Economic Growth and the President's Budget Proposals: Hearings Before the Committee on Finance, United States Senate, One Hundred Second Congress, Second Session, Teil 1U.S. Government Printing Office, 1992 |
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AARP Administration alternative minimum tax American anesthesia anesthesiologist average believe benefits Bentsen bill billion budget proposal capital gains tax Chairman changes CHIMERINE Committee Congress cost coverage CRNA deficit dollars drilling economic growth effect employees enacted Federal fee schedule financing fiscal funding going HCFA health care reform health insurance home medical equipment hospitals income tax increase Indian country individual industry laboratory legislation Lloyd Bentsen long-term managed care MATHIS Medicaid medical direction Medicare ment Navajo Nation nurse anesthetists oil and gas ordinary income patients payment percent prepared statement President President's plan President's proposal problems production property and casualty real estate recession recovery reduce reimbursement revenue savings Secretary SULLIVAN Senator CHAFEE Senator DASCHLE Senator MOYNIHAN spending tax cut tax rate taxpayers Thank tion U.S. SENATOR unemployment
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Seite 105 - ... trade in services and intellectual property. A successful Uruguay Round would expand market opportunities globally for our exporters, increase jobs, and provide lasting gains for both the United States and world. The Administration also has important proposals to expand trade in this hemisphere — notably the Enterprise for the Americas Initiative and the historic North American free-trade area — and is continuing to achieve market access through bilateral negotiations. Taken together, the...
Seite 147 - Although the projects have specific merit, their funding should be understood as part of a larger pattern: an intended shift (at the margin) away from current consumption, toward investment in the future. (See Chapters 4 through 11.) • Limiting Future Liabilities. The Budget includes mandatory caps, subsidy caps, accounting reforms, and other such arcane technical modifications to the Budget Enforcement Act. These should be understood as part of the larger effort to limit the future burden of debt...
Seite 132 - macroeconomics is a highly fallible 'science'; macroeconomists are often closer to each other than to reality." By several conventional statistical measures, the economy is not as weak as in some previous recessions. But confidence is remarkably low. And although the unemployment rate is not as high as in some earlier periods, its level is unacceptable. Many current problems are different from those associated with traditional business cycles. In general, there has not been an excessive inventory...
Seite 104 - These, in turn, will generate new jobs. A capital gains differential will reduce the tax bias against equity financing and the overall cost of capital, thereby increasing investment and growth. Moreover, the Administration has supported a zero capital gains tax for areas designated as Enterprise Zones to spur investment and encourage entrepreneurial activity in inner cities and rural areas. Innovation increases productivity growth and the standard of living. The Administration has advocated making...
Seite 103 - Reserve to keep interest rates low — or cut them further if necessary — to help boost growth with little immediate concern about reintroducing inflation pressures. A quick shift to a significant rebuilding of inventories alone could add a percentage point or more to the rate of growth over the next year. Alternatively, if the problems are solved very slowly, the economy could perform worse than expected. Tight credit and slow money growth, along with the continuing structural adjustments described...
Seite 13 - In conclusion, this Nation remains the world's preeminent economic force. The United States is the world's largest exporter of goods and services, and the world's largest foreign investor. No one should underestimate the energy and optimism of the American people, nor the resilience and fundamental strengths of the American economy.
Seite 111 - Today, this nation remains the world's preeminent economic force. The United States is the world's largest exporter of goods and services and the world's largest foreign investor. No one should underestimate the energy and optimism of the American people, nor the resilience and fundamental strengths of the American economy. The government alone cannot make American products more competitive, but, in partnership, the President, the Congress, American businesses and workers can construct an environment...
Seite 105 - Administration is committed to achieving a successful conclusion of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations, under the auspices of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. These...
Seite 250 - Between now and the year 2000, for the first time in history, a majority of all new jobs will require postsecondary education. Many professions will require nearly a decade of study following high school, and even the least skilled jobs will require a command of reading, computing, and thinking that was once necessary only for the professions.
Seite 230 - ... by both the Administration and the Congressional Budget Office) by imposing mandatory Medicare coverage upon all state and local government employees who are not now covered by Medicare. This tired measure has been proposed nearly each year since 1986, when Congress enacted a phase-in of mandatory coverage by requiring coverage of newly hired state and local government employees. We believe that the compromise adopted in the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1986 ("COBRA") should...