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B. The queen's pawn two moves.

9 W. The king's pawn one move.

B. The king's knight at his king's square. 10 W. The queen's bishop at his king's third


B. The king's bishop's pawn one move." 11 W. The queen at her second square.t

B. The king's bishop's pawn takes the pawn. ‡ 12 W. The queen's pawn retakes it.

B. The queen's bishop at his king's third square.§

pawn with yours; and very much diminish the strength of your game, spoiling entirely the project already mentioned, in the first and second observation.

*He plays this to give an opening to his king's rook; which cannot be prevented, whether you take his

pawn or not.

+ If you should take the pawn, instead of playing your queen, you would commit a great fault, because your royal pawn would then lose its line; whereas if the adversary take your king's pawn, that of your queen supplies the place, and you may sustain it with that of your king'sbishop's; these two pawns will undoubtedly win the game, because they can now no more be separated without the loss of a piece, or one of them will make a queen, as will be seen by the sequel. Moreover, it is of no little consequence to play your queen in that place, for two reasons to support and defend your king's bishop's pawn; and to sustain your queen's bishop, which, being taken, would oblige you to retake his bishop with the abovementioned last pawn; and thus your best pawns would have been totally divided, and the game indubitably lost.

He takes the pawn to pursue his project, which is, to give an opening to his king's rook.

He plays this bishop to protect his queen's pawn, with a view afterwards to push that of his queen's bishop.

13 W. The king's knight at his king's bishop's fourth square.*

B. The queen at her king's second square. 14 W. The queen's bishop takes the black bishop.t

B. The pawn takes the white queen's bishop. 15 W. The king castles with his rook.‡

B. The queen's knight at his queen's second square.

16 W. The knight takes the black bishop. B. The queen takes the knight.

17 W. The king's bishop's pawn two steps.

N. B. He might have taken your bishop without prejudice, but he chuses rather to let you take his, in order to get an opening for his queen's rook, though his knight's pawn is doubled by it; you are again to observe, that a

double pawn is no way disadvantageous when surrounded

by three or four others. However this is the subject of a back-game, beginning from the 12th move the black bishop there taking your bishop, shows, that, playing well on both sides, it will make no alteration in the case. The king's pawn, together with the queen's or the king's bishop's pawn, well played, and well sustained, will certainly win the game.

Your king's pawn being in no danger, your knight attacks his bishop in order to take or have it removed.

It is always dangerous to let the adversary's king's bishop batter the line of your king's bishop's pawn; and as it is likewise the most dangerous piece to form an attack, it is not only necessary to oppose him at times by your queen's bishop, but you must get rid of that piece as soon as a convenient occasion offers.

+ Castle on the king's side, in order to strengthen and protect your king's bishop's pawn, which advances two steps as soon as your king's pawn is attacked.

B. The king's knight at his queen's bishop's second square.

18 W. The queen's rook at his king's place. B. The king's knight's pawn one move. 19 W. The king's rook's pawn one move.† B. The queen's pawn one move.

20 W. The knight at his king's fourth square. B. The king's rook's pawn one movet. 21 W. The queen's knight's pawn one move. B. The queen's rook's pawn one move. 22 W. The king's knight's pawn two steps. B. The king's knight at his queen's fourth


32 W. The knight at his king's knight's third square.§

B. The king's knight at the white king's third square.||

24 W. The queen's rook takes the knight. B The pawn takes the rook.

25. W. The queen takes the pawn.

B. The queen's rook takes the pawn of the opposite rook.

• He is compelled to play this pawn, to prevent you from pushing your king's bishop's pawn upon his queen. †This move is played to unite all your pawns together and push them afterwards with vigour.

Ele plays this pawn to prevent your knight from entering in his game, and forcing his queen to remove; otherwise, your pawns would have an open field.

§ Play this knight in order to push your king's bishop's pawn next; it will be then supported by three pieces, the bishop, the rook, and the knight.

He plays this knight to obstruct your scheme by breaking the strength of your pawns, by pushing his king's knight's pawn: but break his design by changing your rook for his knight.

26 W. The rook at his king's place.*

B. The queen takes the white queen's knight's


27 W. The queen at her king's fourth square. B. The queen at her king's third square.† 28 W. The king's bishop's pawn one move. B. The pawn takes it.

29 W. The pawn takes again.‡

B. The queen at her fourth square.§ 30 W. The queen takes the queen. B. The pawn takes the queen.

31 W. The bishop takes the pawn in his way. B. The knight at his third square.

32 W. The king's bishop's pawn one move, || B. The queen's rook at the white queen's knight's second square.

33 W. The bishop at his queen's third square. B. The king at his bishop's second square. 34 W. The bishop at the black king's bishop's fourth square.

B. The knight at the white queen's bishop's fourth square.

* Play your rook to protect your king's pawn, which would otherwise remain in the lurch as soon as you push your king's bishop's pawn.

†The queen returns to prevent the check-mate.

Were you not to take with your pawn you would run the risk of losing the game.

§ He offers to change queens, in order to destroy your plan of giving him check-mate with your queen and bishop.

IN. B. When your bishop runs upon white, strive to put your pawn always upon black, because then your bishop serves to drive away your adversary's king or rook when between your pawns; the same when your bishop runs upon black,then have your pawns upon white.

35 W. The knight at the black king's rook's fourth square.

B The king's rook gives check. 35 W. The bishop covers the check.

B. The knight at the white queen's second


37 W. The king's pawn gives check.

B. The knight at the knight's third square." 38 W. The king's bishop's pawn one move. B. The rook at its king's bishop's square. 39 W. The knight gives check at the fourth square of his king's bishop.

B. The king at his knight's second square. 40 W. The bishop at the black king's rook's fourth square.

B. Plays any where, the white pushes to queen.


Or, continuation from the twelfth move.

12 W. THE queen's pawn retakes it.

B. The king's bishop takes the white queen's bishop.

13 W. The queen takes the bishop.

B. The queen's bishop at his king's third square.

14 W. The king's knight at his king's bishop's fourth square.

B. The queen at her king's second square. 15 W. The knight takes the bishop.

B. The queen takes the knight.

16 W. The king castles his rook.

*As the king may retire to his bishop's square, the second back-game will show how to proceed in this case.

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