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My friend Mr. SWYNFEN JERVIS had revised the proof-sheets of one half of the present volume, when an ailment, from which he had been suffering for a considerable time, at last proved fatal. On his death-bed he expressed an anxious wish that the remainder of the work, which was quite complete in manuscript, should be printed with the same accuracy as the portion he had himself superintended at press; and, in becoming the Editor of the latter half of his Dictionary, I have endeavoured to fulfil that wish. My task has been a comparatively easy one; nothing more having been required of me than to see that the manuscript was faithfully followed, and to correct some trifling errors of quotation. I need hardly add, that I have attempted no alteration in any of the few glosses to which I happen not to subscribe. Mr. SWNYFEN JERVIS was born in London, May 10th, 1797; and died at his seat, Darlaston Hall, in Staffordshire, January 15th, 1867.


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