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Shall know thee. I will wither thy fair skin,
And it shall hang on crooked limbs; thy locks
Of auburn I will cause to fall away,

And round thee fling a cloak which all shall see
With loathing. I will make thy lustrous eyes
Dull to the sight, and thus shalt thou appear
A squalid wretch to all the suitor train,
And to thy wife, and to the son whom thou
Didst leave within thy palace. Then at first
Repair thou to the herdsman, him who keeps
Thy swine; for he is loyal, and he loves
Thy son and the discreet Penelope.

There wilt thou find him as he tends his swine,
That find their pasturage beside the rock
Of Corax, and by Arethusa's fount.

On nourishing acorns they are fed, and drink

The dark clear water, whence the flesh of swine
Is fattened. There remain, and carefully
Inquire of all that thou wouldst know, while I,
Taking my way to Sparta, call Telemachus,
Thy son, Ulysses, who hath visited
King Menelaus in his broad domain,
To learn if haply thou art living yet."

So Pallas spake, and touched him with her wand,
And caused the blooming skin to shrivel up
On his slow limbs, and the fair hair to fall,
And with an old man's wrinkles covered all

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His frame, and dimmed his lately glorious eyes.
Another garb she gave, a squalid vest;

A ragged, dirty cloak, all stained with smoke;
And over all the huge hide of a stag,

From which the hair was worn; a staff, beside,
Tied with a twisted thong. This said and done,
They parted; and the goddess flew to seek
Telemachus in Sparta's sacred town.

-WILLIAM CULLEN BRYANT: The Odyssey, Book xiii.

an'cient, old, belonging to former times; lit'er a ture, fine and noble writings; trans late', to express in one language what has been said or written in another; suit'ors, wooers, men who offer marriage; dis guis'ing, concealing the appearance by changing the dress; sa ga'cious, wise; ally', one who has promised help; as'pect, looks; squal'id, miserable in appearance; dis creet', cautious, prudent.

1. Who was Pallas Athene? 2. Why does Ulysses call her "dread goddess"? 3. Tell in what ways she helped Ulysses. 4. Where is Sparta? 5. Why had Telemachus gone there? 6. What word could you use in place of "ally"? 7. Why do you think the story of Ulysses has become so famous that poets and prose writers of all ages and of all times tell it over?

Sentence Study. Read these sentences carefully to get their meaning; then rewrite them, expressing the same idea in as few words as possible.

1. One ram I took and fastened a man beneath it.

2. And there was one mighty ram, far larger than all the others, and to this I clung, grasping the fleece tight with both my hands.

3. Then spoke Polites, who was dearest of all my comrades to me, in whom also I most trusted.

4. And lo! they had of a sudden the heads and the voices and the bristles of swine, but the heart of a man was in them still.

Example.-The second might be written as follows: "I clung to the largest ram, grasping the fleece with both hands." Rewrite in still another way.

Composition.-1. Copy the Cyclops' prayer (page 17). Write it carefully, copying every punctuation mark and every capital.

2. Suppose Ulysses had killed the Cyclops when he was asleep in the cave. Plan some way by which he might have escaped with his men. You may imagine that the great stone was rolled away from the entrance by the help of the gods, or of men, or of the other Cyclopes, or you may lay it all to Ulysses' cunning. Write the story as follows:

How Ulysses Escaped from the Cave

1. His efforts to roll the stone from the entrance.
2. How he finally succeeded.

Be very careful to place your composition neatly on the page. Where should the title be written? Your name?

Keep in mind these rules in all composition writing:

1. Leave a blank line between the title and the first line of your composition.

2. Leave a margin of at least an inch on the left side of every page.

3. Indent every paragraph.

Do not forget that the first word of your composition is the beginning of your first paragraph and so should be indented.

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Capital Letters. Why are the words Ulysses and Circe written with capital letters? English and American? Sparta and Ilium? Why does every line on page 31 begin with a capital?

Read the following rules for the use of capital letters carefully. Write a sentence to illustrate each rule.

Begin with a capital letter:

1. Every sentence. 2. Every line of poetry. 3. Every direct quotation. 4. Names of persons. Initials. Titles. 5. Names of


places. 6. Names of months. 7. Names of days. 8. All names applied to God. 9. The principal words in titles. 10. The words I and O.



THESE Same Greeks who gave us this wonderful story of Ulysses - The Odyssey-had, as we have said before, the highest ideals of bravery and justice, and their minstrels were never weary of singing nor the people of 5 listening to tales of courage and of daring.

From the simple recital of brave deeds done by brave men, these stories grew until the heroes became wonderful beings-half gods, half men - who fought with dragons and centaurs, and other monsters of the land and of the 10 sea. And these hero tales, whether true or not, so long as they told of the brave and the good conquering the false and the evil, were loved by the people and were told over and over, again and again, until finally they have come down to us.


Perseus, like other Greek heroes, belonged on one side to the race of the gods. His father was Zeus, the great god of heaven, his mother a mortal woman; and he was a youth of great strength and bravery. But his very virtues made the ruling king look on him with suspicion, 20 as one who might take from him his crown. The king,

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