Abbildungen der Seite

having saved the Grecian youths. The Argonauts were the noblest youths of Greece.

58. "Quorum fama viget hic quoque," whose fame is flourishing (is great) even here.

60. "Esoniden quem ego velim mutasse." Jason, whom I would take in exchange:-for Æson, a Thessalian prince, was father of Jason.

61. "Ferar (esse) felix et cara dis," I shall be deemed fortunate and dear to the gods.

62. "Quid quod nescio qui montes dicuntur," why say that mountains, I know not what, are reported. These were the Cyanea or Symplegides, two small rugged islands at the entrance of the Euxine. They were said to float about and crush to pieces all the ships that passed between them, till the ship Argo, under the guidance of Minerva, steered safely through. From that time the goddess fixed them for ever; and thus rendered the navigation ever afterwards, secure.

63. Charybdis, a famous whirlpool in the straits of Messina.

65. Scylla was a rock on the Italian coast opposite Charybdis which was near the shores of Sicily. Scylla was said to be the daughter of Phorcys, and companion of the Nereïds. Of this beautiful nymph Glaucus, the sea god, became enamoured; and consulted the sorceress Circe, how he could gain her favour. Circe, to gain the favour of Glaucus, herself, poured the juice of poisonous plants into a fountain where Scylla was accustomed to bathe, upon which she was transformed into a monster having twelve feet, six long necks, a terrific head, and three rows of close-set teeth in each. The poets also represented her as having dogs encircling her waist.-Sicily may be derived from the Celtic Si-kyle," the place of the strait."

69. "Imponis speciosa nomina tuæ culpæ," dost thou give a plausible name to thy criminality?


71. Quantum nefas aggrediare," how great a crime thou art meditating.

74. Hecate is here represented as the daughter of Perses the son of Phoebus. She is generally, however, regarded as the sister of Phoebus, and was the same as the moon; the name is from izas, “far," from shedding her light afar.

76. "Ardor pulsus resederat," her passion, being checked, had abated.

78. “Recanduit toto ore," her whole face was in a glow. 80. " Quæque parva latuit sub favilla inducta," and what was small, when concealed under the ashes cast over it.

82. "Amor lentus," her affection subsiding.

83. "Inarsit specie præsentis," burned more intensely from the appearance of him before her eyes.

85. "Illa luce," on that day.

86. "Tum denique viso," then for the first time seen. 92. Promisit torum," promised marriage.

93. "Servabere nostro munere," thou shalt be saved by my services (good offices).

94. "Tu servatus dato promissa," do you when saved fulfil your promise.

95. "Triformis Deæ." Hecate was called "three-formed," because the moon is sometimes full, sometimes disappears, and at other times shows her disc but partially; or because she was Diana on earth, Luna in heaven, and Proserpina in the infernal regions.

96. Phoebus was the father of Eetes who was about to Decome Jason's father-in-law (futuri soceri).

97. "Suos eventus," his own adventures.

98. "Cantatas herbas," the enchanted herbs. The herbs used in sorcery were so called (cantatas) from the incantations pronounced over them in preparation. Compare the English word "carminative."

100. Aurora, the goddess of the dawn, is a name derived from the Hebrew signifying "rise of light," or, from the Greek augio wea, "morning hour."

102. "Consistunt jugis," range themselves on the ridges (of Mount Caucasus, which surrounded Colchis).

103. "Medio agmine," in the midst of the assembly. 105. " Eripides tauri," bulls with brazen feet (which were made by Vulcan).

106. "Camini pleni," furnace filled (with fire).

107. "Silices soluti terrena fornace," limestone slacked in an earthen kiln.

111. "Truces (tauri) vertere terribiles vultus," the fierce bulls turned their awful looks.

116. "Tantum medicamina possunt," such is the virtue of the enchanted herbs.

117. "Mulcet pendula palearia," strokes their hanging dewlaps.

119. "Insuetum ferro," unaccustomed to the ploughshare. Being sacred to Mars it could not be ploughed.

120. "Implent," fill his ears, or, fill the air; it may also be translated "encourage;" as, "Impleo" is occasionally synonymous with "hortor," in the poets.

122. "Vipereos dentes," the dragon's teeth. These were some of the teeth of the dragon slain by Cadmus before he built Thebes; Mars and Minerva having sent them in a present to Æetes.

123. If "prætincta is joined with "humus" it will signify impregnated; if with "semina," steeped.

127. "Componitur per suos numeros," is completed in all its members (parts).

129. "Imago hominis effecta est," the form of a man was matured.

130. "Concutit arma edita simul," brandishes arms produced at the same time with himself.

131. "Ubi Pelasgi viderunt quos parantes, &c.," when the Greeks saw them preparing, &c.

132. Hæmonia was an ancient name of Thessaly, of which Jason was a native.

133. "Demisere vultumque animumque," they lowered both their countenances and courage.

138. "Canit auxiliare carmen," she repeats an auxiliary charm.

140. "Convertit Martem depulsum a se, in ipsos," he turns the conflict-averted from himself-against themselves. Imagining the stone thrown by some of themselves, they fell upon each other.

146. "Reverentia famæ tenuit te ne faceres," a regard for your character restrained you from doing so.

147. "Tacito affectu," with silent (unexpressed) affection. 149. "Superest sopire pervigilem draconem," it remains to lull to sleep the ever-watchful dragon.

150. "Aurea (two syllables) arboris," of the tree on which was suspended the Golden Fleece.

152. "Gramine Lethæi succi," with herbs of Lethean

juice. Lethe was a river in the infernal regions, the waters of which produced oblivion of the past in the souls of the dead it is derived from anda, "to forget:" hence also the Latin "lethum," death.

155. "Somnus advenit in oculos ignotos," sleep came upon eyes before strangers to it.

158. "Iolciacos portus," the harbour of Iolcos: which was a seaport of Thessaly, where Jason was born.

As the term "Achivi" is frequently applied to the Greeks, it may be remarked, that the word seems to be derived from the Hebrew or Phoenician " Chiva," signifying a serpent. The epithet, from whatever cause, seems to have been applied originally to the Phoenician settlers in Greece; and afterwards to the Greeks among whom they settled. At all events, from the Greek propensity to play upon words, we can trace from this the mythic story of Cadmus being changed into a dragon. (See Book IV., Fable XIII., line 3.)








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