THE NEW INTERNATIONAL EDITORS DANIEL COIT GILMAN, LL. D. AFTERWARDS PRESIDENT OF THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON HARRY THURSTON PECK, PH.D., L. H. D. PROFESSOR IN COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY FRANK MOORE COLBY, M. A. LATE PROFESSOR OF ECONOMICS IN NEW YORK UNIVERSITY VOLUME XIV NEW YORK DODD, MEAD AND COMPANY 1909 HARVARD COLLEGE LOBRARY Mrs. T. W. Richarde Copyright, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907 BY DODD, MEAD AND COMPANY All rights reserved PRESSWORK BY THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, CAMBRIDGE, U.S. A. KEY TO PRONUNCIATION. a as in ale, fate. Also see ě, below. aaaaa glare, care. "" senate, chaotic. Also see ě, below. arm, father. "" ae elate, evade. end, pet. The characters ě, a, and à are used for ä in German, as in Gärtner, Gräfe, Hähnel, to the values of which they are the nearest English vowel sounds. The sound of Swedish a is also indicated by ě. fern, her, and as i in sir. Also for ö, oe, in German, as in Göthe, Goethe, Ortel, Oertel, and for eu and oeu in French, as in Neufchâtel, Crèvecœur; to which it is the nearest English vowel sound. agency, judgment, where it is of a neutral or obscure quality. hw K n this. go, get. the German Landtag, and ch in Feuerbach, buch; where it is a guttural sound made with the back part of the tongue raised toward the soft palate, as in the sound made in clearing the throat. jin the Spanish Jijona, g in the Spanish gila; where it is a fricative somewhat resembling the sound of hin English hue or y in yet, but stronger. wh in which. ch in the German ich, Albrecht, and g in the German Arensberg, Mecklenburg; where it is a fricative sound made between the tongue and the hard palate toward which the tongue is raised. It resembles the sound of h in hue, or y in yet; or the sound made by beginning to pronounce a k, but not completing the stoppage of the breath. The character K is also used to indicate the rough aspirates or fricatives of some of the Oriental languages, as of kh in the word Khan. sinker, longer. sing, long. the French bon, Bourbon, and m in the French Etampes; where it is equivalent to a nasalizing of the preceding vowel. This effect is approximately produced by attempting to pronounce 'onion' without touching the tip of the tongue to the roof of the mouth. The corresponding nasal of Portuguese is also indicated by N, as in the case of São Antão. orb, nor. odd, forest, not. atom, carol, where it has a neutral or obscure quality. oil, boil, and for eu in German, as in Feuerbach. food, fool, and as u in rude, rule. house, mouse. use, mule. unite. cut, but. full, put, or as oo in foot, book. Also forü in German, as in München, Müller, and u in French, as in Buchez, Budé; to which it is the nearest English vowel sound. urn, burn. yet, yield. the Spanish Habana, Cordoba, where it is like a v made with the lips alone, instead of with the teeth and lips. chair. cheese. z in azure, and s in pleasure. An apostrophe, or superior comma, ['] is some. times used to denote a glide or neutral connecting vowel, as in tā'b'l (table), kāz"m (chasm). Otherwise than as noted above, the letters used in the respellings for pronunciation are to receive their ordinary English sounds. When the pronunciation is sufficiently shown by indicating the accented syllables, this is done without respelling; as in the case of very common English words, and words which are so spelled as to insure their correct pronunciation if they are correctly accented. See the article on PRONUN CIATION. |