Abbildungen der Seite
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com-pli-ance kom-pli'ănse



con-cise-ly kon-sise ́lē ma-lign-ly


con-ni-vance kõn-ni'vǎnse

con-sign-ment kon-sin'měnt o-bli-ging

con-tri-vance kon-tri'vănse pro-vi-so

de-ci-pher dē-si'fur







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Major Gen. Nathaniel Green, continued.

7. The first post of responsibility assigned to this rising chieftain, was the keeping of the passes on Long Island, through which the British were expected to find their way to the city of New York. This however he was reluctantly compelled to resign before the moment of action arrived, in consequence of severe indisposition.

8. His next movements were by the side of the illustrious Washington, at the battles of Trenton and Princeton; and again on the banks of the Brandywine. At Chesnut Hill his prowess shone conspicuously, and on the Jersey shore of the Delaware, his talents and resources, were successfully matched against those of the renowned lord Cornwallis. these situations he displayed that cool, collective, and intrepid presence of mind and determined valour, which, in the hour of danger, is ever present to a commander of the firs order.

In all

9. At the earnest solicitation of his beloved commander, he accepted the appointment of Quarter Master General; yet while discharging the duties of this commission, he twice stepped aside from its immediate calls, to indulge in his favourite sphere of action. On the heights of Monmouth, and `the shores of his native state, he took distinguished parts in the dubious contests which reflected so much honour on the American arms.

10. When the best half of the south, had surrendered to the foe;—when the fall of Lincoln and Gates, and the anníhilation of two entire armies, filled the bosom of every friend of freedom with alarm, the command in that region, was confided to General Green.-He, next to Washington, filled the public eye, and revived subsiding hope. Here, again, his prowess, under the most appaling disadvantages, and fearful odds, was staked against the haughty English lord's, the ablest general in the British annals, at the head of veteran troops, flushed with recent victory, and panting for conquest.

11. The story of his deeds of daring, and his unshaken valour; the brilliancy of the success which crowned his efforts, and the whole of his glorious career on the plains of the south, are recorded in the pages of history, and will descend to future time, an example to the brave and virtuous, and a praise to human excellence.


Double Position refers to such questions as require two suppositions of false numbers.

RULE 1. Take any two convenient numbers and proceed with each agreeably to the conditions embraced in the ques


2. Find how much the results differ from the result in the question.

3. Multiply the first false position by the last error, and the last false position by the first error.

4. If the errors are alike, divide the difference of the products by the difference of the errors, and the quotient will be the answer.

5. If the errors are unlike, divide the sum of the products by the sum of the errors, and the quotient will be the answer. NOTE. The errors are said to be alike when they are both too great or both too small; and unlike when one is too great and the other too small.


(1) The ages of four persons amount to 109 years. Å is seven years older than B, and C ten years younger than A, and D is 3-5 as old as A; what is the age of each? 1. Supposition. A's age




[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

And 127-10918, result of the 1st error. And 109-91= 18, result of the 2d error.

The errors are unlike, that is, 40

is too large and 30 too small.

Hence, 40X18=720, and 30X18-540. Then 720+ 540=1260, dividend, and 18-+18=36, divisor, and 1260÷

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

--=109. Proof.

(2) Three merchants enter into co-partnership with a stock of $1140; A put in a certain sum, B put in 1-3 as much as A and $50 more; C put in twice as much as B added to 1-5 of what A put in;-what was each man's share?

Ans. A's share was, $450, B's $200, and C's $490. (3) A certain fish has a head 9 inches long, the tail is as long as the head and half as long as the body, and the length of the body equals the length of both head and tail; how long is the fish? Ans. 6 feet. (4) The ages of A and B are such, that, 7 years ago, A was 3 times as old as B, but 7 years hence, A will be only twice as old as B; what are their respective ages?

Ans. A's age 49, B's age21 years.


OBS. The manner of loose expression exhibited in the 12th lesson, arises generally from the careless use of words commonly reputed synonymous.

There are in fact but comparatively few strictly synonymous terms in the language; true it is that many may be found which express alike two or three principal ideas, yet when followed into all their relations, the unity of expression which appeared to exist, is soon dissolved. The few subjoined examples, may serve to aid the pupil in a choice of words, which may contribute to render his language clear and forcible. Custom. Habit. Haughtiness.


Custom has reference to action, and is the parent of habit.
Habit respects the actor;--the effect produced by custom.

Haughtiness originates in the high opinion we have of

Disdain is founded on the low esteem we place upon others. Wisdom. Wisdom teaches us to speak and do what is most proper. Prudence. Prudence prevents from speaking or doing what is impro



Entire refers to things that want none of their parts. Complete. Complete, to things that want none of their appendages. Only implies that there is no other of the kind.


Alone. Alone, that no other is in company.

Surprise. We are surprised at what is new or unexpected;
Astonished. ( And astonished at what is great or vast.

Amazed. Amazement is excited by what is incomprehensible;
Confounded. And we feel confounded at what is terrible or distructive.`
Desist. To relinquish;-but from the motive of danger in the pursuit.
Quit. To relinquish;-from the motive that other objects please still

Leave off.
To abhor.
To detest,
To weary.
To fatigue.

To invent.

To discover.

To remark.
To observe.
To confess.


We renounce an object when it is disagreeable to pursue it.
We leave off because we are weary of the pursuit.
To abhor implies a decided dislike or strong aversion.
To detest, a strong disapprobation of criminality.
The continuance of pursuit is apt to weary.

Hard labour or brisk walking, to fatigue.

Things invented are those that did not before exist.
Things discovered, those previously hid.

We remark by way of attention, by way of remembering.
And observe by way of observation in order to judge.
To confess implies a high degree of criminality.
Acknowledge. To acknowledge, a trivial offence, uncalled by acknwol-


Enough refers to the quantity which one wishes to have of
a thing.

Sufficient. Sufficient, to the use for which the enough is designed.
We avow an act when it is credible to the actor;
And own an error when convinced of its reality.

To avow.
To own.


An equivocal expression has one sense open and understood, another concealed to all but the user who employes it to deceive.

An ambiguous word, is one that has two senses, and is used with a design to evade full information.

With. With expresses a close connexion between the instrument


and the agent that uses it.

By expresses a more remote relation: as, B killed a man with

a sword;-he died by violence.

The Scotish noblemen, when asked by their king, by what tenour they held their estates, drew their swords, and replied, 'By these we acquired them, and with these we will defend them.

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di-vorce-ment dé-võrse'měnt pro-por-tion

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en-croach-menten-kroch'ment re-proach-ful en-force-ment en-förse'ment so-no-rous


Brigadier General D. Morgan.

pro-pōr shun



re-prōch'fûl sō-nō'rus

1. Daniel Morgan, a Brigadier General of the revolutionary war, was born in the state of New Jersey; but in 1755, he emigrated to Virginia, and became a farmer. From his parents he inherited little more than his being;-his reputation and his fortune were the work of his own sword:-and none were ever achieved with more honour or in a better


2. Morgan had an Herculean frame, six feet high, well proportioned, and of great active powers. His mind was discriminating and solid; his manners were plain and becoming; his conversation was grave and sententious; his reflections were deep, and his words few:-And he executed his decisions with a promptness that knew no pause.

3. His first essay at war, was in the capacity of a private, under the rash and deservedly unfortunate Bradock. His second was in a march of nearly one thousand miles from central Virginia to the American head quarters near Bos


Thence he was soon after dispatched to Quebec, and

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