Abbildungen der Seite

transitus, -ūs, [trānseō], m., a passing over, transition, crossing, passage. transmittō, -mittere, -misi, -missum, [trāns + mittō], 3, a. and n., send across, carry over, bring across, transmit; pass over, cross over, traverse. tremebundus, -a, -um, [tremō], adj., trembling, quivering. tremō, -ere, -uï, -, 3, n. and a., shake, quiver, tremble; quake before, shiver at.

tremor, -ōris, [tremō], m., shaking, shivering, trembling, quaking, tremor; of the earth, earthquake.

tremulus, -a, -um, [tremō], adj.,

trembling, quivering, tremulous. trepidō, -āre, -āvï, -ātum, [trepidus], 1, n. and a., be agitated, be alarmed, be disturbed; tremble at, be afraid of; of the heart, palpitate, beat rapidly. trepidus, -a, -um, adj., restless, agitated; hurried, quick; anxious, alarmed.

trēs, tria, num. adj., three. tribulus, -1, [píßoλos], m., thistle, thorn-bush.

tribuō, -ere, tribui, tribūtum,

[tribus], 3, a., assign, allot; bestow, give, grant; pay, yield, concede.

tricuspis, -idis, [trēs + cuspis], adj., with three points, threepointed.

tridēns, -entis, [trēs +dēns], adj.,

with three teeth, three-tined, threepronged. As subst., tridēns, -entis, m., three-pronged spear, trident, often referring to the weapon carried by Neptune. trifidus, -a, -um, [trēs, cf. findō], adj., three-cleft, three-forked. Trīnacria, -ae, [Tρivaкpía, with three promontories], f., Sicily.

Triōnēs, -um, m., plow-oxen, plowkine; as a constellation, the Plow-oxen, known to us as Charles's Wain, the Great Bear, or the Great Dipper.

triplex, -icis, [ter + plicō], adj', threefold, triple.

trīstis, -e, adj., sad, sorrowful, gloomy, downcast, melancholy, sullen; sorrow-bringing, saddening, unhappy, baneful; disagreeable, bitter, offensive. trīticeus, -a, -um, [trīticum, wheat], adj., of wheat, wheaten. Trītōn, -ōnis, [Tpíτwv], m., Triton, a sea-god, half human, half fish, son of Neptune and Amphitrite. Trītōnis, -idis and -idos, [TρITWvis], adj., of Lake Triton, in Africa, where Athene is said to have been born; hence, of Athene, of Pallas. As subst., Trītōnis, -idis or -idos, f., Athene, Minerva.

trītus, -a, -um, [terō], adj., trodden, beaten; frequented, worn,


triumphō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, [tri

umphus], 1, n. and a., celebrate a triumph, triumph; pass., triumphor, -ārī, -ātus sum, be led in triumph, be conquered, be subdued.

triumphus, -ī, m., triumphal pro

cession, triumph, victory.

Trōia, -ae, f., Troy, an ancient city in Phrygia, seat of the Trojan


Trōiānus, -a, -um, [Trōia], adj., of Troy, Trojan.

truncō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, [truncus], I, a., mutilate, cut off; strip. truncus, -a, -um, adj., maimed, mutilated, disfigured, with limbs cut off. truncum corpus, a limbless form, a body without limbs.

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meō], 3, inch., n., begin to swell, swell up; be swollen with anger, become enraged.

tumidus, -a, -um, [tumeō], adj.,

swollen, swelling, tumid; excited, enraged; puffed up, haughty. tumulō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, [tumulus], I, a., cover with a mound, entomb, bury, inter. tumultus, -ūs, [tumeō], m., commotion, disturbance, tumult, uproar; insurrection, mutiny. tumulus, -ī, [tumeō], m., mound, hillock, hill; grave, sepulchral mound, mound. tunc, adv., then, at that time, just

then, thereupon.

tunica, -ae, f., under-garment, tu

nic, wrapper, shirt; husk, peel. turba, -ae, f., uproar, turmoil, commotion; mob, multitude, throng, crowd, host; the common crowd, the masses.

turbō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, [turba], I, n. and a., be in disorder, be

confused, whirl; disturb, confuse, agitate, disorder, trouble. turbō, -inis, [turbō, whirl], m., whirlwind, tornado; storm; whirling motion, revolution; of a shell, whorl, twist. turgēscō, -ere,

[turgeō, swell out], 3, inch., n., begin to swell, swell up, swell. turpis, -e, adj., ugly, unsightly, hideous, repulsive; odious, base shameful, disgraceful.

turris, -is, f., tower; by metonymy, high structure, castle, palace; dove-tower, dove-cot.

turtur, -uris, m., turtle-dove. tūs, tūris, [0úos], n., incense, frankincense.

Tūscus, -a, -um, adj., Tuscan, Etruscan, Etrurian. tūtēla, -ae, [tueor], f., protection, safeguard, defence; protector, guardian, ward.

tūtus, -a, -um, [tueor], adj., guarded, safe, secure, out of danger; watchful, cautious. tuus, -a, -um, [tū], poss. pron. adj., thy, thine, your, yours; your As subst., tuī, -ōrum, m., your kinsmen, your friends; tua, -ōrum, n., your property, your possessions. tyrannus, -1, [rúpavvos], m., ruler,


monarch, sovereign, king; despot. tyrannis, -idis, f., tyranny. Tyrius, -a, -um, adj., of Tyre, Tyrian.


über, -eris, n., teat, udder, breast; by metonymy, richness, fertility. über, -eris, comp. uberior, sup. ūberrimus, [ūber], adj., fruitful, fertile, plentiful, copious; full, productive.

ubi or ubi, adv., of place, where, wheresoever, in what place; of time, when, whenever, as soon as; used in place of a relative pron., wherewith, by which, with whom, by whom.

ubique [ubi + que], adv., any where, everywhere, in any place, in every place.

ūdus, -a, -um, [for ūvidus], adj.,

wet, moist, damp.

ūllus, -a, -um, gen. ūllīus, adj.,

any. As subst., any one, anybody.

ulmus, -i, f., elm-tree, elm. ulterior, ius, gen. -ōris, sup. ultimus, [cf. ūltrā], adj. in the comp. degree, farther, beyond, more distant, more remote. Neut. ulterius, as adv., beyond, farther on, further, more, longer, to a greater degree. Sup. ultimus,

-a, -um, farthest, most distant, uttermost, extreme, last. ultor, -ōris, [cf. ulciscor, avenge],

m., punisher, avenger. ultrā, adv., on the other side; beyond, farther, more, besides, in addition.

ululō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, I, a. and n., howl, yell, shriek; wail, lament.

ulva, -ae, f., marsh-grass, sedge. umbra, -ae, f., shade, shadow; shaded place, shady place; especially of the dead, shade, ghost, image, phantom; outline, trace. ūmeō, -ēre, , [cf. ūmor], 2, n., be wet, be moist, be damp. umerus, -I, m., upper arm, shoulder.

ūmidus, -a, -um, [ūmeō], adj.,

moist, damp, wet, humid.

ūmor, -ōris, [umeō], m., moisture, liquid, fluid.

umquam, adv., at any time, ever, at all.

ūnā [ūnus], adv., at once, together, at the same time.

uncus, -a, -um, adj., hooked, crooked, curved, barbed, bent in. unda, -ae, f., wave, billow; by metonymy, water, flood, stream, tide. unde, adv., interrogative, whence? from what place? from whom? rel., of place, from what place, from which place, whence; of source and cause, from whom, from which, whence, on account of which.

undecimus, -a, -um, [ūnus +

decimus], num. adj., eleventh. undique [unde-que], adv., from all sides, on all sides; from

every quarter, everywhere. unguis, -is, m., nail of finger .or toe; of animals, claw, talon, paw, hoof.

ungula, -ae, [unguis], f., claw, talon, hoof.

unicolor, -ōris, [ūnus + color], adj., of one color, single-colored. ūnicus, -a, -um, [ūnus], adj., only,

single, sole, solitary; unique, uncommon, alone of its kind. ūnus, -a, -um, gen. ūnīus, some

times in poetry ūnius, num. adj., one, one only, a single one; alone, sole, single; one and the same. urbs, urbis, f., city; especially the city, Rome.

urgeō, urgere, ursī, ,2, a. and n., press, press on, push, force, impel, urge; press upon, weigh down, oppress; push forward, urge on, drive.

ūrna, -ae, f., water-jar, urn; vessel, urn for casting or drawing lots; cinerary urn, in which the ashes of the dead were placed. ūrō, ūrere, ūssī, ūstum, 3, a.,

burn, burn up, consume; scorch, parch, dry up; burn in; set on fire, kindle, enflame; vex, annoy.

ūsquam, adv., anywhere, at any place, in any place, to any place. ūsque, adv., even to, as far as, all the way, continuously. úsque adeo, to such an extent, even so far.

ūsus, -ūs, [ūtor], m., use, employment, usage, enjoyment; practice, experience, skill; intercourse, familiarity; value, benefit, profit, advantage, service, need.

ut or utī, adv. and conj., of place, where; of time, as, as soon as, just as; of manner, interrogative, how? in what way? in what manner? relative, as, as for instance, seeing that, as if, on the supposition that. ut primum, as soon as. ut-ita, so — as, while-still.

ut or utī, conj. with subj., of result, that, so that; of purpose, in order that, that; of concession, though, although.

uterque, utraque, utrumque, gen. utriusque, [uter +-que], adj., each, either; one and the other, both.

ūtilis, -e, [ūtor], adj., useful, serviceable; profitable, expedient, advantageous; fit, suitable, proper. ūtilitās, -ātis, [ūtilis], f., utility, use; profit, benefit, advantage, expediency.

utinam [uti + nam], adv., oh

that! if only! would that! ūtor, ūtī, ūsus sum, 3, dep., n., used with abl., use, employ, make use of; serve one's self with, enjoy, indulge in; consume. utrimque [uterque], adv.,


either side, on both sides, from either side.

ūva, -ae, f., grape, bunch of grapes, grape-cluster; by metonymy, grape vine, vine. uxor, -ōris, f., wife, spouse.


vacca, -ae, f., cow. vacō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, 1, n., be

empty, be vacant, be without, be idle, be at leisure, have time. vacuus, -a, -um, [vacō], adj., empty, void, vacant, free, without; idle, unemployed, unengaged; unmarried, single, heart-free; of a field, open, free. vādō, -ere,

", 3, n., go, especially go in haste, rush, proceed rapidly.

vadum, -ī, n., shallow place in a stream or the sea, shallow, ford, shoal; by metonymy, sea, stream, channel of a stream.

vagor, -ārī, -ātus sum, [vagus], I, dep., n. and a., stroll about, wander, roam, rove.

vagus, -a, -um, adj., strolling, rambling, wandering, vagrant ; unsettled, uncertain, wavering, in


valeō, -ēre, -ui, -itum, 2, n., be strong, be vigorous, be healthy, be sound; have power, avail, prevail; be able, be capable, be enough. Imp. valē, as a greeting, farewell, good-bye.

validus, -a, -um, [cf. valeō], adj., strong, robust, vigorous, powerful, able; efficient, efficacious. vallēs, -is, f., valley, dale. valvae, -ārum, f., pl., folding-doors, double-doors.

vānus, -a, -um, [cf. vacō], adj.,

empty, idle, groundless; fruitless, vain; ignorant, foolish; deceitful.

vapor, -ōris, m., steam, exhalation; warm exhalation, warmth, heat. varius, -a, -um, adj., variegated, spotted, mottled; diversified, varying, changeable, various, manifold; diverse, different.

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vel, either vēlāmen, -inis, [vēlō], n., cover, covering; robe, garment, veil. vēlō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, [vēlum],

I, a., cover, veil, enwrap, envelop. vēlōx, -ōcis, adj., swift, quick, fleet, speedy, rapid.

vēlum, -ī, n., sail; by metonymy, awning, curtain.

velut or velutī, [vel + ut or uti],

adv., even as, just as; for instance; as it were, as though, as if.

vēna, -ae, f., blood-vessel, vein, ar

tery; by metonymy, water-course, vein of metal, mine. venēnifer, -fera, -ferum, [venēnum + ferō], adj., poison-carrying, poisonous, venomous. venēnum, -1, n., poison, venom; magical potion, charm. veneror, -ārī, -ātus sum, 1, dep., a., reverence, worship, adore; venerate, do homage to.

venia, -ae, f., indulgence, favor, kindness; permission; pardon, forgiveness.

veniō, venire, vēnī, ventum, 4, n., come; come into, enter; approach, arise, spring.

ventus, -ī, m., wind. venus, -eris, f., loveliness, grace, charm. Personified, Venus, Venus, goddess of beauty and love, mother of Cupid. See p. 44. vēr, vēris, n., spring, spring-time. verber, -eris, n., lash, whip, Scourge; by metonymy, blow, stroke, scourging, flogging. verberō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, [verber], I, a., strike, flog, lash, whip,


verbōsus, -a, -um, [verbum], adj.,

full of talk, wordy, verbose, prolix. verbum, -1, n., word. verba facere, to speak.

vereor, -ērī, -itus sum, 2, dep., a. and n., reverence, stand in awe, revere; fear, be afraid, dread, apprehend.

vērō [vērus], adv., truly, certainly,

in truth; but in fact, however, but. versō, -āre, -āvī, -ātum, [freq. of vertō], I, a., turn often, keep turning, turn over, turn; manage, direct; turn about, toss about; revolve, consider; of a door, turn, open.

versus [vertō], adv., turned to

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