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HEADQUARTERS TENTH MILITARY DEPARTMENT, Monterey, California, August 23, 1849. MAJOR: The commanding general, early in June last, instructed Lieutenant Wilson, 1st dragoons, to proceed with his company, "E," by the way of King's river, for the purpose of apprehending the perpetrators of some Indian murders recently committed on or near that river, to report the result of his expedition promptly, and to collect and report for the information of the commanding general any information that might be useful with regard to these Indians, their numbers and haunts, and the best positions for the establishment of troops to operate against them, &c. Únofficial information was received last night to the effect that Leutenant Wilson has been for some time at your camp, and the general was much disappointed in not receiving from him, by the mail of last night, the expected report. If this report has been sent, it has probably been lost, and you will direct Lieutenant Wilson to forward you a duplicate of his report. If it has not been made, you will cause it to be made out at once and forwarded with as little delay as possible. In either case, you will add to it any information that you think may be useful, particularly with regard to the points indicated in his instructions to you of May 4 and May 7.

It is apprehended, from the irregular communication with your command, that the provisions of department orders No. 21 have not been fully carried out. Your attention is called to this subject; and you are desired to give any orders that may be necessary to insure a regular and uninterrupted communication with department headquarters. A duplicate copy of department orders No. 30 is herewith enclosed. You are desired to acknowledge the receipt of this communication. Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Major A. S. MILLER,

E. R. S. CANBY, Assistant Adjutant General.

Second Infantry, commanding, Camp Stanislaus.


Monterey, California, August 23, 1849.

CAPTAIN: Your communication of the 17th instant and its enclosures were received last night, and I am directed by the commanding general to say that his instructions of the 9th instant were not more definite because the papers in reference to the claim of Mr. Thompson, and the permission of Mr. Steineberger to occupy a position on the reserve, are (or should be) on file at your post, or in the assistant quartermaster's office in San Francisco. By the decisions of Generals Mason and Riley, former and present governors of California, "occupancy of the house" commonly known as the Kanaha House," and a "right of way to the beach," are guarantied to Mr. Thompson "until his claim be submitted to the United States government or decided by the proper tribunals." Beyond this his title has not been and will not be recognised; and you are directed to apply to Mr. Billings, attorney general of California, for any assistance that may be necessary to protect the interests and rights of the United States to this

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property. The reservation at Rincon point, and any other public lands that there may be at San Francisco, are included in your instructions of the 9th instant.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Captain E. D. KEYLS,

[No. 4.]


Assistant Adjutant General.

Commanding, Presidio, San Francisco.

HEADQUARTERS TENTH MILITARY DEPARTMENT, Monterey, California, August 30, 1849. COLONEL: I found, on my return to this place from a reconnoissance of a portion of the valleys of San Joaquin and Sacramento rivers, general orders No. 1 from the headquarters of the army; and, as I cannot have copied in season for transmission by the steamer of the 1st proximo the military correspondence at these headquarters, I respectfully submit, for the information of the commander-in-chief, a brief summary of reports heretofore made in relation to military affairs in this department.

My attention was directed, on my arrival in this country, to the unparalleled excitement in relation to the mineral regions; the imminent danger that our troops, as they arrived, would desert to the "placers," and, instead of giving protection to the parties, and aid in the preservation of order and tranquillity, would themselves become the very worst element of disorder; the great extent of Indian frontier to be guarded, and the difficulties then apprehended from the unsettled state of affairs in the mining districts. An attentive consideration of these subjects impressed me with the opinion that the policy most likely to prove advantageous to the service, would be the concentration of all the troops serving in this department, except the necessary guards for the depôts at one or more points in the immediate vicinity of the gold regions, from whence a portion of them might be permitted to visit the placers for the purpose of working them for their own benefit-the remainder to be held embodied in a proper state of discipline, in readiness for any emergency that might occur. After the expiration of the furlough of the first class, a second class to be furloughed, and so in succession with the remainder; the troops stationed at points so distant from the mines, that they could not be furloughed, to be relieved by exchange with commands that have been more favorably situated. The practice of granting furloughs, adopted at some of the posts in this country, with the sanction of the former department commander, had succeeded well, and the information received about the time of my arrival from the southern part of this department confirmed me in the opinion previously entertained, that the mania for gold-hunting would exist, in its most exaggerated form, at points most remote from the placers. I accordingly, immediately after relieving Colonel Mason in the command of the department, recommended the adoption of the policy above indicated. It is a matter of regret, that the emergencies of the service have been such that it could not be carried out to the extent recommended; for the experience of the past four months has convinced me that it is the only course that can be adopted, with reasonable hope of success, until the state of affairs in this country is materially changed. In addition to the mere

question of expediency, Indian difficulties that were then occurring, and the threatening danger of a proximate collision between the different classes at work in the gold region, made it highly important that a strong military force should be established in the immediate vicinity of the mining region.

For the disposition of the troops in the department, and the measures taken to prevent desertions, &c., I respectfully refer to department order and special orders forwarded to you by this mail. These furnish you with a history of the operations in the department since my assumption of the command. The present disposition of the troops is the same as indicated in orders No. 16, except that company A, 2d infantry, re-enforced by details from other companies-in all, four officers and eighty men-has been detached, under instructions from the commander of the division, as an escort for Captain Warner, topographical engineers, and company E, 1st dragoons, when en route for the station, was diverted from that route, for the purpose of securing the perpetrators of some murders committed by Indians on or near Los Reyes river.

The difficulties apprehended from a collision between the different classes of the mining population have not yet occurred in the form which it was feared they would assume, and at present I do not apprehend any serious difficulty from that source. Some serious Indian disturbances have occurred on the American fork of the Sacramento, and a few isolated murders have occurred at other points; but at the date of the last report from the frontier, everything was quiet. The Indians of the Sierra Nevada, although in a great number, are of a degraded class, and are divided into so many different tribes, or rancherias, speaking different languages, that any combination on their part is scarcely to be apprehended. Their depredations heretofore have been confined generally to horse-stealing, and only occasionally have murders been committed by them. These, however, have been made the pretence, by the whites in their neighborhood, for the commission of outrages of the most aggravated character-in one or two cases involving in an indiscriminate massacre the wild Indians of the Sierra and the tame Indians of the ranchos. The commanders of detachments serving on the Indian frontiers are instructed to prevent any authorized interference with the Indians by the whites, and to support the Indian agents of their districts in the exercise of their appropriate duties. From the character of the mining population, and the nature of their occupations, unless a strong military force be maintained on that frontier, it will be impossible to prevent the commission of outrages upon the Indians; and they, in turn, will be avenged by murders committed upon isolated parties of whites. Unfortunately, the eagerness with which gold is sought after by detached parties of miners, gives many opportunities for the commission of such outrages. To seek after and apprehend the perpetrators in cases of this kind, a mounted force is absolutely necessary; and, although great difficulty will be experienced in obtaining forage and replacing horses that may be disabled, its services are so indispensably necessary, that I greatly regret my inability to supply more than one company on the Indian frontier until after the company now on duty with the commissioner of the boundary survey is relieved.

I have heretofore called the attention of the War Department and the division commander to the insufficiency of the force assigned to this department by general order No. 49 of 1848. As it may not be possible,

with the present military establishment, to order any additional force to this country without the action of Congress, I respectfully invite the attention of the commanding general to the views heretofore expressed on this subject. A topographical sketch of a portion of this department is herewith enclosed, upon which I have indicated the positions or neighborhoods in which I deem it important that troops should be established. The amount and character of the force required in my report to division headquarters, of June 11, is also enclosed.

The embarrassments under which the service has labored will be so readily appreciated at home, that it is unnecessary to refer to them here except to say that, great as these embarrassments have been, they have been greatly increased by the want of line and staff officers.

In consequence of the extraordinary prices of labor, and the consequent enormous expenditures in this country, young officers of the line should not be, in justice to the service and themselves, as they have unnecessarily been, encumbered, in addition to their company duties, with money and property responsibilities to a very great amount. Experienced officers of the quartermaster's department are required at San Francisco, San Diego, and with the commands on the upper Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. I have now but one officer, Captain Kane, of that department, under my control; and he is necessarily detained at department headquarters in the preparation of my estimates for the service of the ensuing year. Quarters must soon be erected at several of the posts in this department; and I cannot spare line officers for this duty, without destroying their efficiency with their companies, even were it proper to do so. There are no topographical engineers on duty in this department, and, in consequence of the want, I have been able to perform very little of the duty devolved upon me by the 111th paragraph general orders No. 49, of 1848. A reconnoissance of a portion of the valleys of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, undertaken for the purpose of determining the position to be occupied, as recommended in my report to division headquarters of April 16, to the War Department of the 25th of the same month, has strengthened my opinion of the importance of giving the country a most thorough examination before any military posts are permanently located in the interior. The whole district of country lying between the coast range and the Sierra Nevada is exceedingly sickly at certain seasons of the year. The common timber of the country (oak) is not fit for building purposes; and I was greatly disappointed in finding that south of the Sacramento river, pine fit for lumber exists only on the spur of the mountains in small quantities, and in places difficult of access. Stone, as a building material, is scarce; and at several of the points where it may be desirable to establish military posts, grain for forage is out of the question, and grass can only be found in exceedingly limited quantities. I expressed a hope in my despatches to the War Department of June 30, that I would be able to make an examination of the country along the western slope of the Sierra Nevada, from the source of the San Joaquin to the southern boundary of California; but the season is now so far advanced that I fear I shall not be able to accomplish more than the determination of a position to be occupied in the neighborhood of Los Reyes river. It is of great importance that this point should be determined as soon as possible; for the new discoveries of gold constantly being made in that direction, are attracting thither a large por

tion of the mining population. The rapidly increasing population of the northern placers is gradually forcing the Indians to the south, and congregating them on the waters of the Lake Buena Vista, (Tula.) This position should be occupied, if possible, before the miners have become established in Los Reyes and the neighboring rivers; and the necessary examinations and arrangements will be made as soon as it is possible to do so.

Since my application (April 25) for officers of the quartermaster's department was made, two officers of that corps, Majors Allen and Fitzgerald, whom I had supposed would be available for duty in this department, have been permanently separated from it; and the number then applied for should be increased by two.

Two of the medical officers in this department are now prostrated by disease; and as their places cannot be supplied here, there should be at least three in this department, in addition to those actually required for duty at the different posts in the department, to meet emergencies of this kind.

The ordnance depots at Monterey and San Francisco are under the charge of military store-keepers. It is important, for the preservation of this property in a serviceable condition, that they should be under the supervision of an experienced ordnance officer.

With the exception of the assistant quartermaster above referred to, the officers above enumerated have heretofore been applied for; but as none have been reported to me, I will state in detail what officers are absolutely required with this command:

Four officers of the quartermaster's department, in addition to Captain Kane now on duty here;

Two topographical engineers;

Three additional medical officers;

One officer of the ordnance department;
One officer of the subsistence department.

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The irregular communication with some of the interior posts, creates a good deal of embarrassment by delaying the department returns. In consequence of this I am unable to furnish a later return than for June. The transport Mary and Adeline, with companies A and F, 2d infantry, reached San Francisco on the 8th ultimo. The detachment of dragoons, on their march to the department with the collector of this district and the Arkansas emigrants, have not yet arrived. During the months of July and August, so far as reports have been received, there were but few desertions, except from the company detailed for the escort of Captain Warner, topographical engineers: 34 men, more than half the whole number reported, have deserted from this company. The entire force in the department at this time does not probably exceed 650, (aggregate;) and consequently more than 400 recruits are now required to fill up these companies to the standard authorized for this department.

A detailed report of my reconnoissance in the valleys of the San Joaquin and Sacramento will be forwarded by the next steamer. I have delayed it in order to embody in it information in regard to the country in the neighborhood of the Tula, which I am in the daily expectation of receiving.

The want of company officers is very much felt; and I request that authority may be given me to break up the companies whose captains

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