Abbildungen der Seite

Buty Body, a comedy, character of, N. 19.
But, the particle, ufed too frequently, N. 38.

CADOGAN, major general, arrives at Bruffels, N. 1.

Calia, why fo long a maid, N. 5.

Cæfar, Julius, compared with Alexander, N. 6.

Camilla, account of the perfon who performed the charac

ter of in the opera, N. 20.

Campaign, a poem, by Addifon, character of, N. 43.
Cancrum, merit of, N. 24.

Cant of modern men of wit, N: 12.6

Cards take the place of poetry, N.1.

Carelefs, Frank, oppofed to Fop Nice, N. 14.

Ceremony, invention and ufe of, N. 30.

Challenge, the style of, N. 25.

Children, the manner of nurfing, N. 15.
Chloe, love of, makes coxcombs, N. 4.

Circumfpection-water, Bickerstafts, wonderful effects of,

N, 2, and 34.

Citizens diftinguished from cits, N. 25.

Clariffa, love of, makes madmen, N. 4.

Clidamira, a woman of distinction, a pretty lady, N. 34.

Comment on ftone walls, N.
1. 17.

Companions, what fort of, moft defirable, N. 45.

Compaffion often the weakest part about us, N. 41.

Confcience defcribed, N. 48.

Contention between two ladies for the title of very pretty,

N. 34:

Converfation, mutual goodwill the quinteffence of, N. 45• repartees in, N. 31.

the most neceffary talent in, N. 21. Copenhagen poetically defcribed by Ambrofe Philips, N. 12. Coquetry, what, N. 27.

Coquettes a mifchievous fect, ibid.

Corinna, a kept miftrefs, manner of life of, with Limberham,

N. 49.

Country, ignorant of Mr. Bickerstaff's writings, N. 31.
Country Wife, a comedy, remarks on, N. 3.

Credit defcribed, N. 48.

Critic, great, falls into a fit at the opera, N. 4.
Critics of all mortals the fillieft, N. 29.40

oppofed to wits, ibid, t

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Cuftom the cause of duels, ibid.

Cynthio, adventure of, at the playhouse, N. 22.



Cynthio dictating on the paffion of love, N. 22. effects of a bow from his mistress on, N. 5. -falls in love, N. 1.

N. 35

resolution of, and letter to his mistress thereon,

Czar of Mufcovy's victory over the Swedes, account of, N. 8.

"DAMIA, a woman of diftinction, a very pretty lady, N. 34. Dancing difplays beauty, ibid.

Daffapas, Tom, his potions, N. 48.

Dawks, honest Icabod, the news-letter-writer, an account of him, N. 18.

Decius, the character of a lewd perfon, N. 45.
Dedications, abufe of them, N. 43.


8 and 21.

play dedicated to a city knight, ibid. Denmark, king of, account of his tour, N. 2, 5, 6, runs for a prize at Drefden, N. 33. Distaff, Jenny, Mr. Bickerstaff's half fifter, her conduct in an amour, N. 33.

her difcourfe on love; the command and power of women, N. 10.

N. 33.

her reflections on her brother's writings,

Diverfions for the king of Denmark at Drefden, ibid.

Divito (or Christopher Rich, efq.) fale of his goods, celeftial and terreftrial, N. 42.

Dogs, account of the lofs of a lady's lap-dog, N. 47.
Dryden's verfes on empire applied, N. 20.

Duel, inquiry into the genealogy of that monfter, N. 29.
Duellers, how treated after death, N. 26.

Duelling and its terms explained, N. 25,
custom the fource of it, N. 29.

N. 37.

dialogue thereon, N. 39.

how used by different nations, N. 28.

ftripped of its pretenfions to credit and reputation,

Dulwich college founded by Allen the player, N. 20.

Dumb fortune teller, fome account of him, N. 14.

Durfey, Mr. the lyric poet, account of his great abilities, N. 11,

dedication to his modern prophets, N. 43. writes ftate plays and political dances, N. 11. Durfley, lord, fea engagement between him and the French,

N. 15.


EARL of Effex, character of that play, N. 14.
Eafe in writing, what it is, N. 9.

Emblem of the parrot and dove, a poem, N. 27.
Engagement at fea between the English and French, N. 15.
Epigram on marriage, N. 40.

Epithets of Homer and Virgil compared, N. 6.

Epfom, adventures of a fortune-hunter there, N. 47. diverfions there, N. 36.

Epfom Wells, a comedy by Shadwell, account of it, N. 7 Efquire, the appellation of, notoriously abused, N. 19. Exercise of arms in the city of London, with remarks thereon, N.41.

Ecftafy defcribed by Dryden, N. 8.

FELICIA, the island of, happy in good minifters of state,

N. 4:

Fits, a lady cured of them by a whisper, N. 23.

Flemming, general, defign of his vifit to Berlin, N. 2.
Florimel and Picket, their courtship, N. 7,

Florio, a gentleman fitted for converfation, N. 45.

Flyblow, a fool, who deferves to be treated like a knave,

N. 38.

Fools, how they differ from madmen, N. 40.

Foot-race by damfels at Epfom, N. 36.

Fox, a play by Ben Jonfon, applauded, N. 21.

France, mifery of that kingdom, N. 2, 6, 7, 10, 18, 19, 37. Free ftate reprefented in a dance, N. 11.

Freethinkers, who call themselves fo, N. 12.

French king, Lewis XIV. answer of his subjects to his letter,

N. 29.

Frontlet, an awful beauty, characterized, N. 24.

GALWAY, earl of, his bravery and conduct in Portugal, N. 17. Gamefters, their misery and alternate ftate described, N. 12. what men of honour and wealth play against them, N. 15.

Gatty, Mrs. foremost in the rank of toasts,

N. 24.

Genealogy of the Bickerftaffs, N. 11.
Genii, their good offices to men, N. 48.
Gentleman, what meant by that term, N. 21.
Good-breeding, what, N. 30.

Good-natured old man the best companion, ibid.

Good-will, (mutual) the quintessence of converfation, N. 45.


Guardeloop, the French taylor, account of his wedding, N. 7. Guilt applies the fatire, N. 41.

HAMLET, his directions to players, N. 35.

Hamman, difpute between papifts and proteftants in that town, N. 6.

Hanover, elector of, remonftrance of his minister to the council at Ratisbon, N. 2.

court, N. 4.

fignifies his intentions to the imperial

Holt, lord chief juftice, his integrity defcribed in the character of Verus, N. 14.

Homer, indifcreet in his epithets, N. 6.

's Iliad in a journal, ibid.,

Honeft fellows as companions defcribed, N. 45.
Hunters, a meeting of them defcribed, N. 37.
Hush-money expected by Mr. Bickerftaff, N. 26.

JACK SPRUCE made half mad by a fmile, N. 50.
Idiots, an inquiry after one who put the city of London in
great confternation, N. 40.

diftinguished from politicians, ibid..

Jervafe, Mr. a great painter, N. 4.

Iliad of Homer put into an exact journal, N. 6.

Impreffions made on us by pictures, N. 8.

Indolence turned into philofophy, N.


Inftructions to Vanderbank, remarks on that poem, N. 3:

Infurrections at Marfeilles, N. 6.

Invention to have one's name concealed, N. 15.

Inventory of the playhouse goods belonging to Chriftopher

Rich, efq. to be fold, N. 47.

Jonfon, Ben, his manner of writing, N. 21..

Journal of Homer's Iliad, N. 6.

Ix, antiquity of that family, N. 35.

KIDNEY, mafter of St. James's coffee-house, has the ear of the greatest politicians, N. 1.

Knaves proved fools, N. 40.

LADIES, their trifling endearments give us mean ideas of their fouls, N. 40.

a lady thankful to her husband for curing her of fits, N. 23. --- a young lady enchanted by an old rake, N. 22.


Le Brun's picture of the battle of Porus, its effect, N. 8. Legacy of Noy the attorney general to reclaim his fon, N. g. Letter from Amanda to Penelope, giving an account of her conquefts, N. 22.

Bread to Lewis XIV. N. 24.


Ifaac Bickerstaff to Lewis XIV. N. 23.

Lewis XIV. to Ifaac Bickerstaff, N. 26. .

Powel to Ifaac Bickerstaff, N. 50.

Letters of gallantry, directions for writing them, N, 30. Limberham the keeper, his manner of life with Corinna, N. 49% London cries compared with Italian operas, N.4.

in a great confternation about the trial of an idiot,

N. 40.

Love changes the natural man, N. 4, 10.

[ocr errors]

diftinguished from luft, N. 49.
moft effectual cure for it, N. 47.

Love-letter by Cynthio, N: 35.

directions for writing them, N. 30.

Lucubrations of Mr. Bickerstaff, the defign of them, N. 50%

MADMEN, difference between them and fools, N. 40. Madonella, an account of a revolution in her Platonic nunnery, N. 32.

Maintenon, madame, her letter to monfieur Torcy on the peace, N. 19.

Maria, account of the lofs of her lap-dog, N. 47.
Marlborough, John, duke of, his merit, N. 5.
Marriage, a, defcribed, N. 7.

epigram on, N. 40.

fafelt and happieft ftate this world affords, N. 49

Marseilles, an account of an infurrection there, N 6.
May-fair, the downfall thereof reduced the price of curiofities,

N. 20.

Medicine to cure a fcold, N. 2.

Meeting of hunters defcribed, N. 37.

Men in love generally poetical, N. 27.

of fenfe, the women's humble fervants, N. 37.

Merry fellows defcribed, N. 45.

Meffalina the profeffed mistress of mankind, N. 49.

Military achievements of London by the artillery company,

N. 41.

Milton, and Suckling, in a parallel cafe, fhew the duty of men

in-lőve, N. 40.


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