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British and Foreign Bible Society.-The most interesting subject which was presented in the report of this Society, was the division respecting the Apocrypha, some account of which we gave in our last number. Three resolutions, as stated in the Report, were passed relative to this subject, at the meeting of the Society. Farther particulars respecting this controversy, will be given in our next.

SCOTLAND.-The United Associate Synod met at Edinburgh on the 24th of April, and continued their Session till May 3d. Dr. Mitchell expressed his acquiescence in the deed of last Synod appointing him Professor of Biblical Literature in the Theological Seminary. The course of study is five years, the first two of which, students are to be exclusively under the care of the Professor of Biblical Literature, and the last three, exclusively under the care of the Professor of Systematic Theology.

The Committee on the Testimony reported that the additional part of the Testimony has been prepared by their, subcommittee. It is ordered to be printed for the information of members of Synod before the next meeting in September. The number of preachers is so much increased that about one half of their time they are without appointments. The Presbytery of Perth is appointed a Committee to take the subject into consideration, and to suggest at next meeting of Synod, the measures which may be adopted. There are now ninety-eight preachers on the list; of these, nine are called. The next meeting of Synod is appointed to be at Edinburgh on the 11th September.

For some time, a Union has been contemplated between the Associate Synod, (the Protesters,) and the Constitutional Presbytery. At their meeting in May last, a Basis was proposed, the whole, or extracts from which, will be given in our next number.

TURKEY.-There are said to be 40,000 resident Jews at Constantinople.--Considerable stir has existed among them of late, and secret societies have been formed, with a view to resist the influence of their rabbins, and to free themselves from the trammels of superstition in which they are held. We do not augur much good from this mode of proceeding.

ROME.-Pope Leo XII. the reigning pontiff, has all the bigotry which his predecessors inherited from the Popes of the dark ages. "Taking compassion on his Catholic family," says the London Bapsist Magazine, "Leo XII. has extended his jubilee to all the kingdoms of Europe. In consequence of this the jubilee was proclaimed on the 9th of April, in the London district; and it will continue six months. During this time, all good Catholics who confess their sins to their priests, receive the sacrament; and visit fifteen times the church appointed by the Bishop for that purpose; to pray for the establishment of Papacy, and for the confusion of all heretics, (Protestants,) and obtain a plenary indulgence; that means a remission of temporal punishment for their sins; eternal punishment, he tells them, being remitted in baptism. This is popery in the nineteenth century;" and this gives us an insight into the Pope's spiritual dominion.


HINDOSTAN.-At Vizagapatam, a seaport town about half way between Madras and Calcutta, paganism is evidently on the decline. The people feel

less interest in the worship of their idols, and in their arguments with the missionaries, though they do not yield the point, even the Brahmins feel their inferiority. The car of Juggernaut did not make its appearance last year, and its three images were offered to the missionaries for ten pagodas. In Northern India missionary efforts are not without success. Seven persons were baptised at Dinagepore on the profession of their faith in Christ, and a whole family have thrown off their caste, and come over to the Christian Society. The mission to this country sustains a heavy loss in the recent death of Messrs. Hiram Chambers and J. B. Warden.

BURMAH.-Intelligence from Burmah states, that the missionaries who have suffered such hardships during the Burmese war, and for whom so great fears were entertained are alive and well.

BENGAL. The fifth Annual Report of the Female Department of the Bengal Christian Schoo! Society contains the most gratifying accounts of their success. The Society has been in operation about five years; during the first 8 months they could procure no more than two scholars. They have now twenty-four schools, and 475 pupils. "Nothing," says the Report, seems now to be wanting but the encreased liberality of the public, to ensure the gradual extension of native female education to every part of the country." Even some of the rich and influential Brahmins, lend their assistance to this work.


SOUTH SEA ISLANDS. In these Islands the cause of Christianity is steadily advancing. In a letter from Daniel Tyerman it is stated, that islands have embraced Christianity, in all which, a professed idolater does not remain; that so far as profession goes, there are none more consistent, and there is reason to believe many of them are Christians indeed. At the anniversary of the London Misssionary Society in May last, a most interesting account was given by Mr. Ellis, of the formation of Auxiliary Missionary Societies in these Islands.. The first was formed at Eimeo, in 1819. There is now a society in almost every island. Thus, where a few years ago, Satan had his seat in the midst of Pagan darkness, efficient exertions are made to send the light of the gospel to those who are yet in darkness, and the shadow of death.

SANDWICH ISLANDS.-A woman calling herself Pele, the god that presides over volcanoes, and is said to dwell in the person of an old woman, near the crater of the largest volcano on Hawaii, came to Labaina in a very formal manner, on the 21st of July, and threatened that if the chiefs did not send away the missionaries a volcano would next morning break out and destroy Lahaina. The chiefs were collected to receive her with not less than two or three thousand people, in the presence of whom she was compelled to confess her imposture. A signal triumph was thus obtained over the powers of darkness and another of the lying vanities of idolatry exposed and covered with confusion. The Rev. C. S. Stewart, American missionary from the Sandwich Islands, stated at the anniversary of the London Missionary Society, "that not less than 10,000 of the natives are now capable of reading and writing in their own language: at least 15,000 are under daily Christian instruction, and

about 20,000 listen to the preaching of the gospel, and there is reason to believe that not less than fifty have received the truth in the love of it.

CHINA. There seems to be more obstacles to the introduction of Christianity into China than into any other place. The idolatry and superstition of that country are of the grossest kind, and shut up in their prejudices, they possess a sovereign contempt for all others. Messrs. Bennet and Tyerman wrote that, "at Buitenzorg we actually found a French engraving of a bust of Buonaparte in a gilt frame, placed as an object of worship over an altar-table in a Chinaman's house, having wax and incense tapers burning before it. To test the value set upon it they attempted to purchase it, but could not. On returning rather suddenly into the room they found the old man lifting up his hands in worship to the picture of the late Ex-Emperor.


NEW-YORK.-At a meeting of the Trustees of the African Education Society, it was resolved to establish a school, to be called the "Kosciusko School," for the education of free coloured youth in the United States. When Kosciusko last visited this country, he left in the hands of Thomas Jefferson a fund for the benefit of enslaved Africans, which now will amount to nearly $13,000. It is proposed to raise a fund of $13,000 in addition to this, for the same object.

At the late meeting of the General Synod of the Reformed Dutch Church in New-York, they consented to transfer the interest of the United Foreign Missionary Society, (of which they formed a part,) to the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, but in doing so, withdrew every pledge to support its funds or to recommend it to the patronage of the Dutch church, and at the same time passed a resolution earnestly recommending the intes rests of the Missionary society of the Reformed Dutch church to their congregations. This may be blamed as sectarian, but it has the advantage of consistency, which is now too little regarded.

View of Public Affairs.

[We avail ourselves of the opportunity afforded us of extracting the Veiw of Public Affairs for the last month, from the Magazine of the Reformed Dutch church, which has come to hand.]

GREAT BRITAIN.-The grand election struggle is over in Britain. The bribery and corruption were equal to those of any preceding election, if not greater. One elector received a thousand pounds, and a hundred pounds each day during the election, which continued five days. These bribes are conveyed in form of presents; and are given by the candidate, or by his friends, who raise a sum by subscription necessary to carry a person into parliament. The distinguished poet Southey, was elected; but declined the honour on account of his limited income. The members of parliament receive no compensation. The infamous Cobbett was brought forward by his friends; but,fprovidentially for the good of the nation, he was not elected. The new parliament was prorogued until the middle of August.

The distress in the manufacturing districts continues; and in some places it encreases to an alarming degree. At Blackburn, Manchester, and Liverpool the sufferings of the operatives are dreadful. Many thousands are thrown out of employ; and have no means of supporting their families. Meetings were held in divers places; at which inflammatory speeches were made by desperate men. They called upon their fellow-citizens to seize the arms in gun-shops and in barracks; and to right themselves by taking what they wanted.

FRANCE. Our news from this country are not very interesting. The French legislature was in session; and several eloquent and touching appeals were made in hehalf of the Greeks, by several members, particularly by General Sebastiani. And even the prime minister, Mons. De Vilele, observed in the debate, "that the different cabinets of Europe had not been indifferent to the cause of the Greeks; and that diplomacy would soon put an end to the evils deplored. The great besetting sin of the Bourbon race, manifests its evils in the present king, a disposition to give himself up to the guidance of the Catholic priests, who impertinently intrude themselves into politics, and thrust themselves forward into the courts of kings; and, who would die of ambition or ennui if they had not the keeping and regulating of the king's conscience. This disgusting sacerdotal influence of the ghostly fathers_has created much uneasiness among the military men. A number of very distinguished officers have lately resigned their commissions in consequence of the king permitting himself to be led in the military affairs, by these keepers of his conscience. Very many families are emigrating from Alsace to our happy country. Some districts, particularly that of Lisle, has suffered much from inundations and hail storms.

EAST INDIES.-Two wars have been going forward in the East, between the British and the natives. A war was undertaken some time ago by the British, under the command of Lord Combermere, professedly to restore a native Rajah to his throne, who had been excluded by a usurper. It is in a rich district, far in the interior, and north from Calcutta. The chief town we believe, is Bhurtpoor, a strongly fortified city. It was taken after a severe seige by Lord Combermere, who led an army of 30,000 men with a large train of heavy artillery. This war is terminated by the complete success of the native prince and the British. An immense quantity of booty was taken, and few lives lost.

The other war is in the Burman empire. That has raged for some time; and after a treaty of peace, the terms of which were not complied with by the Burmese, it broke out again. Our last advices are by the captain of a vessel from Madras. It appears that a treaty of peace was signed between the English and the Burmese, on the 24th of February last. The prisoners had been all restored; and, what we greatly rejoice to hear, the Missionaries are all alive and well. Dr. Price, the American missionary, was the commissioner who treated with the English, on the part of the Burmese. The terms have been very favourable to the British arms. They retain five provinces; and receive in specie 100 lacs of rupees. The treaty was concluded at Yandaloo, 42 miles below Ava. These conquests, we fondly indulge a hope, wi!! ltimately issue in opening a door into these immense and populous empires

for the Missionaries; and thence for the distribution of the Holy Bible, and the extension of the blessings of civilized life and the prostration of Pagan tyranny over the souls and the bodies of our fellow men. May the Great King and Head of the Church grant this!

SPAIN. This unhappy country still continues to exhibit the deplorable miseries which are inflicted upon a nation by impotency, misrule, and sacerdotal tyranny. She is garrisoned by French troops, whose bayonets keep a simpleton on the throne, and prevent the progress of national improvement.The coasts on the Mediterranean are swept by the Algerine fleet; and not a frigate there is to show the national colours to the pirates. Even their fishing smacks cannot look out; and the coasting trade is destroyed. The interior is overrun by banditti, who murder and plunder. Even the Colombian armed vessels are at Gibraltar, and wait an opportunity to carry the war into her oppressor's country. The land lies uncultivated and barren; and the greatest distress overwhelms the lower classes of the community.While the British and French are dunning the distracted government for the payment of their respective debts; the British for spoilations-the French for the favours conferred on the nation by overruning them with their troops, and their sustaining Ferdinand the beloved on the throne! "Sic transit gloria mundi."

RUSSIA. Considerable disturbances had taken place among the crown pea sants in the government of Paskow and Novogorod. A rumor had been spread that the white slaves had been emancipated. The report was received with transport; and the peasants had committed some excesses in the transport of their joy. They were, however, very soon undeceived; and the Emperor has issued a proclamation against the makers and propagators of this report. He threatens death to to the ring-leaders, and all those who shall even petition him for their liberty. The Empress Elizabeth, widow of the late Emperor, deid on the 10th of May, on her way from Taganrok to Moscow; on acccount of which, the coronation of Nicholas has been postponed till August.

GREECE.-On May 13, the Greeks under the command of Nicetas, entered Tripolitza. The efforts of Ibrahim Pacha, to succour that place, proved wholly unavailing; and he returned to Patras after suffering considerable losses.The eighth national assembly of the Greeks at Epidaurus had passed certain resolutions, authorising the British ambassador at Constantinople, to treat for peace between Greece and the Ottoman Porte. The terms are such as follow: No Turk shall be permitted to inhabit the Greek territory, or hold prop erty in Greece: all the fortresses held by the Turks, shall be given up to the Greeks the Turkish government shall have no influence on the internal organization of the country; nor on the clergy: the Greeks shall retain a sufficient army and navy': that they shall be governed by the same regulations throughout all their islands and the continent: that they shall preserve their own flag: that they shall have a right to coin money. But then comes the fatal concession! They agree to pay tribute. Hence Prince Hupsilanti has solemnly protested against peace on such terms. He makes a pathetic appeal to the whole nation. "Does the fall of Missolonghi frighten you? Confide, as in the beginning of the struggle, to the well known patriotism and energy

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