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Atque a sollicito multus amante legar. Pascitur in vivis Livor; post fata quiescit : Tum suus ex merito quemque tuetur honos: Ergo etiam, cum me supremus adederit ignis, Vivam, parsque mei multa superstes erit.


and the Muses at Delphi.-38. Multus, instead of the adverb multum.-41. Supremus adederit ignis. The original Italian custom was to bury the dead, but the Greek custom of burning them became afterwards prevalent. -42. Pars-multa, equivalent to pars magna, which is the reading of a number of manuscripts.



AN elegy on the death of Tibullus.

Albius Tibullus was born A. U.

700, and died A. u. 735 or 736. Ovid's acquaintance with him

was of short duration.

MEMNONA si mater, mater ploravit Achillen,
Et tangunt magnas tristia fata deas,
Flebilis indignos, Elegeïa, solve capillos.

Ah nimis ex vero nunc tibi nomen erit!

Ille tui vates operis, tua fama, Tibullus
Ardet in exstructo corpus inane rogo.
Ecce puer Veneris fert eversamque pharetram
Et fractos arcus et sine luce facem.
Adspice demissis ut eat miserabilis alis,
Pectoraque infesta tundat aperta manu.
Excipiunt sparsi lacrimas per colla capilli,
Oraque singultu concutiente sonant.
Fratris in Aeneae sic illum funere dicunt



1. Memnona. Memnon was the son of Aurora and Tithonus. He took part in the Trojan war, and was slain by Achilles. Achilles, the son of Peleus and Thetys. Both of them had therefore goddesses for their mothers. If, then, says the poet, even goddesses weep for their sons, human sorrow is the more justifiable.3. Flebilis, in active sense, mourning, lamenting. Elegeia, the elegy personified, as it were the muse of elegy. Indignos capillos, the innocent locks, which must atone for that which cannot be laid to their charge.-4. Ex vero-nomen erit, alluding to the derivation given by the ancients from (an exclamation of grief) and Aéyev.-5. Tui vates operis, as elsewhere vates sacrorum tuorum.-13. Fratris in Aeneae. Aeneas also was a son of Venus,

Egressum tectis, pulcher Iule, tuis.

Nec minus est confusa Venus moriente Tibullo,
Quam juveni rupit cum ferus inguen aper.
At sacri vates et divum cura vocamur;

Sunt etiam qui nos numen habere putent.
Scilicet omne sacrum mors importuna profanat;
Omnibus obscuras injicit illa manus.

Quid pater Ismario, quid mater profuit Orpheo,
Carmine quid victas obstupuisse feras?
Aelinon in silvis idem pater, Aelinon, altis
Dicitur invita concinuisse lyra.

Adjice Maeoniden, a quo, ceu fonte perenni,

Vatum Pieriis ora rigantur aquis:

Hunc quoque summa dies nigro submersit Averno.
Defugiunt avidos carmina sola rogos.

Durat opus vatum, Trojani fama laboris
Tardaque nocturno tela retexta dolo.

Sic Nemesis longum, sic Delia nomen habebunt,
Altera cura recens, altera primus amor.

Quid vos sacra juvant? quid nunc Aegyptia prosunt
Sistra, quid in vacuo secubuisse toro?

Cum rapiunt mala fata bonos,-ignoscite fasso,—
Sollicitor nullos esse putare deos.

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and therefore the brother of Amor.-14. Iule. Iulus, also called Ascanius, son of Aeneas.-16. Juveni, Adonis, who was killed in the chase by a wild boar.-18. Qui nos numen habere putent. The ancients frequently speak of a divinity dwelling in the poet, hence he is called Ocos. So Fast. vi. 5; Est Deus in nobis, agitante calescimus illo. 20. Obscuras. Everything connected with death is looked upon as dark or black.-21. Ismario, Thracio, from Ismarus, a city and mountain in Thrace. The epithet must be joined to Orpheo.-Pater, Apollo; mater, Calliope.-22. Victas obstupuisse feras. According to the well-known account, wild beasts became gentle at the music of Orpheus.-23. Idem pater. Linos also was the son of Apollo by the muse Urania. Aelinon. Alivos, a song of lamentation for the death of Linos, put into the mouth of Apollo.-24. Invita lyra. The lyre refused its service, in grief at the death of Linos.-25. Maeoniden. See Amor. i. 15, 9.-26. Pieriis aquis. Pieria is a seat of the Muses, who are thence called Pierides.-27. Avernus, a lake in Campania, which was shunned by all living things on account of its poisonous exhalations: hence supposed to be an entrance into the infernal regions. Here it is equivalent to Orcus. -29. Trojani fama laboris, the Iliad.- 30. Tardaque-dolo, the Odyssey, which contains the well-known story of Penelope.-31. Nemesis and Delia, the mistresses of Tibullus, whose praise he sings in his elegies.—33. Aegyptia Sistra, rattles made of metal, used in the religious ceremonies of Isis. The worship of Isis had spread over the whole west, and in Rome especially found many adherents as well as opponents, and hence was frequently forbidden,

Vive pius: moriere; pius cole sacra: colentem
Mors gravis a templis in cava busta trahet.
Carminibus confide bonis: jacet ecce Tibullus;
Vix manet e toto parva quod urna capit.
Tene, sacer vates, flammae rapuere rogales,
Pectoribus pasci nec timuere tuis?
Aurea sanctorum potuissent templa deorum
Urere, quae tantum sustinuere nefas.
Avertit vultus, Erycis quae possidet arces;
Sunt quoque qui lacrimas continuisse negant.
Sed tamen hoc melius, quam si Phaeacia tellus
Ignotum vili supposuisset humo.

Hic certe manibus fugientis pressit ocellos
Mater, et in cineres, ultima dona tulit;

Hic soror in partem misera cum matre doloris
Venit, inornatas dilaniata comas;

Cumque tuis sua junxerunt Nemesisque priorque
Oscula, nec solos destituere rogos.

Delia discedens 'Felicius' inquit 'amata
Sum tibi: vixisti, dum tuus ignis eram.?

Cui Nemesis 'Quid ais? tibi sint mea damna dolori?
Me tenuit moriens deficiente manu.'

Si tamen e nobis aliquid nisi nomen et umbra
Restat, in Elysia valle Tibullus erit.
Obvius huic venies, hedera juvenilia cinctus
Tempora, cum Calvo, docte Catulle, tuo;
Tu quoque,

si falsum est temerati crimen amici,
Sanguinis atque animae prodige Galle tuae.

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and as often recommenced. Reference is here made to a sacrifice for the dead offered to the goddess.-38. Busta; properly the place where the corpses were burned; here equivalent to sepulcra.-45. Erycis qua possidet arces. Venus, who had a celebrated teniple on Mount Eryx in Sicily.-47. Phaeacia tellus. Corcyra, the country of the Phaeacians mentioned in the Odyssey. Tibullus had gone to Corcyra, with his friend Messala, for the recovery of his health, but had returned without having gained his end.-48. Vili humo, an expression of Roman pride.-50. In cineres ultima dona tulit, offerings to the dead. Heroid. vii. 192: Jam dabis in cineres ultima dona meos.-58. Me tenuit-manu, words taken from a poem of Tibullus. -62. Cum Calvo, docte Catulle, tuo. Catullus, the celebrated lyric poet; whose works are still extant. Licinius Calvus was his friend; we have only fragments of his works.-63. Tu quoque. For Gallus, see Amor. i. 9, 29. He was prefect of Egypt, and put an end to his own life. Accounts differ as to the reason of this action, but at all events he had fallen into disgrace with Augustus, whose favour he formerly enjoyed (amicus). Perhaps amicus may refer to Tibullus himself, in which case there must have been at one time some difference between Gallus and him, of which we know nothing further. Temerati, violati.

His comes umbra tua est, si quid modo corporis umbra


Auxisti numeros, culte Tibulle, pios.

Ossa quieta, precor, tuta requiescite in urna,
Et sit humus cineri non onerosa tuo.



DESCRIPTION of a procession in honour of Juno at Falerii, and the origin of that city.

CUM mihi pomiferis conjux foret orta Faliscis,
Moenia contigimus, victa, Camille, tibi.

Casta sacerdotes Junoni festa parabant

Per celebres ludos indigenamque bovem.

Grande morae pretium ritus cognoscere; quamvis
Difficilis clivis huc via praebet iter.


Stat vetus et densa praenubilus arbore lucus.
Adspice concedas numen inesse loco.
Accipit ara preces votivaque tura piorum,
Ara per antiquas facta sine arte manus.
Hinc ubi praesonuit sollemni tibia cantu,
It per velatas annua pompa vias.
Ducuntur niveae populo plaudente juvencae,
Quas aluit campis herba Falisca suis,
Et vituli nondum metuenda fronte minaces,
Et minor ex humili victima porcus hara,
Duxque gregis cornu per tempora dura recurvo



1. Cum mihi-conjux. Ovid was three times married - twice in early youth, and the third time for the greater part of his life. One of his first two wives, from both of whom he was separated, came, as we here see, from Falerii; which of the two cannot be determined. The expression orta foret (not sit) shows that the marriage here referred to was again dissolved, so that his third wife cannot be meant, as she survived him. Faliscis, the name of the nation to which the town of Falerii in Etruria belonged. Juno Curitis, or Quiritis, was here originally worshipped, from which we may assume that there was a Sabine element in the population. When the Romans afterwards sent a colony to Falerii, they called it Colonia, Junonis.-2. Moenia victa, Camille, tibi. During the siege of Veii, Falerii also was involved in the war, and was conquered by Camillus. -4. Indigenamque bovem. The white bulls of Falerii were greatly in request at Rome also, as sacrifices.-6. Difficilis―iter. The town was situated on a hill.-12. Per velatas vias." The streets were covered with carpets. So v. 24: veste jacente.-14. Quas· herba. This same line occurs in other two passages of Ovid: Fast.

Invisa est dominae sola capella deae.
Illius indicio silvis inventa sub altis
Dicitur inceptam destituisse fugam.

Nunc quoque per pueros jaculis incessitur index,
Et pretium auctori vulneris ipsa datur.
Qua ventura dea est, juvenes timidaeque puellae
Praeverrunt latas veste jacente vias.
Virginei crines auro gemmaque premuntur,
Et tegit auratos palla superba pedes;
More patrum Graio velatae vestibus albis
Tradita supposito vertice sacra ferunt.
Ore favent populi tunc, cum venit aurea pompa,
Ipsa sacerdotes subsequiturque suas.

Argiva est pompae facies. Agamemnone caeso
Et scelus et patrias fugit Halesus opes,
Jamque pererratis profugus terraque fretoque
Moenia felici condidit alta manu:

Ille suos docuit Junonia sacra Paliscos.

Sint mihi, sint populo semper amica suo!

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i. 84, Pont. iv. 4, 32.-18. Invisa est-capella. Juno hates the goat for a reason which is annexed. It appears that she had been on some occasion betrayed in her flight by a goat.-21. Index; that is, capella.-26. Auratos, aureis calceamentis ornatos.-27. More patrum Graio. The writers of this age endeavour to trace a connection with Greece in all the original Italian usages. Hence the following narration. Vestibus albis, as on all solemn occasions.-29. Ore favent, linguis favent, tacent. Aurea pompa, splendida pompa. -30. Ipsa, Juno.-31. Argiva. The Falerian worship of Juno is here derived from Argos, or, more accurately, from Mycenae. Halesus, a son of Agamemnon, is said to have abandoned Mycenae after the murder of his father; and after long wanderings, to have founded the city of Falerii.-32. Halesus, from which Falerii is formed, the H being changed into the Digamma, and the r into s, as in Papirius for Papisius, Furius for Fusius, or as in gero gessi gestum.


THE Concluding elegy, in which the poet bids farewell to the whole class of love-songs.

QUAERE novum vatem, tenerorum mater Amorum:
Raditur hic Elegis ultima meta meis,

Quos ego composui, Peligni ruris alumnus,—
Nec me deliciae dedecuere meae,-

Si quid id est, usque a proavis vetus ordinis heres,


3. Peligni ruris alumnus. Ovid was born at Sulmo in the country of the Peligni.-5. Si quid id est; he himself throws a doubt on

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