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Sect. 2. An alteration in the delegation proposed by the Association, in 1816.

The following extract from the minutes of the General Association of New Hampshire was received and read: viz.

"Voted that the delegates from this General As sociation to the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, be instructed to propose to that respected body, that this Association should in future be represented, in that Assembly, by only one delegate.

True copy from the minutes.-Vol. III. p. 224.

Sect. 3. Acceded to by the Assembly.

The committee, to which was referred the extract from the minutes of the General Association of New Hampshire reported; and the report being read, was adopted, and is as follows: viz.

That after due deliberation they think, that the articles of union between the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, and the General Association of New Hampshire, require, that the Assembly should hereafter only send one delegate to the aforesaid Association.

Ordered, that a copy of this minute be forwarded to the Association of New Hampshire by the delegate who may be chosen to attend the next meeting of said Association.-Vol. III. p. 226.




Sect. 1. A proposal from the Association accepted by the Assembly, in 1811.

A PROPOSAL from the General Association of Massachusetts proper, was made by the Rev. Joseph Lyman, D. D. and the Rev. Samuel Worcester, delegates appointed for that purpose, for the establishment of a union between them and this Assembly, similar to that subsisting between the Association of Massachusetts proper, and the Associations of Connecticut and New Hampshire. The certificate of their appointment, and the articles of union with said Associations were read.

The articles of said Union are as follow:

"1st. The General Association of Connecticut, and the General Association of Massachusetts proper shall annually appoint each two delegates to the other.

2nd. The delegates shall be admitted in each body to the same rights of sitting, debating and voting with their own members respectively.

3rd. It shall be understood that the articles of agreement and connexion between the two bodies, may be at any time varied by their own consent."

The same articles were adopted in their connexion with the Association of New Hampshire.

The delegates stated that the shorter Catechism of the Westminster Assembly was adopted as the basis of their union; and by answering several questions proposed to them, fully satisfied the Assembly relative to the standard of their faith, and the object of their Association.

Whereupon, Resolved, unanimously, that said union be formed; and it was accordingly formed.

Resolved, that Dr. Lyman and the Rev. Samuel Worcester be enrolled as members of this Assembly; and they took their seats accordingly.

Resolved, that the Assembly send annually two delegates to the General Association of Massachu setts proper.



Sect. 1. The mode of electing delegates adopted, in 1796.

THE Assembly Resolved, that in electing delegates to the General Association of the state of Connecticut, the roll of the house shall be called, and every member shall nominate any number of candidates he may please, not exceeding three; the candidates to consist of any ordained Ministers of the Presbyterian Church. When such nomination is made, if any of the candidates present be acquainted with any circumstances which forbid their attendance on the Association; or if any member present be acquainted with any such circumstances in regard to candidates who may not be present; they shall be at liberty to make them known to the Assembly, that the names of said candidates, if it be judged expedient, may be stricken off the list. From the names which remain on the list after this procedure, an election shall be made of three members to attend the Association; which election shall be made by ballot, on the opening of that sitting of the Assembly, which shall immediately succeed

the one at which the nomination took place.-Vol. I. p. 122.

Sect. 2. An additional rule adopted in 1811.

Resolved, That two of the delegates chosen to attend the General Association of Connecticut, be chosen also to attend the Association of Massachusetts proper; and that one of the delegates chosen to attend the Association of New Hampshire, be chosen also to attend the convention of Vermont.Vol. II. p. 365.

Sect. 3. Printed Extracts to be carried by the delegates.

Resolved, As a standing order, that the representatives from the General Assembly to the seve ral supreme judicatures or Associations of Churches, with which the Assembly hold intercourse, shall annually carry forward to such judicatures or Associations, a competent number of the printed extracts from the minutes of the Assembly, of the latest date, that may have been printed before the sittings of the judicatures aforesaid.-1811. Vol. II. p. 358.

Sect. 4. The delegates are allowed two dollars for every 40 miles which they necessarily travel in going and returning, and one dollar per day during the sessions of those bodies they attend.-Vol. II. p. 84. 212.

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