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No figh, no murmur the wide world shall hear;
From every face he wipes off every tear.
In adamantine chains fhall death be bound,
And hell's grim tyrant feel the eternal wound.
As the good fhepherd tends his fleecy care,
Seeks fresheft paftures and the purest air:
Explores the loft, the wandering sheep directs,
By day o'erfees them, and by night prote&s;
The tender lambs he raifes in his arms,

Feeds from his hand, and in his bofom warms!
Thus fhall mankind his guardian care engage,
The promised father of the future age.

No more shall nation against nation rife,
Nor ardent warriors meet with hateful eyes;
Nor fields with gleaming fteel be covered o'er,
The brazen trumpets kindle rage no more;
But ufelefs lances into scythes fhall bend,
And the broad faulchion in a plough-share end.
Then palaces shall rife: the joyful fon
Shall finish what his fhort-lived fire begun;
Their vines a fhadow to their race fhall yield,
And the fame hand that fowed, fhall reap the field.
The fwain in barren defarts with furprife
Sees lillies fpring, and fudden verdure rife,
And flarts amidst the thirfty wilds to hear
New falls of water murmuring in his ear;
On rifted rocks, the dragon's late abodes,
The green reed trembles, and the bulrufh nods.
Wafle fandy vallies once perplexed with thorn,
The fpiry fir and fhapely box adorn;

To leaflefs fhrubs the flowering palms fucceed,
And odorous myrtle to the noifome weed.

The lambs with wolves fhall graze the verdant mead,
And boys in flowery bands the tyger lead;
The fleer and lion at one crib fhall meet,
And harmlefs ferpents lick the pilgrim's feet.


The fmiling infant in his hand fhall take
The crefted bafilifk and fpeckled fnake;
Pleafed, the green luftres of the fcales furvey,

And with their forky tongues fhall innocently play.

Rife, crowned with light, imperial Salem rife!
Exalt thy towery head, and lift thy eyes!
See! a long race thy fpacious courts adorn;
See! future fons and daughters yet unborn,
In crowding ranks on every fide arife,
Demanding life, impatient for the skies!
See! barb'rous nations at thy gates attend,
Walk in thy light, and in thy temple bend;
See! thy bright altars thronged with proftrate kings,
And heaped with products of Sabæan springs !
For thee Idume's spicy forests blow,

And feeds of gold in Ophir's mountains glow.
See! heaven its fparkling portals wide difplay,
And break upon thee in a flood of day!

No more the rifing fun fhall gild the morn,
Nor evening Cynthia fill her filver horn;
But loft, diffolved in thy fuperior rays,
One tide of glory, one unclouded blaze,
O'erflow thy courts: the Light Himfelf fhall fhine
Revealed, and God's eternal day be thine!
The feas fhall wafte, the fkies in smoke decay,
Rocks fall to duft, and mountains melt away;
But fixed his word, his faving power remains,
Thy realm for ever lafts, thy own Messiah reigns,


LET praife to Thee, all fovereign Power, arife,

Who fixed the mountains, and who formed the skies!

Who o'er thy works extendéft a Father's care;

Whofe kind protection all thy works declare.


From the glad climes, where morn, in radiance dreft,
Starts forth refulgent-to the furthest west,
On Thee alone the Whole dependant lies,"
And thy rich beon all nature's want fupplies.

Hail! Thou great Author of the extended Whole! Revolving seasons blefs thee as they roll:

The rifing fun points out thy pathless way,
And fmiling moons thy midnight paths betray;
The fpangling ftars in heaven's ethereal fraine,
Shine to thy praife, and sparkle into flame!

By Thee, Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, rise;
Thou giveft the fmiling, Thou the frowning fkies:
At thy command the foftening fhowers diftil,
Till genial rays the teeming furrows fill;
Thy foftering funs o'er all the globe extend,
And, bleft by Thee, the verdant fpires afcend!
See next the product of returning fpring:
With joy the woods, with joy the vallies ring!
Alternate each refound his praife aloud;
And dumb creation fhouts the incumbent God!
Thy parent bounty fwells the gelden ear,
And bids the harveft crown the fruitful

year: The fruitful year repairs the labourer's pain, The peafant's comfort, and the mafter's gain.

The winter hoard fupplies the winnowing floor, The beaft with fodder, and with bread the poor. Each from thy hand his defined boon receives, Feeds at thy board, and on thy bounty lives!

Thus all thy works confpicuous worship raife, And Nature's Whole proclaims her Maker's praise: Tells out his acts, and spreads his fame abroadCreation's Fountain! and the creatures God!

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CHAP. I. Concerning the Extent of Chrift's Redemption.

[Continued from page 8.]

1. NOW this affertion, thus explained, hath this great ad

vantage above the contrary doctrine; that whereas there is not one word in the Scripture declaring that our Lord died only for a few, or for the Elect only, the Scriptures are very many, clear and exprefs, which teach, that God would have all men to be faved, and that he is the Saviour of all men, being long-fuffering towards them, because he is not willing any Should perish, but that all fhould come unto repentance, and by reVOL. IX,

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pentance to falvation: that the faving grace of God hath appeared to all men, teaching them, that denying all ungodliness and worldly lufts, to live righteoufly, foberly, and godly in this prefent world, expecting the bluffed hope and glorious appearing of the great God, and our Saviour Jefus Chrift, who gave himfelf for us. That he gave himself a ransom for all, and by the grace of God tafled death for every man; in all which words this doctrine is contained in exprefs terms.

Moreover according to that limitation which fome men put upon these words, viz. God will have all men to be faved; Chrift died for all, becaufe Chrift died for fome of all ranks and nations; and God is willing fome of all kindreds and people should be faved: it may more properly be faid, 1ft. That God would have all men to be damned; because, according to their doctrine, he hath already palled an act of preterition, on the greatest part of men, which rendereth their damnation unavoidable. And, 2dly, That Chrift died for none, fince they for whom he died, according to their doctrine, are none comparatively to that greater number for whom they fay he died not. At least it might be reasonably expected that it fhould have been fomewhere faid by way of caution, that Chrift died not for all whereas the Holy Ghost neither in terms nor fubftance, hath ever used any expreffion of this import.

Obj. It is faid indeed that Chrift gave his life a ransom for many; that he fhed his blood for many, for the remiffion of fins. That as by the difobedience of one man many were made finners; fo by the obedience of one fhall many be made righteous. And that Chrift was once offered to take away the fins of many.

Anfw. But that there is no inconfiftence betwixt dying for many and for all, is evident from this confideration, that even in the fame chapter, the Apoftle faith, that by the one fin of Adam many died, Rom. v. 15. And all died, ver. 12. Many were made finners, ver. 19. And all finned, ver. 12. By the obedience of one shall many be made righteous, dinadhoonas, shall be justified, ver. 19. And that by the righteousness of one, the free

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