Abbildungen der Seite


81st Congress, 1st Session

(January 3-October 19, 1949)


VOL. 6





1260. Rights-of-way to Los Angeles, Calif., over lands in Mono, Inyo, and Kern

Counties, Calif.

1261. Administration of Indian livestock loans.

1262. Conference report on Independent offices appropriation bill, 1950.

1263. Amending act making temporary appropriations, 1950.

1264. Revising Classification act to establish schedule of rates of basic compensa-
tion for Government employees.

1265. Mutual defense assistance act of 1949. 2 pts.

1266. Supplemental appropriation bill, 1950.

1267. Committee on Ways and Means to conduct studies and investigations of

matters within its jurisdiction.

1268. Consideration of bill to provide for furnishing military assistance to foreign

1296. Moneys received from national forests to be used for development of recrea-
tional resources in forests.

1297. Authorizing Palisades Dam and Reservoir project, etc.

1298. Relief of Pan American Union.

1307. Conveyance of land in Chillicothe, Ohio, for use of Prisons Bureau.

1308. Payments on purchase of automobiles or other conveyances by certain

disabled veterans.

1309. Assistance to disabled veterans in acquiring specially adapted housing.

1310. Administrator of veterans' affairs to convey land in Wood, Wis., and lease

other land to Milwaukee County, Wis.

1311. Issuance of patent in fee to Paul and Anna High Horse.

1312. Sale of inherited land of Jessie American Horse on Pine Ridge Reservation.
1313. Elimination of lands from Flathead Indian irrigation project, Mont.
1314. Clarifying provisions of law relative to vocational training of veterans.
1315. Construction of Veterans Administration hospitals.

1316. Increasing compensation of certain employees of Medicine and Surgery
Department, Veterans Administration."

1317. Establishing Negro veterans hospital at birthplace of Booker T. Washing-

ton, in Franklin County, Va.

1318. Location survey for railroad to connect Alaska and United States.

1319. Care and custody of insane persons charged with or convicted of offenses

against U. S.

1320. Study of war-housing disposal program of Housing and Home Finance
Agency and Public Housing Administration.

1321. Disposition of papers by sundry Government offices.

1322. Disposition of papers by sundry Government offices.

1323. Setting aside lands in Fort Reno military reservation in trust for Cheyenne

Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma.

1324. Amending National housing act relative to insurance.

1325. Amending Hospital survey and construction act to extend duration and

provide greater financial assistance.

1326. Suspension of rules, House of Representatives.

1327. Authorizing House of Representatives to meet Tuesdays and Fridays until
Sept. 21, 1949.

1328. Consideration of bill to establish schedule of basic compensation rates for

Government employees.

1329. Consideration of bill to provide additional benefits for certain postmasters,

etc., in postal service.

1330. Conversion of village-delivery service at 2d-class post offices to city letter-

carrier service.

1331. Promotions for temporary employees in mail equipment shops.

1332. Amending Travel expense act relative to allowances during illness while

traveling on official business.

1333. Clarifying status of Architect of Capitol under Federal property and admin-

istrative services act of 1949.

1334. Increasing retired pay of certain members of former Lighthouse Service.

1335. Disposition of papers by sundry Government offices.

1336. Designating Nov. 19, 1949, anniversary of Lincoln's Gettysburg address, as

Dedication Day.

1337. Authorizing President of United States to proclaim Feb. 6, 1950, as National

Children's Dental Health Day.

1338. Conference report on bill promoting rehabilitation of Navajo and Hopi


1339. Conference report on bill amending Civil service retirement act to provide

survivorship benefits.

1340. Conference report on bill authorizing payments on purchase of automobiles

by certain disabled veterans.

1341. Providing for documentation of Canadian-built vessel North Wind.

1342. Amending Merchant ship sales act relative to proper cost basis for deprecia-

tion of war-built vessels.

1343. Extending boundaries of Toiyabe National Forest in Nevada.

1344. Consideration of bill providing aid to Korea.

1345. Consideration of res. providing for reforestation and revegetation of forest
and range lands of national forests.

1346. Conference report on bill promoting mutua defense assistance.

1347. Printing additiona. copies of pts. 1 and 2 of hearings relative to social

security act amendments.

1348. Printing additional copies of House report 1300 relative to social security

act amendments.

1349. Printing prayers offered by acting chaplain at opening of daily sessions of
the House, July 27-Aug. 26, 1949.

1350. Increase in salary for employee of House of Representatives.

1351. Expenses of Public Works Committee in investigating certain works of

1352. Funds of Expenditures in Executive Departments Committee to be avail-
able for expenses incurred outside U. S.

1353. Expenses of Ways and Means Committee in investigating matters within
its jurisdiction.

1354. Conference report on bill making appropriation for foreign aid, 1950.

1355. Kentuck Drainage District to construct dam and dike to prevent flow of

tidal waters into Kentuck Slough.

1356. Bridge across Missouri River at Brownville, Nebr.

1357. Incorporating National Safety Council.

1358. Incorporating Reserve Officers Association of United States.

1359. Consideration of Social security act amendments of 1949.

1360. Conference report on bill providing cumulative sick and emergency leave
with pay for D. C. teachers, etc.

1361. Exempting lands receiving supplemental water supply from San Luis
Valley project from excess-land laws.

1362. Conferring civil and criminal jurisdiction on Wisconsin in certain cases

involving Indians.

1363. Conveyance of land in Acadia National Park to Tremont, Maine, for school

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