Abbildungen der Seite

con-ta-gi-on kon-tā'jē-un

[blocks in formation]


con-ta-gi-ous kön-tā jē-us de-fin-i-tive dē-fin'ē-tiv con-temp-ti-ble kõn-tem'te-bl de-for-mi-ty con-tempt-u-ouskon-těmt'yü-us de-gen-er-ate de-jen'ĕr-äte con-tig-u-ous kön-tig'u-us de-liv-er-ance de-liv'ur-ănse con-tin-u-al kon-tin'ū-ǎl de-lu-so-ry dē-lū'sur-ē con-trol-a-ble kön-trīlā-bì de-moc-ra-cy de-mok krā sẽ

con-ve-ni-ence kon-vē'në-ĕnse de-mo-ni-ac


con-vent-i-cle kon-věn'tē-kl de-mon-stra-bledē-mon'stră-bl

con-ver-ti-ble kon-věr tě-bl de-prav-i-ty

dē-prăv ́ē-të

kon-věks'ē-tē de-pre-ci-ate

de-pre ́shē-āte


co-op-e-rate kō-op'ĕr-äte de-riv-a-tive
cor-rel-a-tive kor-rěl'a-tiv de-si-ra-ble
cor-rob-o-rate kor-rob'ō-rate de-tes-ta-ble
cor-rupt-i-ble kör-rupt'e-bl dex-ter-i-ty
cos-mog-ra-phyköz-mög'grä-fe di-er-e-sis

cour-a-ge-ous kur-rā'jē-us






kri-tê rê-un


di-ăm ẽ-tur





[blocks in formation]

de-lũ vê-ăn

de-bil-i-ty dě-bil'ē-tē

di-os sẽ-săn

cy-lin-dri-cal sẽ-lindre-hăl di-min-u-tive


de-cap-i-tate de-kǎp'e-tāte di-rec-to-ry


Patrick Henry's War Speech.

1. Mr. President, It is natural for man to indulge in the illu sions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of the Syrian till she transforms us into beasts. But is this the part of wise men, engaged in an arduous struggle for liberty? Are we of the number, who, having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not the things that so nearly concern their temporal salvation?

2. I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. What do the war-like preparations which cover our waters, and darken our land, imply? Are they necessary in a work of love? Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed by a kiss. These are the implements of subjugation:-the last arguments to which king's resort.

3. We have done every thing that could be done to avert the storm that is now gathering. We have petitioned, supplicated, and prostrated ourselves before the throne, and implored its interposition to arrest the tyrannical hand of the

ministry and parliament. But our petitions have been slighted and insulted, and we have been spurned from the foot of the throne.

4. There is no longer room for hope. If we wish to be free, we must fight! I repeat it, sir, we must fight!! An appeal to arms, and to the God of hosts is all that is left us! They tell us we are weak,―unable to cope with so formidable an adversary;-but when shall we be stronger? Will it be next week or next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and a British guard is stationed in every house? Shall we acquire the means of resistence by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemy has bound us hand and foot?

5. Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature has placed in our power. Three millions of people armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as we possess, are invincible to any force which our enemy can bring against us.

6. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations; and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. Besides, sir, we have no election, if we were base enough to desire it,it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged. Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is inevitable-and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it




7. It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. may cry peace, peace, but there is no peace. The war has actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north, will bring to our ears the clash of surrounding arms! brethren are already in the field Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of slavery and chains? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!


The extraction of the cube root implies the finding of a number, which, being multiplied into its square, will produce the given power.

RULE. 1. Separate the given power into periods of three. figures each.

2. Find the greatest cube in the left hand period, and place its root in the quotient.

3. Subtract the cube thus found, from that period, and to the remainder bring down the next period for a dividend.

4. Multiply the square of the quotient by 300, and call the product the triple square ;-multiply the simple quotient by 30, and call the product the triple quotient, and the sum of the two products is the divisor.

5. Find how often the divisor will go in the dividend, and place the result in the quotient.

6. Multiply the triple square by the last quotient figure; and the triple quotient by the square of the quotient figure; and to the sum of these add the cube of the last quotient figure.

7. Subtract the amount thus obtained from the dividend, and to the remainder bring down the next period for a new dividend. With this, proceed as with the above dividend, and so on until all the periods are brought down. (1) What is the cube root of 373248?




Ans. 72.

the greatest cube. (72 root.

Divisor 14910 30248,divd.7X7=49X300=14709. tr. sq.

[blocks in formation]

-30248: finally 72×72×72=373248 proof.

NOTE. All remainders, with vulgar or decimal parts, are treated the same in all roots. The periods must always consist of as many places as are expressed by the index:-the reason is obvious. The square of any figure can never be more than two places, nor can the cube of any figure exceed three places. The places in the root, therefore, will always equal the periods in the power.

(2) B has a square pile of wood, containing 13824 cubic feet: what is the length of one side? Ans. 23.28 nearly.

(3) What is the cube root of 3796416?
(4) What is the cube root of 12.1138475?
(5) What is the cube root of .37862135?
(6) What is the cube root of 298?


Ans. 156 Ans. 2.296+ Ans. .723+ Ans. .584+


8. Antithesis. An antithesis is a figure in language founded on contrast,-its design is to exhibit the opposing objects in the strongest light, and to impart to them their greatest force. Thus:-A wise man is happy when he gains his own esteem; the fool, when he gains the esteem of others.

RULE. Both parts of the antithesis, should sustain a relative correspondence, and literal application.

EXAMPLE. That eloquence which leads mankind by the ears, confers a nobler superiority than power, which every dunce may use, or fraud, which every knave may employ to lead men by the nose.

(Here Bolingbroke is contrasting, by the help of antithesis, the advantages of eloquence over power or fraud.---True eloquence may indeed, lead men by the ears, very naturally, but the relation between power, or fraud, and the rose, is not so apparent, and without this relation the antithesis fails.)

In the merchant of Venice, Shakspeare observes: "A light wife makes a heavy husband,"-And Solomon, without aim-. ing at contrast, says, "A wise son maketh a glad father."

(9) VISION. This figure implies nothing more than the use of present time in the delineation of actions that are past. RULE. Avoid the introduction of this figure, except in spirited composition, or animated descriptions of hurried and war like movements. Thus:

At the head of his troops, he plunges into the Granceus, mounts the opposite bank, charges the Persian cavalry and puts it to flight;--turns upon the infantry and routes them ;meets the Grecian troops in the service of Darius, and slays every man upon the spot.

(When this figure is appropriately introduced and properly managed, it is not difficult for a lively imagination to draw a pretty correct picture of the whole scene.)

10. Interrogation.--This figure implies, literally, the asking of questions; but as a figure of speech, it often means the most pointed negation, and sometimes expressive inquiry. Thus:

Is the Lord a man that he should lie? Hath he said it, and will he not do it? Hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

(The import of these interrogatories, stripped of the figure, is, The Lord is not a man that he should lie. He hath said it, and he will do it. He hath spoken it, and he shall make it good.)


NOTE. The object of this figure is to impart to language, variety, spirit, and force. But to effect this object, it must not be profusely employed, nor used to the entire exclusion of other figures and literal lan



lis-com-fit-ure dis-kum'fit-yüre em-broi-der-y em-bròe'dur-ē dis-con-so-late dis-kõn ́sō-late e-mer-gen-cy e-měr jen-sē dis-cov-e-ry dis-küy'ur-e em-phat-ic-al ĕm-fät'ik-ǎl


em-pir-i-cism ĕm-pir'ē-sizm dis-par-i-ty dis-păr'ē-tê em-pyr-e-al ēm-pir'ē-ăl dis-pen-sa-ry dis-pen'să-re en-co-me-um ĕn-kō'mē-um dis-qual-i-fy dis-kwčl'e-fi e-nor-mi-ty e-nòr'mē-tē dis-sem-i-nate dis-sem'ē-nāte en-thu-si-asm en-t'hu'zhē-ăzm dis-sim-i-lar dis-sim'ē-lur on-thu-si-ast





di-ver-si-fy dē-ver'sē-fi di-vin-i-ty dē-vin'ē-tē e-phem-e-ra do-cil-i-ty dō-sil'ē-tē e-piph-a-ny do-mes-ti-cate dō-měs'tē-kāte e-pis-co-pal dox-ol-o-gy dõks-ŏl'ō-jé e-quiv-a-lent duc-til-i-ty duk-til'ê-té e-quiv-o-cate ē-kwiv'ō-kāte du-plic-i-ty dū-plis'ē-tē e-rad-i-cate ĕ-rǎd'ê-käte e-con-o-my ê-kon'ō-mē e-ro-ne-ous ē-rō'nē-us e-fect-u-al ē-fékt'yü-ǎl e-spe-ci-al-ly e-spĕsh'ǎl-lē ef-fem-i-nate ef-fem'e-nate e-van-ge-list e-văn jĕ-list ef-flu-via ĕf-flu'vē-ă e-vent-u-al ē-vent'yu-ăl ef-fron-ter-y ef-frun'tĕr-ē eu-lo-gi-um yu-lō'jē-um

e-gre-gi-ous ĕg-grē ́je-us e-jac-u-late ē-jǎk'ü-lāte

[blocks in formation]

e-lys-i-an è-lizhe-ăn

ex-ag-ge-rate ēgz-ag'je-rāte ex-as-per-ate ĕgz-ǎs pĕr-âte ex-cru-ci-ate ěks-krô'shē-āte ex-ec-u-tive


ĕgz-ěk ́ū-tiv ĕgz-ěk'ü-tūr

e-ma-ci-ate e-ma ́she-ate ex-em-pli-fy egz-ěm'ple-fi e-man-ci-pate e-măn-se-pate ex-hil-a-rate egz-hil'a-rate em-bar-rass-ment ĕm-băr răs-ment ex-on-er-ate egz-on'ĕr-āte *dis-fran-chise-ment dis-frǎn'chiz-ment


Counsellor Phillips' sketch of Washington.

1. It matters very little what immediate spot may have been the birth place of Washington. No people can claim; no country appropriate him. He is the boon of Providence to the human race; his fame is eternity, his residence the creation. Though it was the defeat of our armies and the disgrace of

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