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[Ipswich, Jan. 3. We had to-day per bushel.

a large supply of both Wheat and per quarter.
Barley, but not many Peas or per stone.
Beans. Prices were higher, as
follow-Old Wheat, none; New
ditto, 48s. to 65s.; Barley, 26s. to
34s.; Beans, 35s. to 37s.; Peas,
31s.; and Oats, 22s. to 24s. per

Wisbech, Jan. 3.-Though our market was rather dull in the sale of Wheat, yet the prime dry samples fetched much the same as last week, say from 56s. to 58s. per qr.; inferior sorts rather lower; Oats were rather brisk at from 1s. to 13d. per stone; Reans stationary.

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Norwich Castle Meadow, Jan. 3.— There was a very short supply of Fat Beasts here to-day; good Scots were much in demand; a large show of Land Stock, which obtained rather better prices than last week. A few pens of good fåt Sheep went off readily at 43s. a head; Hoggetts, 20s. to 23s. a


Horncastle, Jan. 3.-Beef 5s. to 6s. per stone of 14lbs.; Mutton 4d. to 5d,; Pork 5d. to 6d.; and Veal 6d. to 7d. per lb..

Wakefield, Jan. 2.—We have a large arrival of Wheat and Barley, but not much of other kinds of Grain. It being a holiday market, very few buyers attended, and the best samples of New and Old Wheat are dull at last week's Bristol, Jan. 1.-Beef at 5d. to -prices; inferior samples are full 54d.; Mutton 5d. to 54d.; and 1s. to 2s. per quarter lower. Oats Pork 4d. to 44d. per lb. sinking and Shelling Barley support last offal.


week's prices. The finest samples Malton, Jan. 3.-Meat in the - of South Barley are 1s. per quar-shambles :-Beef 4d. to 6 d.: Mut.ter higher; but other sorts are ton 4d. to 5d.; Pork 4d. to 5d.; dull at last week's prices. In new and Veal 44d. to 6d. per lb. Fresh and old Beans, Malt, Flour, Rape- Butter, 134d. to 144d. per seed, &c. no alteration. ditto, 46s. per firkin. Fat Pigs, with head and feet on, 4s. 6d. to 4s. 9d.; stripped for salting, 5s. to 5s. 3d. per stone,

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Malton, Jan. 3.-Some advance has taken place this week, and all sorts of Grain more in demand. Prices nearly as follow:- Wheat, At Morpeth market on Wednes60s. to 68s, per quarter, five stone day, there was a short supply of

Cattle and Sheep; being little de- Price of Bread. The price of mand, prices continued much the the 4lb Loaf is stated at from 7d. same. Beef from 4s. 3d. to 5s.; to 9 d. and Mutton 4s. to 5s. per stone, sinking offals.

City, 7 January 1824.

If the cause were not known, it would be surprising to see the dealers go on importing Bacon at the present high prices, when they know that an advance must take place in this market to enable them to make a profit upon the prices which they are giving on board. On board, 50s. to 51s.; Landed, 52s. to 54s. Pork, landed, 44s. to 50s. This article is very dull: it is always a precarious trade.


This article has been steady of late: prices are quite high enough; and there seems no inclination to let them go down.-On board: Carlow, 90s. to 92s.-Belfast, 90s. -Dublin, 86s. - Waterford, 85s. to 86s.-Cork, 86s.-Limerick, 84s. -Landed: Carlow, 88s. to 94s. -Belfast, 90s. - Dublin, 80s. to 86s.-Cork, 84s. to 85s.-Limerick, 84s.-Dutch, 90s. to 100s.

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Prices continue about the same as for some weeks past: fine cheese of every kind is scarce.

SMITHFIELD, Monday, Jan. 5.

Per Stone of 8 pounds (alive).

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1822, to Dec. 25, 1823, was 5562 Old, and four tumps of New. Not one New pocket of Worcester Hops has been sold in this market this season! The number of poc kets of Hops weighed during the preceding year, was Old, 19,949; New, 2758. The trade is at present rather dull; prices as follow: 1818, 50s. to 63s. fine; 1819, 70s. to 100s. ditto; 1820, 58s. to 90s. ditto; 1821, 75s. to 105s. ditto; 1822, 140s, to 175s, ditto.

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VOL. 49.-No. 3.] LONDON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 17, 1824. [Price 6d. Published every Saturday Morning, at Seven o'Clock.

events, which are produced by the

movements of fleets and armies.


These admit not of being mate

SIR THOMAS BEEVOR, BART. rially misrepresented. The sub

On the Prospects as to War, or jugation of Spain by the French,

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the placing of Cadiz in the hands of the latter nation; the beholding of a French army marching directly to its point and producing effects like these. The beholding of a French admiral, bringing English ships to, sending for their

It will be the events that will take place with regard to foreign nations, that will dispel the delu- officers to come on board of him; sion, which has prevailed in this ordering them to do this or to do country for so many years. A that: these are things which strike, press, ninety-nine hundredths of and which make an impression on, which is engaged in propagating the most stupid.

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falsehood, may go far towards Trifling, however, are these making every part of the nation events, to those which we must believe, that all the other parts of witness in a very few years. it are in a state of prosperity. This same Government of ours, But, it is out of the power even of which promoted, and which, in such a press as this to blind the fact, made the Holy Alliance, nation with regard to those great now openly expresses its fear of


Printed and Published by J. M. COBBETT, No. 183, Fleet-street.

that alliance. It was evident to ourselves." You will please to all the world that it must be con- observe, Sir, that these were the trary to the interests of England very words of our Secretary of to see Spain in the hands of the State for Foreign Affairs. Let what French. Yet this Government of would take place, we were reours stood by, and quietly saw the solved to have peace for ourselves. French take possession of that And, the main argument, and the country. I beg you to remem-only argument that had weight ber that the main argument, and, with the country was, that we indeed, that the only argument in stood in need of peace to recsupport of the neutral system, tify our money affairs. Yet, was that we ought to remain at France has not been in possession peace to husband our resources; of Spain four months, before, as a that we, after so long a war, stood consequence of that event, we are in need of repose; that to make actually preparing for war! · It war in support of the Spanish was Quixotic to call upon the Go→ constitution, in support of what vernment to take part with the was called liberty, would have Spaniards, because the event been, to make use of Mr. Can-might be doubtful; and it is not ping's own expression at Ply-Quixotic to arm in favour of the mouth, "highly Quixotic;" that insurgents of South America, the people of Spain were divided though the event there must be still in their opinions; and that, to more doubtful. It was Quixotic conclude, success was not certain. to call upon the Government to For these reasons, but partieu- take part with the Spaniards larly for the first reason, England, against the French; because the let what might happen to others, Spaniards were a divided people; was resolved to have peace for but it is not even Quixotic to arm herself. in favour of what is called the "Resolved to have peace for independence of South America,

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