From Beaumont and Fletcher's Play of Bonduca. [The Prince Hengo, who has been wounded, asks where he shall go when he dies.] Inscius ipse adeò lethi, sortisque futuræ, Regius instanti lapsus ab hoste puer, Has præfert patriis, dum palmas tendit inermes, Quænam adeunda mihi longâ dum in nocte quiescam, Ergone tempus erit cum me Bonduca nepotem, Oscula figi, iterùm agnoscant? dehinc alter ab illis Н. Н. The envious snows came down in haste But when they found themselves surpass'd, Invida nix alpina Chloes candoris in ipsum Tum victa aspectu, quin! O! quin cedimus, aiunt, H. H. The following Latin inscription was given by Dr. Jortin as an antique, to try the criticism of the learned. Quæ te sub tenerâ rapuerunt Pæta juventâ Dr. Jortin. Ah Pæta, would but fate, whose cruel doom H. H. Inscription-for a Mausoleum. Stranger! by curious contemplation led, Yet, should some vice, indulg'd without control, O! go not hence till thou hast sternly vow'd To sin no more-to thy Creator bow'd In contrite sorrow, and His aid implor'd, Who died-that sinful man to God might be restor`d! H. H. London: Printed by WILLIAM CLOWES and Sons, Stamford Street. |