Abbildungen der Seite

170. hac, by this: § 429, a (258, g); B. 218, 9; G. 389; cf. H. 476 (420, 1, 3); H-B. 426, 293. — superis (dat.), for the gods.— magni Tonantis, of the great Thunderer, i.e. of Jupiter.

171. dextra laevaque (sc. parte), on the right and left: § 429 (258, f); B. 228, b; G. 385, N.1; H. 485, 2 (425, 2); H-B. 436, b.

172. celebrantur, are thronged. The figure is taken from the custom of Roman nobles, whose halls (atria) were visited in the morning by their clients and dependants.

173. plebs, i.e. the lower gods (di minorum gentium); opposed to potentes caelicolae clarique (cf. deorum nobilium, v. 171), the twelve great gods of Olympus (di majorum gentium). The gods are divided into classes like the people of Rome.-diversa locis, i.e. only the great live here; locis is abl. of specification: § 418 (253); B. 226; G. 397; H. 480 (424); H-B. 441.

a fronte, in front, as one goes up the street: § 429, b (260, b); G. 390, 2, N.6; H-B. 406, 2.

174. penates households.

FIG. 1.

176. Palatia: this word had not yet acquired its modern meaning of palace, but meant the dwelling of Augustus, on the Palatine

hill. Augustus is thus, by a daring


-dixisse: the

flattery (audacia), compared with the king of the gods. perfect does not differ in sense from the present, and seems to be used in great part on account of its metrical convenience.

177. recessu, an interior apartment: abl. without in; § 429 (258, ƒ) ; B. 228, d; G. 385, N.1; H. 485, 3 (425, ii. 2, N.3); H-B. 433, a.

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178. ipse, by a common and natural usage the king or chief, as in ipse dixit, he said it himself (Pythagoras). - loco: cf. locis, 173. sceptro, abl. : § 431 (254, 6); B. 218, 3; G 401, N.o; H. 476, 3 (425, ii. 1, N.) ; H-B. 438, 2, a. (See Fig. 1.)

180. cum qua, together with which, i.e. and at the same time. 181. ora... solvit, opened his angry lips.

182. illa tempestate, at that crisis.

184. inicere, the proper spelling of injicere. The compounds of

jacio, which change a into i, lose the j before the i.—anguipedum, limiting quisque. The Giants were represented with bodies terminating


FIG. 2.

Jupiter and the Giants.

in serpents (see Fig. 2): they are here confounded with the "hundredhanded" (centum brachia) Cottus, Briareus, and Gyas, who were brothers of the Titans, but aided Jupiter against the rebellious deities (see Iliad, i. 399–406). — caelo, dative, following inicere; to cast their hundred hands upon the captive sky.

185. ab uno corpore,

from a single class (of divinities), contrasted with the present rebellion of the whole human race.

187. qua, wherever. - Nereus, an ancient sea divinity, especially associated with the calm depths: here put for the sea.

FIG. 3.

188. per, in oaths and prayers, by. — flumina: pl. for sing. 189. Stygio luco (loc. abl.), in the grove of Styx ("Gloom"), the river which bounds the entrance to the world below. The oath by the Styx was the most awful and binding that could be taken by the gods.

190. cuncta = all other means.

191. ne... trahatur, lest the sound (lit. clean) part be drawn [into the same disease].

193. faunique: the enclitic -que is here used as long in imitation of Homer, who makes the Greek Te long. It is probably made so by the pause at the end of the word, or, as it is sometimes called, by cæsura. This occurs generally in the second foot of the verse, and only when a second -que follows. The Fauni and Silvani Italian nature divinities are here joined with the Greek Satyrs. They were fabulous creatures, types of the wild life of the forest. They are represented, like the Greek Pan, with horns, goats' legs and feet, and pointed hairy ears. (See Fig. 3.)


194. quos quoniam: the Latin relative is often used where our idiom requires the demonstrative and some connective particle; § 308, ƒ (201, e); B. 251, 6; G. 610; H. 510 (453); H-B. 284, 8. - dignamur, deem worthy. - honore, governed by dignamur, which like its primitive dignus takes the ablative: § 418, b, N.1 (245, a, 2); B. 226, 2; G. 397, N.2; H. 481, 2 (421, iii. N.2); H-B. 442, a.

195. certe, at least. — sinamus: hortȧtory subjunctive.

196. an: very commonly used in argumentative questions, as here, where the thing asked is obviously absurd. - illos: opposed to mihi. 197. mihi, against me, following struxerit: § 368, a (229, c); B. 188, 1; G. 358; H. 428, 3 (385, 4, 3); cf. H-B. 363, 1. qui habeo: § 316, a (204, a); G. 614; H. 396 (445); H-B. 328, 1, a. - struxerit: § 549

(326); B. 286, 2; G. 586; H. 598 (517): H-B. 526.

199. ausum... deposcunt, they demand (for vengeance) him who has dared such things. A regular meaning of deposco. The use of the participle for a relative clause is forced and poetic.

200. saevit, for saeviit. Notice the indicative with cum, used to define the time of the main clause, not to describe its circumstances; § 545 (323); B. 288, 1, A; G. 580; H. 600, i. (521, i.); H-B. 550, a.

201. Caesareo: equivalent to Caesaris; § 343, a (190); G. 362, R.1; H. (395, N.2). — exstinguere, put out like a fire; hence destroy; sanguine Caesareo is therefore the instrumental abl.

202. attonitum est, was thunderstruck.

204. tuorum, thine own. By a pleasant fiction, the subjects of Augustus's empire are spoken of as his kindred or friends. — pietas, filial affection.

205. illa, the pietas, expressed by the eagerness of the gods, v. 199. 206. silentia: pl. for sing.; § 101, N.2 (79, d); cf. B. 353, 1; G. 204, N.; H. 138, 2 (130, 3); H-B. 240, 5, c.

207. regentis: the use of the participle in the singular as a noun is poetic, though the language is very capricious in its use of participles as nouns. 209. quidem (concessive), it is true, i.e. there is no need of your being alarmed, to be sure, but I will tell the story to gratify your curiosity. 210. admissum, thing done, i.e. crime; sc. sit.

211. infamia, evil report.

212. falsam: predicative, i.e. equivalent to falsam esse.

213. deus (appos.), I, a god. Notice how it is purposely set next to humana for contrast. - lustro, survey. The word is primarily used of a priest who "lustrates" or purifies by going about with a ceremonial the company of worshippers; then of an officer who surveys or reviews the ranks of his troops.

214. est, would be: (511); H-B. 582, 3, b.

§ 522, a (311, c); B. 271, 1, b; G. 254, R.1; H. 580 noxae: partitive genitive; § 346, a, 3 (216, a,

3); B. 201, 2; G. 369; H. 442 (397, 3); H-B. 346.

215. vero, than the truth.

216. Maenala, a mountain in Southern Arcadia, fabled as the dwelling-place of nymphs and satyrs. - latebris: abl. of specification; § 418 (253); B. 226; G. 397; H. 480 (424); H-B. 441.

217. Cyllene and Lycaeus, mountains of Arcadia.

218. Arcadõs: gen. agreeing with tyranni (Greek form as shown by the short Ŏ, requiring the nom. Arcas). As Latin poetry is imitated and translated from Greek, such forms, especially of proper names,

are common.

222. deus. mortalis, [whether] god or mortal: § 335, a (211, a); B. 162, 4; G. 458; H. 380, 3 (353, 2); H-B. 234, iii. discrimine aperto, by a plain test.

225. haec illi: spoken with scorn, as if he said, "That's his idea of a test of truth."

226. eo abl. with contentus; § 431, a (254, b, 2); B. 219, 1; G. 401, N.6; H. 476, I (421, iii); H-B. 438, 4. — missi agrees with obsidis unius. 227. unius, here simply a. The force of unus is sometimes weakened (as is that of quidam) until it becomes little more than an indefinite article. In the same way the demonstrative pronouns are often used for the definite article.

228. ita, i.e. just as he was, with his throat cut.— partim, not partly, but a part of, etc. - — semineces, half dead, i.e. not yet thoroughly cold in death.

230. simul (= simul ac), as soon as.

flame, i.e. the thunderbolt.

vindice flamma, avenging

231. dignos, i.e. because they did not prevent the crime.

232. territus fugit, etc.: this transformation to a wolf is suggested perhaps by the name Lycaon (Greek Múkos). It corresponds with the wild superstition of the were-wolf, which makes the subject of many old popular tales. The name lycanthropy is given to a particular form of madness connected with this superstition. "In 1600, multitudes were attacked with the disease in the Jura, emulated the destructive habits of the wolf, murdered and devoured children, howled, walked on allfours, so that the palms of the hands became hard and horny; and admitted that they congregated in the mountains for a sort of cannibal or devil's Sabbath. Six hundred persons were executed on their own confession."- Chambers's Encyclopædia. Many notices of this superstition are found in ancient writers of many nations, especially in

connection with Arcadia, a pastoral and forest country, where the inhabitants suffered greatly from wolves.

233. ab ipso, i.e. from his natural character, needing no transformation. The allusion is to foam at the mouth.

235. sanguine: abl. of cause; § 404 (245); B. 219, 1; G. 408; H. 475 (416); H-B. 444, a.

[blocks in formation]

240. perire: what construction would be usual in prose? § 535, ƒ (320, ƒ); B. 333; G. 552, R.2; H. 591, 7 (503, ii. 2); H-B. 513, 3.

241. Erinys: properly the Greek name of the divinity that inflicts vengeance for violated law, but here signifying the instigator of crime (Virg. Æn. vii. 324).

242. putes, you might suppose; cf. scires, v. 162: N.1); B. 280, I; G. 257; H. 552 (485); H-B. 519, homines.—dent let them pay: $439 (266); B. H. 559 (483); H-B. 501, 3.- ocius: 291, a (93, a); 2; H. 498 (444, 1); H-B. 241, 2.

243. stat, is fixed.

244. frementi, sc. ei.

§ 447, 2 (311, a, 1.— jurasse, sc. 275; G. 263, 3; B. 240, I; G. 297,

245. partes, their part, as members of the council. adiciunt, i.e. they spur him already excited. — assensibus, opposed to voce; the first part made speeches, the second only assented (assentior), as was the custom in the Roman Senate.

246. jactura, destruction: the image is from the casting of goods overboard in a storm at sea. — dolori, a cause of grief: § 382 (233); B. 191, 2; G. 356; H. 433 (390); H-B. 360.

247. mortalibus (abl. of separation) orbae, bereft of men.

249. populandas: § 500, 4 (294, d); B. 337, 8, b, 2; G. 430; H. 622 (544, 2, N.2); H-B. 605, 2.

250. quaerentes, sc. eos, object of vetat. - enim: he forbids them to tremble, for the rest [he says] shall be his care. sibi: emphatic. 251. superum for superorum: § 49, d (40, e); B. 25, 6, c; G. 33, R.; H. 84, 3 (52, 3); H-B. 71, 4, c.

254. sacer, i.e. as the abode of the gods.

256. adfore tempus, etc.: subj. of esse, following reminiscitur. in fatis: the Destinies were above the gods themselves.

257. correpta, sc. flammis.

258. mundi moles operosa, the fabric of the world wrought with toil. -laboret, be endangered. The doctrine, perhaps borrowed from the East, belongs to the stories of periodic conflagrations of the world.

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