Abbildungen der Seite

arca, æ, F., chest, money-box. Arcadia, æ, the central district of the Peloponnesus. arcānō, in secret.

arcānus, a, um, secret, hidden. Arcǎs, ădis, Arcadian. arceo, ui, ct-, 2, shut close, keep off,

constrain, guard, confine. arcera, æ, F., covered carriage (for the sick), ambulance.

arcesso, ivi, it-, 3, summon, fetch, invite, obtain.

tarchetypus, a, um, original. [tarchi-, chief.

Archimedes, is, a mathematician and engineer of Syracuse, who defended the city, B.C. 212. architectus, i, M., masier-builder. arcitenens, tis, M., archer (Apollo). arctim (tē), closely, with difficulty. arcto (arto), I, to strain close. farctos (us), i, F., the polar Bear. Arcturus, i, M., a star in Boötes. arctus, [arcec,] close, narrow, strict. arcula, æ, F., little chest, box. arcuo, I, to bend, curve. arcus, ūs (i), M., arch, bow. ardea, æ, F., heron.

ardelio, ōnis, M., busybody. ardens, tis, glowing, hot, fiery. ardenter, holly, vehemently. ardeo, arsi, arsum, 2, to burn. ardesco, arsi, 3, take fire, gleam. ardor, ōris, M., heat, flame, glow. ardus āridus, dry.

arduus, a, um, steep, difficult. area, æ, F., threshing-floor, courtyard, house-plot, field. ārefacio, feci, fact-, 3, make dry. arēna, æ, F., sand, beach, arena. arēnārius, a, um, of sand, M., gladiator; F., sand-pit. arēnātus (-ōsus), a, um, sandy. ārens, tis, parched, thirsty. āreo, ui, 2, to be dry, parched. Areopagus (os), i, Mars' Hill, the supreme court of Athens. āresco, arui, 3, grow dry. Arethusa, æ, F., a fountain near Syracuse, fabled to flow under the sea from Elis to Sicily.

argentārius, a, um, of silver; M. banker; F., bench, mine. argenteus, a, um, of silver, silvery. argentum, i, N., silver, money. argilla, æ, F., potier's clay. Argīvus, a, um, of Argos; Greek. Argo, ūs, F., the ship of Jasen. Argolicus, a, um, of Argos, Greek Argonautæ, ārum, the heroes who sailed for the golden fleece. Argos, N., the capital of Argolis. argūmentātio, ōnis, F., reasoning, proof.

argumentor, I, prove by reasoning. argumentum, i, N., reasoning. arguo, i, ūt-, 3, to make clear, reason, accuse, convict.

Argus, i, the keeper of Io, having 100 eyes; slain by Mercury. argūtē, shrewdly, acutely. argūtiæ, F., animation, wi. argūto (or), I, to speak sharply or wittily.

argūtiæ, ārum, F., animation, wit, shrewdness.

argūtus, a, um, active, keen, witty. Ariadna æ, (ē, ēs), myth. d. of

Minos, who fled with Theseus. Aricia, æ, F., a town in Latium. āriditas, ātis, F., dryness. āridus, a, um, dry, parched, lean; N., dry ground.

aries, etis, M., ram, battering-beam. arieto, I, to butt, push, batter. ariolor (hariolor), prophesy, babble. Arion, Ŏnis, myth. harpist of Les

bos, rescued at sea by dolphins. arista, æ, F., wheat-ear, harvest. āritūdo, inis, F., dryness, drought. arma, ōrum, N., arms, defensive weapons, tools, tackle.

armāmaxa, æ, F., covered chariot. armāmenta, ōrum, N., tools, tackle. armāmentārium, i, N., arsenal, dock-yard.

armārium, i, N., chest, closet.

armātūra, æ, F., equipment, troops armātus, a, um, armed, equipped. armātus, ūs, M., equipment. Armenia, æ, Armenia.

Armenius, a, um, Armenian.


armentälis, e, of the herd. armentārius, i, M., herdsman. armentum, i, N., herd of cattle, &c. armifer, fera, um, bearing arms. armiger, geri, M., armor-bearer, companion-in-arms.

armilla, æ, F., bracelet, armlet. armillum, i, N., wine-vessel. armipotens, tis, mighty in battle. armisonus, a, um, resounding with


armo, 1, to arm, equip, call to arms. Armoricus, a, um, of the coast district of N. W. Gaul. armus, i, M., shoulder (of beast). aro, I, to plough, till, cultivate. †arōma, atis, N., spice. Arpīnum, i, a town in Latium,

birthpl. of Marius and Cicero. Arpīnus, a, um, of Arpi, (Apulia). arquātus, a, um, arched, bent. arquus arcus, bow. arrectus, a, um, steep, attentive. arrēpo, psi, pt-, creep toward. arreptus, [arripio,] seized. Arrētium, i, N., a town of Etruria. arrha, æ, F., (-abo, ōnis, M.), pledge, pawn.

ar-rideo, 2, to smile upon, please. arrigo, rexi, rect-, 3, uplift, rouse. arripio, ui, rept-, 3, attack, snatch, seize, drag into court. arrisor ōris, M., flatterer. arrōdo, si, sum, 3, gnaw, nibble. arrogans, tis, haughty. arroganter, haughtily. arrogantia, æ, F., haughtiness. arrogatio, ōnis, F., adoption. arrogo, I, to question, claim, adopt. arrōsus, a, um, nibbled.

ars, artis, F., skill, art, science, habit. arsus, a, um, [ardeo,] burnt. artē (arctē), closely. articulātē, distinctly. articulatim, joint by joint. articulātus, a, um, jointed. articulo, I, to connect by joints. articulōsus, a, um, knotty. [crisis. articulus, i, M., knot, joint, division, artifex, icis, M., artist, builder; (as adj.), skilled.

[blocks in formation]

artificium, i, N., trade, skill, trick. artitus, a, um, [ars,] skilled. tartopta, æ, F., baking-pan. artus, a, um (arctus), close, scant. artus, ūs, M., joint, limb.

arundifer, fera, um, reed-bearing. arundineus. (-ōsus), reedy. arundo, inis, F., reed, rod, shaft. Aruns, tis, Etruscan name of younger sons.

aruspex, icis, M., a diviner (from entrails), soothsayer. arvālis, e, of the field. arvina, æ, F., fut, tallow. arvus, a, um, ploughed (not sown); N., field, ploughed land.

arx, arcis, F., tower, citadel, height. as, assis, M., unit of weight or

coin ($377), consisting of 12 parts: I(), uncia; 7 (12), septunx; 2(), sextans; 8(3), bessis; 3(1), quadrans; 9(), dodrans; 4({}), triens; 10(8), dextans; 5), quincunx;11 (11), deunx. 6(1), semissis; 12 as, originally a pound of copper; as coin,

worth afterwards about 2 cents. Ascanius, myth. son of Æneas. ascendo di, sum, 3, [scando,] to climb, mount, ascend.

ascensio, ōnis, F.,-us, ūs, M., ascent. ascia, æ, F., axe, hoe, mattock. ascio, 4, to summon, admit; 1, hew. ascisco, īvi, it-, 3, call for, bring in,

receive, adopt, approve.

Ascra, æ, a town in Boeotia, birthplace of Hesiod (Ascræus). ascribo, psi, pt-, 3, write in, enrol, impute, ascribe, assign.

ascriptivus, a, um, supernumerary. ascriptor, ōris, M., subscriber. asellus, i, M., aзella, æ, F., donkey. Asia, æ, F.; (originally a town of

Lydia) Asia; generally, Asia Minor, the large peninsula S. of the Black Sea.

Asiāticus, i, surname of L. Scipio, conqueror of Antiochus, B.C. 190. asīlus, i, M., gad-fly.

asinārius, (-inus), a, um, of asses. asinus, i, M.; asina, æ, F., an ass.

Asius, a, um, of Asia, Asiatic. tasōtus, i, M., a riotous person. asparagus, i, M., asparagus. aspecto, 1, behold, look at, attend. aspectus, [aspicio,] beheld. aspectus, ūs, M., aspect, view. aspello, 3, expel, drive.

asper, era, um, harsh, rough, cruel. asperē, roughly, harshly. aspergo, si, sum, 3, besprinkle. aspergo, inis, F., a sprinkling. asperitas, ātis, F., roughness, harsh

ness, sharpness, cruelty, difficulty. aspernātio, ōnis, F., contempt. aspernor, I, cast off, slight, despise. aspero, I, roughen, sharpen, enrage. aspersio, ōnis, F., sprinkling. †asphodelus, i, M., asphodel (lily). aspicio, exi, ect-, 3, view, behold,

consider, examine, get sight of. aspirātio, ōnis, F., breathing. aspiro, I, breathe on, approach. †aspis, idis, F., asp, viper, shield. asporto, I, carry away, convey. asprētum, i, N., a brambly place. assa, ōrum. N., sweating-room. Assaracus, i, one of the sons of Tros, myth. founder of Troy. assārius, a, um, roasted. assātūra, æ, roasting. assecla, æ, C., hanger-on, follower. assectātor, ōris, M., attendant. assector, I, attend, wait on, get. assensio, ōnis, F.; -sus, ūs, M.,

assent, approval, agreement. assentätio, ōnis, F., flattery, assent. assentātor, ōris, M., flatterer. assentio, si, sum, 4, to assent, approve.

assentior, 4, sens-, agree, assent. assentor, 1, flatter, comply. assequor, cutus, 3, follow close, overtake, attain, comprehend. asser, eris, M., pole, joist, stake. asserculus, i, M., (um, N.), stake, broomstick.

assero, ēvi, it-, 3, to plant near. assero, ui, ert-, 3, assert, affirm, claim, lay hold, liberate, protect. assertio, ōnis, F., declaration of freedom.

assertor, ōris, M., deliverer, pro

tecior, claimant.

asservio, 4, render service. asservo, I, to preserve.

assessio, ōnis, F., sitting near. assessor, ōris, M., assistant. assevērātio, ōnis, F., earnest asser· tion, affirmation.

assevēro, I, assert, affirm, prove. assicco, I, to dry, harden. assideo, sēdi, sess-, 2, sit near,

assist, resemble, besiege.

assīdo, sēdi, 3, to sit near, or settle upon.

assiduē, (-uo), constantly.

assiduitas, ātis, F., constant pre

sence, repetition.

assiduus, a, um, constant, unremitting; rich; M., tribute-payer, [as]. assignātio, ōnis, F., allotment. assigno, I, ussign, appoint, imputeassilio, ui, sult-, 4, leap upon. assimilis, e, very like.

assimulātio, ōnis, F., feigning. assimulātus, a, um, like, feigned. assimulo (ilo), 1, pretend, compare,

represent, assume, feign, copy. assis=as, unit of coin, weight, &c. assisto, stiti, 3, stand near, assist. assitus, a, um, [sero,] set near. asso, I, to roast, broil, scorch. associo, I, to join, add, unite. assoleo, 2, to be usual or accustomed assono, I, resound, sound forth. assuē-facio, 3, to accustom., train. assuesco, ēvi, ēt-, get wonted, font assuētūdo, inis, F., custom, habit. assuētus, a, um, accustomed, usual. assula, æ, F., door, chip, splinter. assulātim (-ōsē), piecemeal. assultim, by leaps.

assulto, 1, to leap upon, assault. assultus, ūs, M., onset. assum (adsum), to be at hand, at

tend, protect, appear, approach. as-sūmo, 3, take, assume, choose. assumptio, ōnis, F., receiving. assumptīvus, a, um, extrinsic. assuo, 3, sew upon.

assurgo, exi, ect-; 3, rise up, mount assus, a, um, roasted, dry.


Assyria, æ, F., district of Asia, eastward of the upper Tigris. Assyrius, a, um, Assyrian. ast at, but.

taster, eris, M., star, starwort. asterno, strāt-, 3, spread upon. †asticus, a, um, of the city. astipulor, I, engage, agree. astituo ui, ūt-, 3, to set near. asto, stiti, I, stand near or erect. Astræa, æ, goddess of Justice,

who forsook earth for heaven. astrātus, [asterno,] spread. astrepo, 3, be noisy, roar, shout. astrictus, a, um, close, brief, tight. astringo, inxi, ict-, tie, bind close. † astrologus, i, M., astronomer. astructio, ōnis, F., piling-on, building.

†astrum, i, N., star, constellation. astruo, xi, ct-, 3, build near, add. tastu (asty), N., city. astupeo, ui, 2, wonder at. astur, uris, M., a kind of hawk. asturco, ōnis, M., Spanish nag. astus, a, um, crafty.

astus, ūs, M.; -tū,-tia, æ, F., craft. astutē, cunningly.

astūtia, æ, F., dexterity, craft. astūtus, a, um, crafty, expert. Astyanax, actis, son of Hector. tasylum, i, refuge, sanctuary. †asymbolus, a, um, scol-fee. at, but, but yet, on the other hand. atābulus, i, M, a hot wind, Sirocco. Atalanta, æ, myth. princess of Boeotia, famous for speed in running.

atat! exclam. of pain or wonder. atavus, i, M., ancestor (5th deg.). atellānus, a, um, (of Atella, a town in Campania,) farcical. āter, tra, trum, black, dark, gloomy. Athamas, antis, myth. k. of Thessaly, son of Æolus. Athēnæ, ārum, F., Athens, capital

of Attica, made a repub. B.C. 510. Athenæum, i, N., temple of Minerva at Athens. Atheniensis, e, Athenian. fatheos, i, M., atheist.


†athla, ōrum, N., struggles, sorrows. fathlēta, æ, M., wrestler. Athos, o, on, M., a stormy promontory of Macedonia. Atlantiadēs, æ, Mercury. Atlantiades (-tides), the Pleiades and Hyades, daughters of Atla. Atlas, antis, a Titan, son of Japetos, changed to a mountain (in N. Africa) by Perseus. tatomus, a, um, indivisible. atque (ac), and, as, than. atqui, but yet, indeed. ātrāmentum, i, N., ink, black dye. ātrātus, a, um, in mourning. Atreus, ei, myth. son of Pelops, f. of Agamemnon and Menelaus. ātriensis, is, M., house-sieward. ātritas, atis, F., blackness. ātrium, i, N., [ater,] hall, court. atrōcitas, ātis, F., savageness, horror, severity, harshness. atrociter, cruelly, fiercely. Atropos, i, F., one of the Fates. atrox, ōcis, fierce, stern, cruel. attactus [attingo,] touched. attactus, ūs, M., touch.

attagen, ēnis, M.; -gēna, æ, F., snipe, woodcock.

attalicus, a, um, of Attalus, or

Pergamus; gorgeous.

Attalus, name of three kings of Pergamus, allies of the Romans, reigning B.C. 241-197; 159– 138; 138-133.

attamen, but yet.

attamino, 1, to rob, dishonor. attatatat!

attegiæ, ārum, F., huts. attemperātē, opportunely. attempero, I, to fit, adjust. attendo, di, tum, 3, stretch, apply, give heed, strive, bend, strain. attentē, diligently.

attento (tempto), I, attempt, attack, try.

attentus, a, um, heedful, attentive. attenuātus, a, um, thin, weak. attenuo, I, to make thin, lessen. attero, trivi, trīt-, 3, rub upon, wear away, destroy, weaker, exhaust.

attestor, 1, testify, prove. attexo, ui, tum, 3, weave upon. tatthis, idis, F., (of Attica), nightingale or swallow.

Attica, æ, F., dist. in E. Greece. atticē, elegantly.

atticus, a, um, elegant, superior. attinæ, a, um, F., boundary-stones. attineo, ui, tent-, 2, hold to, belong,

detain, reach to, be of moment. attingo, tigi, tact-, [tango,] touch upon, lie near, reach, seize. attollo, 3, uplift, elevate, enlarge. attondeo, di, tons-, 2, shave close, clip, prune, nibble. attonite, frantically.

attonitus, a, um, thunderstruck, amazed, stunned, terrified. attɔno, ui, it-, 1, amaze, stupefy. attorqueo, 2, to hurl upwardl. attraho, traxi, tract-, 3, draw, drag, attract, contract.

attrecto, I, to touch, handle, appropriate.

attribuo, ui, ūt-, 3, impute, assign, bestow, add.

attributio, ōnis, F., assignment. attribūtum, i, N., bill, draft, attribute.

attritus, [tero,] worn, wasted. attritus, ūs, M., a rub, bruise. attuli, [affero,] brought. Atys (Attys), yos, myth. k. of Lydia, son of Hercules and Omphale, queen of Lydia. auceps, cupis, C.; [avis capio,] bird-catcher.

auctifer, era, um, fruit-bearing. auctio, ōnis, F., increase, auction. auctiōnor, I, sell by auction. aucto, (-ito), I, [augeo,] to increase. auctor, ōris, M., author, adviser,

founder, model, advocate, mover. auctōrāmentum, i, N., bounty, pay. auctoritas, ātis, F., authority, influence, advice, dignity, weight. auctōro, 1, bind, pledge, hire. auctumnālis, e, of autumn. auctumno, 1, bring on harvest. auctumnus, i, M., [augeo,] autumn. auctus, [augeo,] great, rich, ampie.

auctus, ūs, M., growth, increase. aucupium, i, N., bird-catching, game.

aucupor, I, watch, hunt, catch. audacia, ∞, F., boldness, daring. audacter, -citer, fearlessly, boldly. audax, ācis, bold, audacious, conflent, violent, rash.

audens, tis, courageous, brave. audentia, æ, F., courage, bravery. audeo, ausus, 2, to dare, venture. audiens, tis, obedient; M., listener. audientia, m, F., hearing, attention. audio, 4, hear, understand, listen, obey, be spoken of (well or ill). auditio, ōnis, F., hearing, hearsay. auditor, ōris, M., hearer, disciple. auditōrium, i, N., audience-hall. aufero, abstuli, ablāt-, bear away, withdraw, remove, obain. aufugio, fūgi, 3, flee away. augeo, xi, ct-, 2, to increase, enlarge, exalt, enrich, honor with gifis. augesco, 3, grow, increase. augmen, inis; -tum, i, N., growth. augur, uris, M., augur, diviner. augurālis, e, respecting augury. augurātio, ōnis, F., divination. augurātō, having inspected the omens, with consent of the gods. augurātus, ūs, M., office of augur. augurium, i, N., augury, interpreting of omens, prophecy. auguro, I, consult, forebode. auguror, I, to prophesy, forebode, divine (by flight of birds). augustē, reverently.

augustus, a, um, majestic, august, an Imperial title; F., a princess of the emperor's house. Augustālis, c, (-ānus, a, um), of Augustus.

Augustus, i, Octavius Cæsar, adopted son of Julius, emperor from B.C. 31, to A.D. 14.

aula, æ, (āï), F., hall, court. aulæum, i, N., curtain, canopy.

aulicus, a, um, of the court, princely. taulœdus, i, M., minstrel (who sings to the flute).

aulula, ä, F., [olla,] a little pot.

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