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came the green knight with his fifty knights, and after him the red knight, with a hundred, and they all yielded themselves to the King, tel ing him how they had been overcome by a knight that had a damsel with him, and was called Sir Fairhands. Now," marvel much of what lineage he is.


said the King, "I 5

For twelve months he was here, and he was but poorly cared for, and Sir Kay called him Fairhands in scorn."

While the King talked with the knights, came in Sir Lancelot, and said, "There is come a very goodly lord, 10 having five hundred knights with him." So the King went out of the hall, and the lord saluted him in courteous fashion. "What is your will," said the King, "and on what errand are you come?" The lord answered, "I am called the Knight of the Marshes, but my name is 15 Sir Ironside. I am sent hither by a knight that calls himself Sir Fairhands. He overcame me in battle, fighting hand to hand, and this no man has done for thirty years, and, having overcome me, charged me that I should yield myself to you."


"You are welcome," said the King, "and the more because you have been a long time an enemy to me and my knights." "That is so," answered the lord, "but henceforth I am at your command, and so are all my knights, and we will serve you as best we can." Said the King, 25 "Ironside, I will make you a knight of the Round Table, but you must leave your murderous ways." "That I will


henceforth," said the lord, " for indeed I followed them at the command of a lady that wishes to be avenged of her enemy. And I would fain ask pardon of Sir Lancelot, for chiefly I did these things out of ill will to him."

"He is

here," said





the King.

So the lord

craved par

don of Sir Lancelot, who granted it right

generously. After this as they

sat at meat,

came in the Queen



the King's

sister. And

Sir Ga

waine, with his brothers, knelt before her and asked her blessing, for they had not seen their mother for 25 the space of fifteen years. But the Queen spake with a loud voice to King Arthur, saying, "What have you done with Sir Gareth, my youngest son? He was with you for

the space of a year, and you made him a kitchen knave, which was truly a shameful thing."

"I knew him not," said Gawaine to his mother. "Nor I," said the King, "but this I know, that he has proved himself a very worthy knight, nor shall I ever rest till I 5 have found him.”

"You did

"when you

But the Queen did not abate her wrath. ill," she said to her brother and her sons, kept my son Gareth in the kitchen, and fed him like a poor hog." "Fair sister," answered the King," you must 10 see that we knew him not, neither I nor his brethren. And, sister, why did you not warn me of his coming? For when he first came he was leaning on the shoulders of two, as if he could not go alone, and he asked me three gifts — first, meat for twelve months, and second, when 15 the twelve months were past, the adventure of the damsel Linet, and the adventure being given him, that he should be knighted by Sir Lancelot. All these things he had. But because he asked for food, there were many here that deemed that he was not of a noble house."


"Know, brother," said the Queen, "that I sent him well armed and horsed, and finely clad, with plenty of gold and silver." "Of these things," said the King, "we saw naught in this place. Only when he was about to depart, there came one who said that there was a dwarf 25 waiting for him who had brought him armor and a good horse. And we, marveling how he should be possessed of


such things, judged that he must come of a noble house. But enough of these things; by the grace of God he shall be found. Then shall we be all merry, for he has shown himself to be a very worthy knight, and I am right glad 5 to know that he is of my kindred."

And at King Arthur's bidding Sir Gareth returned, and with him Dame Lyones and the Lady Linet. And in their honor King Arthur held a great tournament, wherein Sir Gareth won the prize.

After the jousting was ended, King Arthur said to his nephew, Sir Gareth, "Love you this lady, Dame Lyones?" "That I do," said he, "with all my heart." And the King said to the Dame, "And love you him?" "My lord King," she said, "know you that he is my first love 15 and my last, and if I may not have him, I promise you that I will have none." Then said the King: "I would not hinder your loves, no, not for my very crown. shall have my good will to the very uttermost." So likewise said the Queen of Orkney, Sir Gareth's mother.



On Michaelmas Day the Archbishop of Canterbury made the wedding between Sir Gareth and Dame Lyones with all solemnity. Also Sir Gaheris, which was Sir Gareth's brother, wedded the damsel Linet. And after the wedding the green knight prayed that he might be 25 Sir Gareth's chamberlain, and the red knight that he might be his butler, and Sir Persaunt that he might be chief server, and Sir Ironside that he might be his carver.

All these things did he grant right courteously. Thus ends the adventure of Sir Gareth.

A. J. CHURCH: Heroes of Chivalry and Romance.

a mends', apologies; lin'e age, parentage; sa lu'ted, greeted respectfully; cra'ven, coward; Mich'ael mas, the feast of St. Michael, September 29; cham 'ber lain, chief officer of the household of a noble or king.

1. By what ceremony did a knight swear loyalty to a king? 2. Where are the Orkney Isles? Find them on your maps and see what kind of a journey Sir Gareth had to make in going from his home to Arthur's court. 3. Which of Sir Gareth's adventures did you enjoy most? Tell it in your own words.

Spelling. knighthood, courteously, tournament, chivalrous, reigned, reveal, treachery, adversary, piteously, perceived. As the teacher pronounces each word, write it in a sentence.

Written Composition. Write a letter to a friend, telling of some experience you have had. Your experience need not be a wonderful one, like those of Sir Gareth. A very simple one, like that given in the letter below, is interesting if it is well told.

Arrange your letter in regard to paragraphing, the placing of the letter on the page, the salutation, the date and place from which it is written, and the complimentary close, like the model given.



Aug. 7, 1904.

I'm not a bit homesick and I'm having a fine time.

They have a new horse here. His name is Prince and we ride him every day. I rode down to the post office to-day nearly a mile. Wasn't that pretty good? I slid down all right and got the mail, but I had a hard time to mount again. I had to lead Prince

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