Abbildungen der Seite

iuventus, -ūtis, [iuvenis], f., age of youth, youth; by metonymy, young people, young folk, youth. iuvō, -āre, iūvī, iūtum, I, a. and n., help, aid, assist, support; gratify, please, delight. Ixīōn, onis, ['I¿lwv], m., Ixion, a mythical king of the Lapithae, in Thessaly. For his wickedness, in the Underworld he was bound by his hands and feet to a wheel, which was made ever to revolve.


labefacio, -facere, -fēcī, -factum, [labō, totter, +faciō], 3, a., cause to totter, make to totter, shake; make loose, loosen; weaken, destroy.

labō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, I, n., totter, begin to sink, give way; waver, hesitate, falter; of ships, roll. labor, lābī, lapsus sum, 3, dep., n., glide, slide, slip, sink, fall; float, soar; run, flow, move, pass; decline, go to ruin, perish; fall, stumble.

labor, -ōris, m., labor, toil, effort, exertion, care; hardship, distress, pain, trouble.

labōrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, [labor],

1, n. and a., toil, labor, endeavor, exert one's self; work at, prepare; be in distress, be in trouble, suffer; totter, threaten to give way. lāc, lactis, n., milk; of plants, milk-like juice, juice. lacerō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, [lacer, mangled], I, a., tear to pieces, mangle, rend, mutilate, lacerate; torture, afflict, distress, pain ; slander, abuse.

lacertus, -1, m., upper arm from shoulder to elbow, arm; by metonymy, muscle, strength, vigor.

lacrima, -ae, f., tear; of plants, gum-drop.

lacrimō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, [lacrima], I, n. and a., shed tears, weep; bewail, lament; of plants, etc., drop, sweat, distill, weep. lacrimōsus, -a, -um, [lacrima], adj., full of tears, tearful, weeping; causing tears, lamentable. lacteus, -a, -um, [lāc], adj., of

milk, milky, milk-white.

lacus, -ūs, m., lake, pool, pond; basin, tub, vat, reservoir. laedo, laedere, laesī, laesum, 3, a., hurt, wound, injure; offend, grieve, pain, vex; betray, violate. laetitia, -ae, [laetus], f., joy, rejoicing, delight, gladness, pleas

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lick, lap, touch; wash, bathe. lammina, -ae, f., layer, plate, plate of metal; money, coin.

lancea, -ae, [cf. λóyxn], f., lance, spear; used properly of the light spear hurled with a leather thong, but often applied to the heavier darts.

languor, -ōris, [langueō], m., faintness, weariness, lassitude; feebleness, languor, indisposition, sluggishness, listlessness.

laniō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, [lanius, butcher], I, a., rend, tear, mangle, lacerate; tear into shreds, cut up, shatter.

lapidōsus, -a, -um, [lapis], adj., full of stones, stony, rocky.

lapillus, -1, [dim. of lapis], m., small stone, pebble; voting pebble, ballot, a white pebble being used to vote for acquittal, a black pebble for condemnation. lapis, -idis, m., stone; mile-stone; boundary-stone, land-mark. lāpsus, -ūs, [lābor, glide], m., a slipping, gliding motion; gliding, sliding, running, flowing; of birds, flight.

Lār, Laris, m., household god, domestic deity; by metonymy, hearth, house, household, family. largus, -a, -um, adj., copious, plen

tiful, profuse, bountiful, abundant. lascīvus, -a, -um, adj., sportive, playful, frolicsome, roguish, wan


lassō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, [lassus,

weary], I, a., make faint, weary, tire, fatigue; exhaust, weaken. lātē [lātus], adv., broadly, widely, extensively, far and wide. latebra, -ae, f., hiding-place, lurk ing-place, retreat; pretence, ex


latēns, -entis, [lateō], adj., hidden,

concealed, secret.

lateō, -ēre, -uí, ———, 2, n. and a., lie hid, be hidden, be concealed, lurk; be sheltered, remain unknown, escape notice. latex, -icis, m., liquid, fluid; used of water, wine, and oil. Latīnus, -a, -um, [Latium], adj., of Latium, Latin; Roman. Lātōna, -ae, [= Antw], f., Latona,

a goddess, mother of Apollo and Diana.

Lātōnigena, -ae, [Lātōna, cf. gignō], m. and f., child of Latona; pl. Lātōnigenae, -ārum, Latona's children, Apollo and Diana.

Lātōus, -a, -um, [Aŋtú], adj., of Latona.

lātrātus, -ūs, [lātrō, bark], m., barking, howling.

lātus, -a, -um, adj., wide, broad, extensive, ample, large. As subst., lātum, -1, n., width, breadth. latus, -eris, n., side, flank; by metonymy, body, person, life. laurus, -1, abl. lauru and laurō, f., laurel-tree, laurel, bay-tree. laxus, -a, -um, adj., loose, free, un

fastened; wide, open, spacious. lea, -ae, [cf. leō], f., lioness. leaena, -ae, [λéaiva], f., lioness. Lebinthus, -1, [Aéßɩv0os], f., Lebinthus, an island in the Aegean sea, one of the Sporades. lectus, -i, m., couch, bed, lounge. lectus, -a, -um, [legō], adj., chosen, picked, selected; choice, excellent.

legō, legere, lēgī, lēctum, 3, a., bring together, collect, gather; select, choose; pass over, traverse, coast along, sail by; elect, appoint; read, peruse.

Lelex, -egis, m., Lelex, one of the Caledonian hunters.

Lēnaeus, -a, -um, [Aŋvaîos, from Anvós, wine-press], adj., of Bacchus as god of the wine-press; Bacchic. As subst., Lēnaeus, -1, m., Lenaeus, Bacchus.

lēne [lēnis], adv., gently, softly, mildly.

lēniō, -īre, -īvī, -ītum, [lēnis], 4,

a., soften, mollify, culm, soothe; appease, mitigate, pacify. lēnis, -e, adj., gentle, soft, mild, smooth, calm; kind, moderate, favorable.

lēns, lentis, f., lentil. lentē [lentus], adv., slowly, lei

surely; calmly, indifferently. lentus, -a, -um, [cf. lēnis], adj.,

pliant, flexible; yielding, tough; slow, delayed, lingering; reluc tant, indifferent, unconcerned.

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leviter, comp. levius, sup. levis

simē, [levis], adv., lightly, softly; slightly, a little; easily, nimbly. levō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, [levis], 1,

a., lift up, raise; lighten, make lighter, relieve; remove; take away, take down; console, refresh; mitigate, alleviate, lessen; release, discharge, free.

lēx, lēgis, f., law, enactment; precept, rule, regulation; mode, manner; agreement, covenant; condition, stipulation, terms. līber, -era, -erum, [cf. libet], adj., free, not subject; unrestrained, unrestricted; unimpeded, loose, unchecked; spontaneous. Līber, -erî, m., Liber, a primitive Italian deity of planting and fructification, afterwards identified with Bacchus; Bacchus. līberō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, [līber], I, a., set free, make free, free, liberate; release, extricate, deliver; acquit, absolve.

lībō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, 1, a., taste, sip; pour out as a libation, offer, make a drink offering; touch lightly, graze; dedicate, consecrate; violate, desecrate; gather, collect.

lībrō, -āre, -āvi, -ātum, [lībra], I, a., hold in poise, balance, poise; swing, brandish; hurl, cast, fling, throw.

Libycus, -a, -um, [= Aißukós], adj., of Libya, Libyan, African. Libyē, -ēs, poetic for Libya, [AɩBún], f., Libya, a name applied to the northern part of Africa west of Egypt; by synecdoche, Africa.

Libys, -yos, m., Libys, a Tyrrhenian seaman, in the crew with which Acoetes shipped. licentia, -ae, [licēns, from licet], f., freedom, liberty, license; unrestrained liberty, lawlessness, wantonness, dissoluteness. licet, licere, licuit and licitum

est, 2, n., impers., it is allowed, it is lawful, it is permitted; used to introduce a concessive subj., passing over into a conjunction, granted that, even if, conceding that, notwithstanding. līgnum, -1, n., wood, log of wood,

log; piece of wood, firewood. ligō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, I, a., bind, tie, fasten; bind fast, tie up, bandage; bind together, unite, con


līlium, -ii, n., lily.

līmen, -inis, [ligō], n., threshold, lintel; by metonymy, door, entrance; dwelling, abode, home; apartment.

līmes, -itis, m., path, properly a path that crosses another, a crosspath; hence, road, way, track; boundary, limit, land-mark. līmus, -ī, m., mud, mire, slime.

lingua, -ae, f., tongue; by metony. my, language, utterance, speech, dialect, voice; garrulity, boastful speech; tongue of land. linteum, -1, [linteus], n., linen

cloth, linen; by metonymy, sail. līnum, -1, [λívov], n., flax; by metonymy, flaxen thread, thread, cord, rope, cable; fishing line; linen cloth, linen; hunting net, fishing


liquefiō, -fieri, -factus sum,

[liqueō+fiō], 3, a. and n., make liquid; become liquid, melt, dissolve.

liqueō -ēre, licuî, ―, 2, n., be fluid, be liquid; be clear, be evi


liquesco, -scere,

[liqueō], 3, inch., n., become fluid, melt, liquefy; grow effeminate; melt away, waste away, dissolve.

liquidus, -a, -um, [liqueō], adj., liquid, flowing, fluid; clear-flowing, clear, pure, limpid, transparent, bright. liquor, liqui,

-, [liqueō],

3, dep., n., be liquid, be fluid; flow, melt, melt away, dissolve. liquor, -ōris, [liqueō], m., fluid, liquid, as wine.

līs, lītis, f., strife, dispute, quarrel;

in law, action, process, litigation, suit.

litō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, 1, n. and a., offer acceptable sacrifice, sacrifice auspiciously, obtain favorable omens; make atonement, offer expiation; propitiate, appease. littera, -ae, f., letter, written char

acter; writing, document, record, inscription; letter, epistle. lītus, -oris, n., sea-shore, shore, beach, strand.

līvēns, -entis, [līveō], adj., bluish, dark blue, livid, black and blue.

līveō, -ēre,

~, 2, n., be be livid, be

bluish, be dark blue,
black and blue.

līvor, -ōris, m., bluish color, black
and blue spot, bruise; envy, malice,
spite; personified, Envy.
locō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, [locus],
I, a., put, place; arrange, dispose;
place by contract, let a contract.
locus, -I, pl. loci, -ōrum, when
referring to single places, loca,
-ōrum, when referring to places
connected, as a region, m., place,
spot; post, station, position; loca-
tion, region, country; topic, subject
under discussion, or cited; op-
portunity; room.

lolium, -1, n., darnel, tares. See N. to p. 59, 1. 19.

longē, comp. longius, sup. longissimē, [longus], adv., far, far off, a long way off, at a distance; for a long time, long; greatly, much, by far. longus, -a, -um, adj., long, extended, far-reaching, expanded; of long duration, prolonged, tedious; distant, remote.

loquax, -ācis, [loquor], adj., talkative, prating, chattering, loquacious; of water, babbling. loquor, loqui, locutus sum, 3,

dep., a. and n., speak, say, talk; tell, mention, declare; show, indicate, testify.

lōrīca, -ae, [lōrum], f., leather corselet, leather cuirass, coat of mail, corselet.

lōrum, -1, n., thong, strap; pl., reins, bridle. lūceō, -cēre, lūxī,

-, 2, n., shine, be light, glitter, gleam, be clear; shine forth, be manifest, be evident.

lūcidus, -a, -um, [lūceō], adj., clear, bright, shining, brilliant ; perspicuous, lucid.

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lucifer, -fera, -ferum, [lux+ferō], adj., light-bearing, light-bringing. As subst., Lucifer, -ī, m., Morning-star, Lucifer, known to us as the planet Venus.

Lucrētius, -ii, m., Titus Lucretius

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Carus, Lucretius, a Roman poet, who lived in the first half of the first century B. C. His poem, De Rerum Natura, On the Nature of Things,' is in six books, and sets forth the Epicurean philosophy. It is full of power, and ranks among the best works of Roman literature.

lucrum, -1, n., gain, profit; wealth, riches.

lūctor, -ārī, -ātus sum, [lūcta, wrestling], I, dep., n., wrestle; struggle, contend. luctus, -ūs, [lūgeō, mourn], m.,

mourning, grief, sorrow, lamentation; distress, affliction. lūcus, -1, m., sacred grove, consecrated grove; grove, wood, forest. lūdō, lūdere, lūsī, lūsum, 3, n. and a., play, sport, frolic; make music; elude, baffle, deceive. lūdus, -ī, [lūdō], m., play, game,

sport, pastime; joke, fun; pl. often public games, spectacles. lūgubris, -e, [lūgeō], adj., of mourning; grieving, sorrowing; mournful, doleful.

lūmen, -inis, [lūceō], n., light; by metonymy, source of light, as lamp, torch; day, daylight; light of life, life; light of the eye, eyesight, look, glance, eye; brightness, glory.

lūna, -ae, [cf. lūceō], f., moon; by metonymy, moonlight, night; personified, Lūna, the Moon-goddess, identified with Diana and Artemis.

lūnāris, -e, [lūna], adj., of the moon, lunar.

luō, luere, lui, —

3, a., loose, set free, free; suffer, undergo; atone for, expiate.

lupus, -ī, m., wolf; by metonymy,

wolf-bit, bit with sharp prods or points like a wolf's teeth. lūridus, -a, -um, adj., pale yellow, sallow, yellow, pale, ghastly; that makes pale, producing pallor, making ghastly.

lüstrō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, [lūstrum], 1, a., make light, make bright, light up, illumine; observe, examine; wander over, traverse, go around; of religious service, make pure by expiatory offerings, purify by offerings, purify, lus

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lūsus, -ūs, [lūdō], m., playing,

play, game, sport.

lūx, lūcis, [cf. lūceō], f., light, brightness; by metonymy, daylight, day; in pl. often light of the stars, stars; light of life, life; eye-sight, eye; public view, the public.

luxuriō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, [lūx

uria], 1, n., be luxuriant, be rank; be full of, abound in; enlarge, swell; be wanton, run riot. lūxuriōsus, -a, -um, [lūxuria], adj., luxuriant, exuberant; excessive, immoderate; voluptuous, luxurious.

Lycabās, -ae, [Auñáßas], m., Ly

cabas, a Tyrrhenian seaman, one of the crew that tried to make a slave of Bacchus and were changed into dolphins.

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