what is there I will not fubmit to? rather than fall a victim to what my foul abhors. Is not there a fufficient number of wretched wanderers? but the charm it seems is, that I am yet uncontaminated, and am running from vice as from the moft fearful of spectres.

Could you but fee me, was you but once acquainted with the honefty, the purity of my difpofition, you would acknowledge the hardfhip, that fuch a poor little inoffenfive being may not pafs her days unmolested, and preferve her virtue unaffailed.

I have long laboured to keep time with my miftrefs, left I should provoke her to fome dreadful ftep; I am therefore under the difagreeable neceffity of fuppreffing my feelings, whether of indignation or anguish; nor doesS her abfence in any degree relieve me from the fevere lafh of diffembling. Another girl in the fame fituation with myfelf, and whom I verily believe as free from actual crime, though a much greater friend to admiration, is for ever picking out occafions of condemning or mifreprelenting


prefenting me, because it is my misfortune to engrofs the most painful and mortifying attentions, of an evil-minded fet of wretches.

Was you, Sir, kindly to undertake my cause, was you to paint the iniquity of all parties in a juft light, might it not be useful? They could not avoid tracing their own likeness, in the glowing defcription; and I, in all probability, fhould be delivered from mifery and danger. Or fhould fo generous an endeavour fail of fuccefs, could you not condescend to inftruct the ignorant, aflift the friendleis, and point out a means of escaping, to the unhappily entrapped innocent? I would moft literally follow your judicious inftructions. I have no ties, no connections to this or that city or country; protection is all I afk, and a life of industry the thought of my ambition. If you are a father, Reed I enforce the plea, who shall fay what the next hour may produce? Your advice alone will render you a father to the fatherless, and fecure the fame bleffing to your own offspring


If my mistress fhould prove one of thofe eafy, mercenary, wicked creatures, I have heard of: if her own intereft fhould be dearer to her, than every confideration for my reputation here, and peace hereafter, ought I to continue under her roof? Born ani bred as I have been, what can be too mean or laborious for me to engage in? Do not hesitate to point out an afylum for oppreffed innocence; and if you ever find me ungrateful, prefuming, or untoward, at that inftant render me back to the fame danger, and wretchednefs, to which I am now expofed; a greater punishment than which, the greatest criminal need not incur.

When I fet down to write, how hard and difficult the task appeared to me; but my heart is agitated by apprehenfion, and my imagination warmed by refentment; and I have, as it were, poured out my whole foul in follicitation of your friendship, and will only add, that I am, &c.



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His quofcunq: fames irrequieta nefandum Impulit in facinus, vel opum fcelerata cupido, Gaudemus dignas perfolvere crimine pœnas: Nequicquam regale caput diadema coronat, Nequicquam gerit exoptatum dextera fceptrum; Excitat ulterius fceleris mens confcia curas, Solennes epulas turbat, placidamq; quietam Umbra adimit læfa, ex imo revocata fepulchre Eternafq; ipfa pœnas in morte minatur.

Ipfa tibi Cytherea dolos patefecit opertos
Mollefq; illecebras, & fæva cupidinis arma:
Ignis ut irrepit paulatim in pectora amantum,
Ut tacitum incauto vivit fub pectore vulnus,
Cæcus amor violam crudeli tabe peredit,
Invidus ut vermis læti nova gramina veris;
Miranda ignoto totam fe credidit igni,

Nefcia fœminei faftus, & nefcia fraudis ;
Virtutem Mauri mirata, miferta maiorum
Desdemona, imo fovit fub pectore flammam :
Quos cafus, quæ bella, pericula quanta canebat!
Per quas erravit terras, quanta æquora vidit !
Talis Dardanium Encam Sidonia Dido
Audiit errorefq; fuos, & fata loquentem
Troica, Grajorumq; dolos, & ab ore pependit
Tota viri, qui conjugii mox fædere rupto,
Uxorem optata perituram morte reliquit.
Felices ambe, fiquid dare carmina poffunt
Nominis, eximiæq; manent fua præmia laudi !
Sed tu præcipue cujus fors dura theatra
Spiffa replet gemitu atq; oculis fubjecta, pudicæ
Virginis ora rigat lachrymarum flumine honefto

Quo ducenteDeo (tibi enim non f&ta facerdos
Tartara prifcorum referavit fomnia yatum),
Aufus es extremos mundi perrumpere fincs,
Infernafq; domos invifere pallida Ditis
Regna, & inauditos umbrarum difcere mores?
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