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"Ha, ha, ha! So you are going to renew the discussion? I hope you will convince his Majesty."

And the Prime Minister went away. He did not for a moment suspect that the handsome coquette had been hoodwinking him.

As soon as Count Baranovitch was out of hearing, Anna burst into a loud fit of laughter, and gave vent to her long pent-up feelings.



For see you not, dear love,

That such a mood as that, which lately gloom'd
Your fancy when you saw me following you,
Must make me feel still more you are not mine,
Must make me yearn still more to prove you mine,
And make me wish still more to learn this charm
Of woven paces and of waving hands,
As proof of trust?"

TENNYSON: The Idylls of the King.

I WISH I could give you some idea of the feeling of triumph with which Anna went to Alexander's private cabinet that afternoon. She was about to realise the highest object of her ambition! Any doubt about it? She must be a fool to doubt! The Emperor was about to acknowledge himself her slave. His eager looks; his deep sighs; the pointed way in which he had asked her if she knew any lady who could share his sorrows and his cares ;all showed that this was the meaning of his letter. The summit of her ambition was gained: in a few minutes Majesty would be at her feet; and, in a few months, all Russia would bow before her power!

This had been her cherished aim for some time; and the talk, which we overheard, was only the last of a series of conversations which had passed between the Emperor and herself. Conversations always in public. But what of that? They could retire to some corner, where none durst follow them. And even if they were within earshot? Anna had long learnt to master difficulties of that kind. She could convey a meaning in a word which none but the right person could understand. And now, at last, he was going to grant her a "private interview!" It was but the last step to her becoming in fact, though not in name, Empress of Russia!

Young as she was, she had already acquired no small share of power in the government of the country. Whenever she chose to wield her power, Count Baranovitch was her ready tool.

Many a measure, which was thought to be the offspring of his wisdom or his folly, had really sprung from her fruitful brain. But she had long been weary of him; had long felt it humbling to her pride to coax and wheedle where she was born to command. All that was over now. The tables were turned. His master would soon be at her feet; and he himself

would, of course, be her slave. If he kicked against the pricks, she would simply kick him out of the way—in the most approved ladylike style!

Having arranged these points to her thorough satisfaction, Anna entered the private cabinet. She found the Emperor sitting there in his easychair. He rose gallantly enough to receive her, and handed her a seat. Well, he looked a trifle too grave and serious for so joyous an encounter. But, after all, that was a matter of taste. Perhaps he meant to woo her in a pious way! At length he spoke. Ah, it was coming at last!

แ "Your Highness must see that this business is too delicate to be transacted before a third party," he said, in a strange, awkward manner. "Certainly, your Majesty."

And Anna brought her whole battery of looks and smiles and tones to bear upon Majesty.

"That must be my apology, your Highness, for seeking this private interview."

"I see no need for any apology," answered Anna with a bewitching smile: "your Majesty has only to command; and I should feel it my duty to obey."

"I wanted your Highness to understand why I wished it to be private," continued Alexander.

Still harping on that string! What did it mean? How could the interview be anything but private? He surely would not make love to her before the whole court?

"How cold and formal he is!" thought Anna. The Emperor went on to say:

"Oh, your Highness, if you should be the means of restoring peace to my wounded spirit, I shall have reason to thank God."

"What a singular wooing!" thought Anna. "I see how it is. We must woo religiously, keep up appearances, make love in the orthodox style. See if I don't fit your canting moods!"

"Your Highness," said Alexander solemnly, "I believe that you are the instrument which God has appointed to comfort my troubled heart."

"Decidedly!" thought Anna.

"I pray that the object which lies nearest to my heart may be accomplished through your instrumentality."

Was this the pious way of making love ;the true orthodox style? Rather dull and prosy, eh? So thought Anna. But, in spite of the dulness, she was mightily amused.

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