Abbildungen der Seite

Tηs σvvódov Tρоédpois, supports, and is sufficent authority for, such a view of the subject (vide Vit. Constant. 3, § 13). At all events, Hosius certainly did not represent the bishop of Rome on that occasion: vide 'Casauboni Epistolæ,' p. 625, edit. Roterod. 1709. Philpot commits the same error again at p. 642. See Strype's Life of Grindal, book i. chap. 2; and a Letter of Grindal's, noticing the error, Parker Soc. Grindal, p. 222.

Page 642, middle. "Scholar."]-This no doubt was Edridge, professor of Greek in the University of Oxford at that time, and who is mentioned on a previous page (544), as suggesting that Ridley should be gagged. See Warton's English Poetry, Edit. 1840, vol. iii. p, 237, note.

Page 645, line 2. "Oppress us."]-"Us" is supplied from the separate edition (1559), and the Latin says nos studetis opprimere."


Page 665, last line. "Lo!"]-The position of this exclamation is rather peculiar. Joye has so used it in his " Refutation of the Bishop of Winchester's Declaration," 1548: "a goodly shameless shifte, lo!" fol. ix. verso; and again on fol. cxxxiii., "No, he parteth it betwene himselfe and our ladye; loo!"

Page 712.]-The copy of this Letter, as given by Strype (Mem. Mary, Originals, No. L.), differs both in length and matter from this of Foxe; the latter being written subsequently to the condemnation of Philpott, the former in prospect of it.

Page 715, line 14. "About the 27th of January."]-The 22d, according to Machyn's Diary, p. 99.

Page 734, note (5).]-See note in the Appendix on p. 77.

Page 746, line 11. "The 27th of the same month."-In Machyn's Diary (p. 99), this martyrdom and that of the six others are placed on the 22d: "they wer all bornyd by ix at iii postes; and ther wer a commonment thrughe London over nyght that no yong folke shuld come ther, for ther the grettest [number] was as has byne sene at shyche a tyme."

Page 750, middle. "After these seven... on the 31st of January."]-Sampson, in a letter to Bullinger, says they suffered on the 27th: p. 175 of "Original Letters relative to the English Reformation,” Parker Soc. 1846.

Page 771, note on page 449, line 15 from the bottom.]-It is possible that he may have been confounded at first with William Buckenham, who was at this time Master of Gonville and Caius College, which was dedicated to the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary: thus we read in the Book of Institutions of Norwich Diocese, March 22nd, 1531, that H. Barker was instituted to the Rectory of Telnitham, Suffolk, "ad præsentationem Gulielmi Buckenham, Custodis sive Magistri Collegii Annunciationis beatæ Mariæ in Cantabrigia aliorumque ejus collegii sociorum."



No. I.


(See Note in the Appendix on p. 387.)

From the Edition of 1563, p. 1273.

"THE quietnes of conscience which passeth all understanding, wyth all gladnes, consolation, & bolde speaking in the holye ghoste, increase and multiply eternally in thine heart, by the lyuelye stable and constante faith, in the onely and moste dearest sauiour Jesu Christe. Amen.

"The letters which thou sentest to me in prison, I haue receyued, and geue thee good wife moste hartye and ample thankes for the same, whiche not withoute teares I perused agayne and agayne: I saye not without teares. but certainlye not for anye griefe or dolour conceyved, but for incredible ioye and gladnes, that aboundantlye flowed in me, assone as I behelde the wonderfull woorkes of God planted in thee: Fyrste in that thy unfayned repentaunce: Secondlye in thy humble and true reconciliation: and laste of all, in the lowly obedience of thy harte, committyng thy selfe and all thyne to goddes holye wyll and pleasure: whiche all when in those thy letters, as in a playne Index and table I hadde seene and vewed, especiallye perceiuyng it to procede of a symple and inwarde motion of thy hearte. I coulde not but all weepyng aboundantly geue thankes to our Lorde for thee, whoe for hys singuler goodnes hathe vouchesafed to poure and shewe vppon thee, but muche more vppon me hys mercye and clemency. These thy writynges, and the often relation of our frendes to me of thy profytyng and constancye in the knowledge of God, doe greatlye lighten and daylye dymynyshe the sorrowes of myne imprisonmente, whiche wyll bee for thee at the latter daye a sure and perfecte testimonye agaynste manye deyntie, nice, and luxurious dames, more addicted to the ragynge pleasures of thys worlde, then to God, hauyng neyther regarde (as they seeme) of themselues nor yet of other. So longe as I shall lyue, I wyll not cesse continually to pray for thee, that that whiche the goodnesse of God hathe happyly layde and grafted in thee, maye euerye daye more and more haue better progression and successe, to the glorie of his holye name: And that he woulde vouchesafe so to arme thee with the secrete strengthe of hys holye spirite, and so to guyde, and rule thee in all thy doynges, that we both lincked together in one spirite and fleshe, maye shewe and celebrate hys prayse in the worlde to come, to the euerlastynge ioye and consolation of vs bothe. As longe as thou by goddes permission shalt lyue in thys worlde, chiefely and before all other thinges geue thy selfe to continuall prayer, accordyng to the admonishment of Saint Paule, lyftyng vppe thy pure handes to almightye God, beeynge voyde of wrathe, contention, or staggeryng, remembring no iniurye, but forgeuyng all the worlde, as Christe hath forgeuen us. And the more bente and readye you are to forgeue the iniuries done agaynste you (besydes that you shall profitte your selfe no little thereby, in callyng to remembraunce the greate and houge trespasses, which Christ hath and dothe daylye forgeue and pardonne vs of) the sooner thereby it wyll come to passe (as Saincte Peter sayth) that we embracing mutuall charity, maye forgette and forgeue one an other oure offenses committed, althoughe neuer so greate and heynous: And because by the worde of God we are taughte and instructed howe and after what manner we shoulde praye, What we shoulde followe or eschewe in thys

lyfe, that pleaseth or displeaseth God: and finally, when hys word as the Lorde testifieth, that he spake, shall iudge vs all at the latter daye: Directe therefore especiallye youre prayer to thys ende, that oure Lorde of hys infinite goodnesse woulde euerye daye more and more vouchsafe to enspire thyne hearte wyth the verye true knowledge of hys woorde, and so to gouerne and dyrect thy lyfe, that thy fruites maye bee correspondent and auns were thy knowledge. And further, because thys woorde is called by the holye ghoste, the woorde of affliction, as to the which for the moste parte do cleaue the incommodities of thys world, as hatred, perills, persecutions, and losse of goodes, (by daylye experience as you doo see) the more earneste you muste bee in callynge to God for hys helpe, and before to trye wyth your selfe, whether you shalbee able to beare the charge vppon you or no. And thus you hauyng leauied and layed a sure and stronge foundation by deuoute prayer, you shall by the helpe of the holye spirite stande faste agaynste all manner of stormes and tempestes: Calle often tymes that into youre remembraunce, whyche happened to Lots wyfe, lookyng backe on those thynges whiche she lefte behynde her. Bee you by that example instructed and made the wyser, leste you in anye waies bee caried and moued wyth those thynges which are displeasant beefore the syghte of almightye God. And beecause nothyng maye or canne more greuouslye offende him then Idolatrye, whiche is the false worshyppyng of God, beware in anye wyse and take good hede, leste that at any tyme you pollute your selfe with the idolatry of the blasphemous masse, whiche is playnelye against the woorde of God, and euidentlye repugneth againste the example and institution of Christ. For what is he, be he neuer so little sene in the readyng of the holye Scriptures, that doth not beleue all thynge now executed in the Englishe churche, to bee done aswell againste the doctrine of the holye woorde, as the edification of Christes churche, when all thynges therein is ministred and doone in a straunge and vnknowen tongue, contrarye to the expresse will and commaundement of the spirite of God? In deede with great bragge they obiecte that they are the churche, chalengyng by this title faith whome I aunswere on thys wyse, that the true churche of Christe dothe confesse and acknowledge no head but Jesus Christ, the onelye sonne of God. But he forsaken, you do take in hys place to youre heade the Pope of Rome, whiche is the sonne of perdition and aduersary to Christ. For the church of Christ heareth only his voice, & is taught & ruled only by his word, according to the saieng of the lord, my shepe do heare my voice. If you shall dwell in me and my worde in you, then are you my disciples, &c. But contrary their church, the symple doctrine of Christ beeyng neglected, doo intrude and thruste in her tradicions by violence, when the church of Christ dothe nothyng adde nor dyminishe from gods holy Testament, or is in anye thinge preiudiciall to the same.

"But these men are not ashamed [not] onely to abolishe suche thinges as are to our soules healthe taught by Christ: but also to reuell and route in their inuentions, reioycing in the woorkes of their owne handes: But contrary the church of Christ hath euer hitherto (wheresoeuer it hath or shalbe) adioyned to it the crosse, oppressed thorough the so great multitudes of troubles and miseries of this worlde. So that it is not of the world, when these me hauyng no respect or difference, do persecute, slaye, burne, and destroye all they fynde to arreste in the true and sincere doctrine of Christ, and finallye spareth none, otherwise beeing neuer so qualified & endued with vertu and excellency of learning. Furthermore Christ and his church do willingly geue & prech his doctrine, offring it to bee tried and discussed by the misticall fountaine of the holy Scripture suffering all men freelye to conceyue and iudge thereof: saying, searche ye and try out the scriptures. But farre otherwise is the state of theyr churche, wherein they vtterly do interdicte al me the liberty of the worde, suffering neither learned or unlearned to make exploration of theyr actes, and to conferre them with the places and maximes of the holy scripture.

"The true church of god striued euer in al that it mighte, to resiste the illecebrous desyres and vnbrideled temptacions of the flesh, the world, and the deuil when most parte of these men (as thou maiest see) do wallowe in all kynde of fylthy lustes, committing secret abbominacion (as Paule reherseth) the names whereof I abhorre to expresse. By these, and the like reasons they shewe what they are, manifestly declaring therby, that they be not of the churche of Christ, but are belongyng to the Sinagoge of Sathan. It were not

farre out of the waye, to compare the doynges and sayinges of them, with the examples of those, whom the worde of god approueth to be as members of Christ and his church. for in so doyng you may no lesse augment their judgement and strength, then therby the boldlier resist and withstand their iniquitie. Wherfore I may most aptly as it seemed to me, and as I then tould them, apply and liken them to Nemerod, whom scripture doth compare to a mightie hunter or valiant champion: for when they cannot compasse what they woulde, with wordes, by and by they passe it by the sworde: And yet wil they be coûted for the church, & who say nay. Therfore with safe conscience I called (as once Christe did) the chiefest of them, the diuels sonnes: For euen as the father of them the diuel, is bothe a lyar and a murtherer so is their kingdome (and churche as they terme it) builte and founded upon slaughter and lyes. Wherefore in anye wise deare wyfe, meddle not wyth their doctrine or traditions, leste you bee made partener thereof with them, to whome eternall damnation is due, vnlesse the sooner they do repente. Beware of their priuy whisperyngs, wherby they wyll entyce the to folowe tymes, and serue the worlde. For God in such kynde of matters wyll not bee deceyued and mocked. It is horrible (saithe Saincte Paule) to fall in goddes handes. Remember the saying of Elie the Prophete. Why (saith he) doo ye halte and leane to bothe parties? Is it not the Lorde &c.? Agayne the wordes of Christ are these. He that putteth bys hande to the ploughe, and looketh backe, is not woorthye of me: And because the chiefest capitayn & emperour Christ hath placed thee in the forefronte, lyke a talle and valiant souldiour, you must not now, leauyng thy standing and ensygne, ronne awaye lyke a dastarde and beastely cowarde. Saincte John amongs them which deserueth to bee throwne into the lake or quarrye of Brimstone dothe accompte them which timorouslye and cowardlye behaueth themselues in the Lordes quarrell: Haue now before your eyes the example of them, whiche wyth inuincible courage dyed in Christes quarrel, fightyng valiantly against theyr enemies: suche as among the olde champions were Stephan, Paule, Daniell, the three Hebrues in the furnace, and suche as in our latter dayes were, Anne Askue, Saunders, and Bradford, with many other of that bande, and most faithfull Martyrs of Christe. In no wyse (saith S. Paul) be you afeard of your enemies, which is to them the cause of perdition, and to you of saluation. And in lyke maner Christe exhorteth vs: Feare not those which slayeth the bodye. &c. We wyll not follow the example of hym whiche in the Gospell with muche intercession obtayned leaue, fyrste to salute their friendes, and then to returne, which if we doe, we shall fynde but fewe, but that wyll rather go backewarde then forwarde, in thys moste blessed race of life. We reade in diuers places, howe that John, Andrewe, and Symon, beeyng called to serue and follow the Lord incontinently, withoute tariance to salute their Parence and frendes, and in all hast after the most wisest maner leauyng their goods and possessions, rose and folowed hym.

"Christe in an other place compareth the kingdome of heuen to treasure lyeng, hid in the field or a precious iewell whiche a man founde, and for ioye thereof went and solde all that he had, and boughte that fielde: But the moste men now adayes may be likened to the Cocke in Esopes fables, which fyndyng a precious stone had rather haue one Barley corne then al y precious stones in the world: Eue so but a few god knoweth, understandeth how costly & precious a iewell the worde of god is, before which they prefer worldly things: which as of themselues are but vain: so if they be compared in estimatio with the word of god, are more vile and worse, than any corne of Barley or other grayne. Indede if I should haue any mynde or regarde to worldly things, I shold haue many stoppes, as the desire and loue of thee my wife, and of our children dere, who are yet in their yong and teder yeres, and prompt of nature to all euil, and therfore more nedeful of their fathers helpe in bringing them up.

"I wyll not speake of my goodes and landes, which surmounteth the common sorte of mens lyuynges: Besydes this, I neuer tooke any sacred orders, nor euer had any ecclesiastical promotion to mayntayne me therewith. Fynally, I myght alledge, (whyche may iustly be feared by this my imprisonmente) leaste for sickenesse and feeblenesse, I should perhappes dye, before I came to myne answere, and so to be profitable to none. But all these thynges I thanke God, through Christe oure onely Sauiour, neuer troubled me: although at the VOL. VII. 3 F


begynnyng (as I must nedes confesse) whan first myne aduersaryes attempted to apprehende me, I some thynge trembled, beynge dismaied at the sodeynnesse of the perylle. But yet by the prouydence of almyghtie God I was delyuered of that quandarie before I was caste into prison. The shiriffe whan he tooke me, I demaunded of hym the cause of myne arreste: who told me that I should know when I came before the magistrates of the town, and so caried me forth with him: I verily thinking that he wold haue brought me forthwith to the Yeldhall, a place of iudgemēt, and there wold haue laid in his accusatiōs, if he had any, against me But he shewyng no cause why, nor commensyng any action, oute of hande caried me innocente to prison against all law and equitie. But doutles I force not therof: for the more vnrightuously they deale with vs by the lawes of thys world, the brighter and clearer the celestial cōsolatiō wil shine vpon vs in our afflictions, presently lightning the same. For those which are addicted and geuen to the world, are of it by all kinde of meanes imbraced: But they contrarye which are not of the world, of the same worlde hated, be despised, and set at nought. And so within a while after, entring into a certain hal, was brought into a chamber, where hauing some intermission, the teares for ioye abundantly issuing from mine eies, I began this to thinke and saye with my selfe. O lorde of all lordes, what am I sely poore wretch, and most vnworthy of all men, whome thou of thy singuler goodnes hast vouchsaued to electe me as worthy of suche a benefit among that blessed and holy number, which shall suffer for the gospell sake? whe that therefore I doe compare my vnworthines and impure synfull life, with the greate goodnes of god which hath called me to that felicitie: all astonied with feare, and rauished with ioy reasoned and debated with my self after this maner. O lorde which geueth strengthe to the weake, maketh wise the foolish, & forgeueth the sinful: who shall forbid the to elect whoo & where thou pleasest? As I haue therfore euer hitherto with all imbrasings vnfainedly confessed the truthe, so neuer did I accompt my selfe worthy of such honor, as to suffer affliction for the same.

"Not long after this, came vnto me M. William Brasburge, Katherin Phines, Hopkins. and Nicholas Hopkins, who persuaded me all that they might to put iu suerties for my forth comming and I shoulde bee deliuered oute of prison. To whom I gaue this answer. Because the rulers of the citie hauyng no cause against me, hath comitted me to prison, if I should so do, I mighte make my selfe giltye of that wherein I was neuer faultye. And therefore for that they haue caste me into prison for nothyng, they maye yf it please theim nowe deliuer me without putting in of sureties. For why, if I whiche am innocent shold enter bondes by suretiship, what should I do otherwise I beseche you, then to bewray mine own innocencie, and cloke their vniust doings? They contrary replied, & broughte in many reasons sounding more to safety then honesty, shewing by what policie I might yf I would bothe disappoint ym & also rid my selfe out of al ieopardy. To whom I answered, that I had fully persuaded my selfe in that behalfe: But yet they not contented, promised me that the bondes should be conceyued of so light conditions yt it should be no great matter to breake them. Finally when thus in persuading of me, they would not cease, I prayed them to be contented, and said to maister Hopkins: that as the quietnes of conscience was a choyse and tender thing, so was it a most precious iewell without all comparison.

"And then hauing some time and space to bethinke my selfe, euen from the bottome of mine harte, praied softely to almighty god, beseching him of his aide and redye councell, and that he would vouchsafe in that moment to inspire with his secret grace as should seme most best to hys gracious goodnesse. But when they hadde done their talk and ended their exhortations, me thought that there succeded straight wayes in me a meruelous consolation of my selfe: and not longe after came one maister Dudley, and persuaded with me as the former did, whom I answered as before. And so at length comming to my selfe, and with good deliberation pondering this and that, cōsidered what great shame and ignominie should redownd vnto me, if I (which alwais encouraged myne acquaintance to constancie and the defence of the truthe sounding and willing theym not to yelde or geue place to the aduersaries of the Gospell) nowe shoulde leaue my standyng, and castyng away of my weapon, shoulde come out of the fielde lyke a coward. But what occasion of griefe and offence shoulde thys tourne to theyr ghostly warriors of Christ: and contrary what

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